Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 06, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Boteler or search for Boteler in all documents.

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ght, at the National Hotel, by walking about, muttering curses. There are slavery as well as anti-slavery fanatics; and, at a time like this, there is no telling when some enthusiast may be guilty of the horrid crime of assassination of some prominent Republican. The ladies say that the appeals of the merchants here for Union are truly pathetic.--Some of them, like Galt, the great jeweller, who is a Virginian, are ready to go — looking to re-opening of their stores in cities further South. The Southern clerks, almost to a man, are ripe for secession. They make no account of the loss of their salaries, amounting in many-cases to ruin. I conclude, while the Message is still sounding in my ears. After it is finished, Mr. Boteler, of Virginia, will introduce Cochrane's proposition to refer it to a committee of one from each State. Mr. Corwin is said to be making herculean exertions in behalf of the Union, addressing himself mainly to the opponents of Democracy. Zed.
From Washington. Washington, Dec. 5. --In the Committee of Ways and Means, to-day, Mr. Phelps, of Mr. moved to issue $10,000,000 of Treasury notes to relieve the embarrassment of the Government. Mr. Boteler's committee of one from each State, on the subject of the Secession part of the President's message, will not be appointed until Monday, as the Speaker wishes to consult the various delegations, with the view of obtaining the most conservative member of each. [second Dispom the slaveholding States, to proceed to the South Carolina Convention, with a view to a conference, and to appeal to that State to pause in her present movement. The suggestion is made in intelligent circles that when the special committee on Boteler's resolution shall have been announced, the influential and conservative men from each State should communicate forthwith with the members of said committee, thereby thus contributing, to that extent, their power to fix upon some practicable mod