Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 13, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Boulware or search for Boulware in all documents.

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part of the people. The subject is not a dry one, even for a newspaper man, yet want of space compels us to dismiss it with the remark that the river yesterday experienced a collapse sufficient to lower its surface eight feet. The effects of the present freshet have been particularly disastrous on the South side of the river, opposite Richmond. The valuable and highly cultivated lands lying on its margin are now all overflowed, the dykes constructed for the especial purpose of keeping the tides out having given away under the heavy pressure, and the angry flood now cover thousands of acres of the very best land the lower Virginia, entirely destroying the crops, and destroying all chance for pitching a crop there this year. The low-lands of the following gentlemen in Chesterfield have been flooded, viz: J. B. Jones, T. V. Burgess, Henry Cox, Dr. John Howlett, the Messrs. Friend, Boulware, Fenoley, Gregory, Willis, A. H. Drewry, and others. The destruction of crops will be heavy.