Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 5, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Boteler or search for Boteler in all documents.

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The President's Message. The President's Message was sent in to Congress yesterday, at noon. In the Senate, Mr. Clingmam, of N. C., made, as far as it is intelligible by telegraph, a strong disunion speech, and in the House, Mr. Boteler, of Va., offered a resolution which is conciliatory in its intention, whatever it may be in effect. The Message proceeds at once to the consideration of the present crisis in the affairs of the country. Neither the efforts of Northern States to exclude slavery from the Territories, nor to prevent the execution of the fugitive slave law, have contributed to bring it about, so much as the incessant and violent agitation of the question of slavery at the North, which has, at length, produced its malign influence on the slaves, and deprived the Southern home of that sense of security so essential to family happiness. He does not think, however, that this evil will be increased by the election of a Republican President, who is so wisely limited in h
[special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch] the President's Message — its reception-- Mr. Cobb's resignation, "c. Washington, Dec. 4. --The President's Message is thought to be the ablest Mr. Buchanan ever se but it satisfies neither the North or the South--it blows hot and cold — opposes the right of secession, but advocates anything but coercion, Mr. Boteler's committee of one from, each State, to consider the Message, will be packed by Speaker Pennington, and decided Southern sentiment will have no one to represent it. Its conclusions will be of no value.--The signs apparent are more and more for discussion. New York is alive to the crisis, but the rural districts of the North think it all summery, and refuse to yield an inch. Mr. Cobb's resignation to-morrow will be accompanied by an address opposing the President's views concerning secession. Judge Black, at present Attorney General, will be nominated for the vacancy on the bench of the Supreme Court, caused
f the Whole on the State of the Union. Mr. Boteler, of Va, moved that that portion of it referrespecting the ion of fugitive slaves. Mr. Boteler declined accepting Mr. McClermand's amendmeobjection. Mr. Stanton (Rep.) supposed Mr. Boteler could accomplish his obtect by omitting thend Barrett, of Missouri, also objected, and Mr. Boteler modified his objection by striking out the of organizing the proposed committee. Mr. Boteler said he had specially avoided saying now thtate of the Union, and printed, together with Boteler's amendment thereto, namely: that so much, t ction was made to Morris' resolution, that of Boteler being distinctly before the House. Mr. Bwords "perilous state of the country," that Mr. Boteler incorporate in his resolution the language s proposition. The question was taken on Boteler's resolution, as an amendment to Sherman's motion. Mr. Boteler wished to say that he would decline an appointment on the committee appointe[1 more...]