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man explained the object of the meeting in an appropriate speech. On motion of Mr. Gardner, a committee of seven was appointed to draft resolutions. Mr. N. F. Bowe then asked Mr. Holladay to vacate the chair, which he did, and Dr. S. Coates occupied the same as temporary chairman. Mr. Bowe then moved that Mr. HolladMr. Bowe then moved that Mr. Holladay be added to the committee, which motion was adopted. The committee then retired, and during their absence speeches were made by the citizens generally. Mr. Bowe then asked Dr. McGruder, delegate to the Legislature, to define his position. The doctor said in reply, that he would lay down his life cheerfully to preMr. Bowe then asked Dr. McGruder, delegate to the Legislature, to define his position. The doctor said in reply, that he would lay down his life cheerfully to preserve the Union as handed down to us by the patriots of the Revolution; but whenever it was ascertained that Virginia could not get her rights in the Union, he would be in favor of her resuming all power delegated to the Federal Government, not to go North or South, but to tend under the flag of Virginia. The majority of the
Political meeting. --The Southern States Rights party hold a meeting to-day, at 12 o'clock, at Henrico County Court-House, in order to nominate a candidate for the next House of Delegates. N. F. Bowe, Esq., Drs. John R. Garnett and Robert B. Lyne, and J. Nicholas Davis, Esq., are prominently spoken of in connection with the above nomination.
Patrol appointed. --The County Court of Henrico yesterday appointed, for a term not exceeding three months the following persons to act as a patrol in the county of Henrico, to wit: N. F. Bowe, Captain; A. L. Holladay, 1st Lieutenant; G. Alberget, 2d Lieutenant; Peter Newman, 1st Sergeant; Jali Taylor, 2d Sergeant. Privates — S. Lovingston, Jo. Kirsh, J. A. Lacy, J. R. Lacy, H. Hechiler, S. Hilstern, Wm Cullingsworth, H. J. Christian, L. Chamberlain, M. Altmeyer, A. W. West, Jno. P. Taylor, Thos J. Taylor. C. Hartman. N. Bowe, H. Davis. T. Huffman, Jno. A. Chevallie, R. W. Allen, W. T. Linsey. The Patrol are required to visit and patrol within the county aforesaid, twice a week, all negro quarters and other places suspected of having therein unlawful assemblies of such slaves as may stroll from one plantation to another without permission. The service to be performed by them to be free of cost to the county.
The Daily Dispatch: January 10, 1861., [Electronic resource], Chronology of the day--battle of New Orleans. (search)
Insubordination. --A negro named Henry, owned by Miss Harrison, has been hired for two years past by Mr. N. F. Bowe, of Henrico county, and this year was hired again of the agents, P. M. Tabb & Son, but failed to go to work, and ran away. He was, however, arrested, sent to the city, and lodged in Davis' jail, and on Tuesday Mr. Bowe took him in a buggy to go home. The negro was refractory on the way, so that Mr. B. was compelled to tie him. On reaching home he took the negro to an out-house for the purpose of giving him the punishment he merited, and as he seized and threw him, the negro rose upon Mr. B. with a knife. A servant of Mr. Bowe come toMr. Bowe come to the aid of his master, and the two again threw the refractory fellow, who continued to fight desperately with his knife until Mr. B. drew a pistol and shot him in the left leg, below the knee. Mr. B.'s little son then came and thrust at the negro with a sword cane, and they finally succeeded in overpowering him. But for the aid
stance by private subscription, to perfect the organization of the requisite number, With regard to the sum of $2,500 necessary for the more thorough arming of these companies, should the amount be raised in the county, the Committee recommend that application be made to the State authorities for reimbursement of such expense. The report was approved, and an order was passed inviting the people of the county to meet at the Court-House on Wednesday next, to consider the subject of memorializing the Legislature to authorize the Court to levy on the people such amount as may be necessary to put the county in an efficient state of defence, and also authorizing the President of the Court to convene the same immediately, to lay such levy. After the reading of the foregoing report, patriotic Southern speeches were made by Col. J. Lucius Davis, Col. Sherwin McRae, N. F. Bowe, Esq., Capt. John Wilder Atkinson, Col. John B. Young, Robt. A. Mayo, Garland Hanes, and Wm. Boulware, Esqs.
