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, on the 11th of October the following telegram was forwarded to him from Richmond: Take possession of the coin of the Bank of Louisiana, in the hands of W. H. Young, President of the Bank of Columbus, Ga., and place it in the bands of John Boston, the depositary of the Government, at Savannah. A written order will be sent immediately, but don't wait for it. G. W. Randolph, Secy. of War. Without loss of time, though very reluctantly, General Beauregard sent an officer of his staffo Richmond. No reply yet. A. G. Rice, A. D. C. Forcible possession, however, was taken of the coin; and the Secretary of War, when applied to for further instructions, ordered that, inasmuch as Mr. Young had been appointed a depositary by Mr. Boston, the money be left in the hands of the former, upon his consenting to receipt for it as the depositary of the Treasury Department. See telegrams, in Appendix. This Mr. Young declined to do; and thereupon General Beauregard was ordered by the
he General Commanding regards it as prudent that the officers should be cautioned not to permit the cooked rations to grow stale; they must be consumed and replaced by fresh provisions from day to day. 2d. These troops will be expected to move in light marching order, unencumbered with unnecessary baggage. Respectfully, your obedient servant, Thomas Jordan, Chief of Staff, A. A. G. Richmond, Oct. 14th, 1862. Genl. Beauregard: President Young has been appointed a depositary by Mr. Boston. You may therefore leave the money in Young's hands, upon his consenting to receipt for it as the depositary of the Treasury Department. G. W. Randolph, Secy. of War. Richmond, Oct. 15th, 1862. Genl. G. T. Beauregard: The Secretary of the Treasury desires to have the coin turned over to T. S. Metcalf, the Government depositary at Augusta. You will dispose of it accordingly. George W. Randolph, Secy. of War. Augusta, Oct. 18th, 1862. Genl. Jordan, Chief of Staff: After an unav