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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The battle of fleet Wood. (search)
e day the brigades were moved down toward the Rappahannock, preparatory to the crossing, which it was contemplated to make the next day. Fitz Lee's Brigade, commanded by Colonel Thomas T. Munford, having charge of the pickets on the upper Rappahannock, was, with the exception of the Fourth Virginia Cavalry, moved across the Hazel river. W. H. F. Lee's Brigade was stationed on the road to Welford's ford; Jones' Brigade on the road to Beverly's ford, and Robertson's Brigade on the farm of John Minor Botts, picketing the lower fords. Hampton's Brigade was held in reserve. One battery of horse artillery was sent with Fitz Lee's Brigade across the Hazel river; the remaining four batteries accompanied Jones' Brigade. The object of the movement contemplated for the next morning was not to make an extensive cavalry raid, but to place the command in such position as best to protect the flank of our army while marching northward. Orders were issued to march at an early hour on the 9th, and,
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The campaign of Gettysburg. (search)
m in that vicinity, I directed General Buford to advance his right, while the left was extended in the direction of Brandy Station. The enemy's cavalry, well supplied with artillery, fought with great stubbornness, and it was one o'clock in the day before I made any communication with Gregg. He informed me that he had been actively engaged all day; that the enemy were running trains full of infantry from Culpepper to Brandy Station, and massing them in the woods near the residence of John Minor Botts. Gregg was then directed to withdraw and recross the river at the railroad bridge, which he did without difficulty. I held my position, covering Beverly ford, until Gregg's crossing was assured, and then withdrew. The last gun was fired at seven in the evening. Such was the action of Beverly ford, which General Longstreet calls Brandy Station. It was a roconnoissance in force, in which some of the hardest fighting of the war had to be done. It accomplished more than was expecte
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
ecretary to forbid the common use of the bridge over the Roanoke at Weldon, the tracks being planked, to be used in case of a hasty retreat; the loss might be great, if it were rendered useless. It is 1760 feet long, and 60 feet high. Mr. John Minor Botts is here in difficulty, a negro being detected bearing a letter from him to the enemy's camp. The letter asked if no order had come from Washington, concerning the restoration of his slaves taken away (he lives on the Rappahannock) by Hookho resigned because he was not made lieutenant-general instead of Pemberton, says he don't know how to read this dispatch. Nevertheless, it is generally believed, and affords much relief to those who appreciate the importance of Vicksburg. Mr. Botts was offered $500 in Confederate States notes, the other day, for a horse. He said he would sell him for $250 in gold, but would not receive Confederate notes, as the South would certainly be conquered, and it was merely a question of time. Th
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
onfederacy. But the war will go on. June 29 There is no confirmation of the report of the fall of Vicksburg, but it may be so; nor is it certain that we have advanced to Harrisburg, but it is probable. Gen. D. H. Hill writes (on Saturday) from Petersburg that 40,000 of the enemy could not take Richmond; but this may be fishing for the command. He says if Gen. Dix comes this way, he would make him a subject of the cartel of exchange which he (Dix) had a hand in negotiating. J. M. Botts writes, from his farm in Culpepper, that our men are quartered on his premises, and do as much injury as a hostile army could. He is neutral. They pay him ten cents per day for the grazing of each horse. The Commissary-General is again recommending the procuring of bacon from within the enemy's lines, in exchange for cotton. Why not get meat from the enemy's country for nothing? Hon. R. M. T. Hunter writes to the Secretary of War to let the Quartermaster-General alone, that he
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 29 (search)
in the battle of the 18th inst., about 150 killed and wounded. The enemy's loss, including prisoners, was about 2000. Nearly 800 were buried under a flag of truce. Col. Putnam, acting brigadier-general, and Col. Shaw, commanding the negro regiment, were killed. (Signed) G. T. Beauregard, General. It is said the raiders that dashed into Wytheville have been taken; but not so with the raiders that have been playing havoc with the railroad in North Carolina. Another letter from J. M. Botts, Culpepper County, complains of the pasturing of army horses in his fields before the Gettysburg campaign, and asks if his fields are to be again subject to the use of the commander of the army, now returning to his vicinity. If he knows that Gen. Lee is fallen back thither, it is more than any one here seems to know. We shall see how accurate Mr. B. is in his conjecture. A letter from Mr. Goodman, president of Mobile and Charleston Railroad, says military orders have been issued to