County Court. --Nothing of interest transpired in the County Court of Henrico yesterday. The trial of Mr. N. F. Bowe's negro will take place to-day. Joseph Bernard's examination, for the murder of John O. Taylor, is fixed for to-morrow.
ranklin street, below Exchange Hotel; W. G. Dandridge, Broad st., near 9th; Spotts & Harvey, 14th street, near Mayo's Bridge. Contributions in money may be sent to I. W. Walker, Chairman of the Collecting Committee, Sheriff's office, Main st. The following gentlemen of the county have been appointed to act in their respective neighborhoods in further enlisting sympathy and securing contributions: Henrico.--Dr. John Garnett, Messrs. Henry Cox, R. A. Mayo, R. Gentry, James Carter, N. F. Bowe, J. B. Crenshaw, Rev. Geo. D. Exall, John F. Wrenn, John Stewart, James Lyons, Fendall Griffin, Garland Hanes, Josiah Dobbs, F. Stearns, Thos. E. Nichols, Henry Satter-white. Hanover.--Messrs. Ed. Sydnor, B. T. Winston, W. C. Shelton, G. W. Doswell, Dr. W. F. Gaines, Col. E. Shelton. Chesterfield.--Messrs. H. T. Drewry, Samuel. Hargrove, W. B. Gates, Augustus Jenks, E. O. Watkins, T. Dorsett, Rev. C. Friend. Charles City.--Messrs. Hill Carter, Robert Douthat, and Dr. E. Wilc
g, and answering questions with an indifference almost amounting to stupidity. Jim, also under the medium height, black, about 18 years old, with a round and plump face. These were hired from Redwood & Keach, and belong to Mr. Chilton, of Lancaster, Va. Joshua, a boy about 16 years old, black, with large eyes, and hair closely shaved. Hired of Hector Davis, of Richmond. My own negroes had a variety of clothing, but will probably put on soldiers' old clothes, which have been very plenty of late near me. There is no sort of doubt they are alming for the Yankee camps, and will probably attempt to cross the Chickaherainy near Meadow Bridges. I will pay one hundred dollars each for the delivery to me, or for securing in any jail in Virginia so that I get them again, of Jeff, and Fox, and ten dollars each for Oscar and Jim, and am authorized by Mr. Davis, agent, to offer fifty dollars, in like manner, for Joshua. N. F. Bowe. Magnolla, June 24, 1862. je 25--3t*
ng, and answering questions with an indifference almost amounting to stupidity. Jim, also under the medium height, black, about 18 years old, with a round and plump face. These were hired from Redwood & Keach, and belong to Mr. Chilton, of Lancaster, Va. Joshua, a boy about 16 years old, black, with large eyes, and hair closely shaved. Hired of Hector Davis, of Richmond. My own negroes had a variety of clothing, but will probably put on soldiers' old clothes, which have been very plenty of late near me. There is no sort of doubt they are aiming for the Yankee camps, and will probably attempt to cross the Chickahominy near Meadow Bridges. I will pay one hundred dollars each for the delivery to me, or for securing in any jail in Virginia so that I get them again, of Jeff. and Fox, and ten dollars each for Oscar and Jim, and am authorize by Mr. Davis, agent, to offer fifty dollars, in like manner, for Joshua. N. F. Bowe. Magnolia, June 24, 1862. je 25--3t*
g, and answering questions with an indifference almost amounting to stupidity. Jim, also under the medium height, black, about 18 years old, with a round and plump face. These were hired from Redwood & Keach, and belong to Mr. Chilton, of Lancaster, Va. Joshua, a boy about 16 years old, black; with large eyes, and hair closely shaved. Hired of Hector Davis; of Richmond. My own negroes had a variety of clothing, but will probably put on soldiers' old clothes, which have been very plenty of late near me. There is no sort of doubt they are aiming for the Yankee camps, and will probably attempt to cross the Chickahominy near Meadow Bridges. I will pay one hundred dollars each for the delivery to me, or for securing in any jail in Virginia so that I get them again, of Jeff. and Fox, and ten dollars each for Oscar and Jim, and am authorized by Mr. Davis, agent, to offer fifty dollars, in like manner, for Joshua. N. F. Bowe. Magnolia, June 24, 1862. je 25--3t*