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 2: Introductory Sketches. (search)
r, after all, the Democrats of Virginia did not, in this great crisis, exhibit a higher degree of prescient statesmanship. Among the Whig leaders I distinctly recall William Ballard Preston, A. H. H. Stuart, Thomas Stanhope Flournoy, and John Minor Botts. I do not remember whether John B. Baldwin was a member of this convention of 1860. If so, I did not happen to hear him speak. Mr. Preston, Mr. Stuart, and Mr. Flournoy, as well as Mr. Baldwin, were, later, members of the Secession Conven Mr. Fillmore's administration. Mr. Preston was afterwards a member of the Confederate Senate and Mr. Stuart one of the commissioners appointed by Virginia to confer with Mr. Lincoln as to his attitude and action toward the seceded States. Mr. Botts made a very powerful address before the convention, but the spirit of it did not please me. He belittled the John Brown raid, at the same time accusing Governor Wise of having done everything in his power to magnify it. He ridiculed the Governo
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
, 176, 179, 223, 261, 292-93. Barnes, Beau, 252-53. Barrett, ............ (orderly), 260-61, 270 Battle fatigue, 77 Battlefield tours, 92-94, 107 Bayonets used in action, 333 Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, 208, 242, 274, 309 Beers, James H., 37-44, 150, 154, 181, 183 Bell, John, 25 Benjamin, Judah Philip, 26, 40 Beulah Church, Va., 270, 272 Big Bethel, Va., 44-45. Blount, ........... 321,330 Bocock, Thomas Stanhope, 26-27. Boonsborough, Md., 66 Botts, John Minor, 31-32. Bowling Green, Va., 266 Brandon, Lane William, 115, 130, 292 Brandon, William Lindsay, 115-16, 130 Bravery, standards of, 115-17, 194, 245-46. Breathed, James, 53 Breckinridge, James Cabell, 26, 308 Bridgeport, Conn., 37 Bristoe Station, 228 Brookin, ........... 329 Brown, Francis Henry, 51 Brown, John, 26, 31-33, 48, 82 Buford, John, 210 Burgoyne, Marshall K., 212-14. Burial of the dead, 41-42, 98, 116-17, 132, 143-44, 148-49, 219-20, 294-96. Bu
e debate was further continued by Mr. B. Osborne, Mr. Bright, Mr. Gregory, and Mr. Bouverie. Mr. Gregory treated the reported offer spoken of as a newspaper rumor, and declared that he should, on the 7th, press his motion for the acknowledgment of the Confederate States. --(Doc. 207 1/2.) Judge Hall's charge to the grand jury at Rochester, N. Y., on the law of treason, was published.--N. Y. World, May 28. Two letters from Edward Bates, Attorney-General of the United States, to John Minor Botts of Virginia, were made public.--(Doc. 208.) The assertion of the Governor of Georgia, that property of citizens of that State found in the State of New York is forcibly taken from its owners, is denied in a letter published this day, signed by the officers of seven New York banks.--(Doc. 209.) The Rochester Regiment, Colonel Quimby, and the Syracuse Regiment, Colonel Walrath, left Elmira, N. Y., for the seat of war.--Buffalo Courier, May 81. The Garibaldi Guard, under the
th as to be able to give battle to the strongest armies of the enemy. John Minor Botts, Valentine Heckler, Franklin Stearns, and others were arrested in Richmondder of the government, proceeded with a party of select men to the farm of John Minor Botts, and took him and all of his papers and private correspondence, in custody. Leaving an officer in charge of the papers and house of Botts, Capt. Goodwin brought him prisoner to this city, and lodged him in McDaniel's negro-jail, situated ion men, and all of their papers and letters, and brought them to this city. Botts' and Heckler's letters and papers have not yet been examined. Stearns' have ung of interest has been found among them, except several letters from his friend Botts, begging for money. We are under the impression that, as yet, the government is in possession of no positive information that would convict Botts of treason. But he is known to be the recognised leader of all the disaffected — all the low G
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Casualties in the First New-Jersey cavalry. (search)
were very near) their overwhelming numbers were checked, or else they would have annihilated it. With the remainder of the squadron Major Russell and Lieutenant Norwood captured thirty-five prisoners, and in bringing them to the rear were entirely cut off by the advance of two rebel regiments, who retook twenty-two of the prisoners. Major Russell and Lieutenant Norwood made their way around the right flank of the enemy with the remaining thirteen prisoners. Major Russell here met the Hon. John Minor Botts, and shook hands with him. The first squadron, commanded by Captain J. Hancock, and composed of companies F, G, and L, proceeded, by order of Colonel Wyndham, on the road to Germania Ford. When they came within a mile of the Culpeper and Fredericksburgh roads, they met the rebel pickets, and learned that since the sixth instant no force had passed up from Fredericksburgh. Captain Hancock, after a general reconnoissance, returned safely with his squadron, and joined in other us
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