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Your search returned 33 results in 13 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: April 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], Political meeting. (search)
Political meeting.
--The Southern States Rights party hold a meeting to-day, at 12 o'clock, at Henrico County Court-House, in order to nominate a candidate for the next House of Delegates. N. F. Bowe, Esq., Drs. John R. Garnett and Robert B. Lyne, and J. Nicholas Davis, Esq., are prominently spoken of in connection with the above nomination.
Patrol appointed.
--The County Court of Henrico yesterday appointed, for a term not exceeding three months the following persons to act as a patrol in the county of Henrico, to wit:
N. F. Bowe, Captain; A. L. Holladay, 1st Lieutenant; G. Alberget, 2d Lieutenant; Peter Newman, 1st Sergeant; Jali Taylor, 2d Sergeant.
Privates — S. Lovingston, Jo. Kirsh, J. A. Lacy, J. R. Lacy, H. Hechiler, S. Hilstern, Wm Cullingsworth, H. J. Christian, L. Chamberlain, M. Altmeyer, A. W. West, Jno. P. Taylor, Thos J. Taylor. C. Hartman. N. Bowe, H. Davis. T. Huffman, Jno. A. Chevallie, R. W. Allen, W. T. Linsey.
The Patrol are required to visit and patrol within the county aforesaid, twice a week, all negro quarters and other places suspected of having therein unlawful assemblies of such slaves as may stroll from one plantation to another without permission.
The service to be performed by them to be free of cost to the county.
The Daily Dispatch: January 10, 1861., [Electronic resource], Chronology of the day--battle of New Orleans . (search)
--A negro named Henry, owned by Miss Harrison, has been hired for two years past by Mr. N. F. Bowe, of Henrico county, and this year was hired again of the agents, P. M. Tabb & Son, but failed to go to work, and ran away.
He was, however, arrested, sent to the city, and lodged in Davis' jail, and on Tuesday Mr. Bowe took him in a buggy to go home.
The negro was refractory on the way, so that Mr. B. was compelled to tie him. On reaching home he took the negro to an out-house for the purpose of giving him the punishment he merited, and as he seized and threw him, the negro rose upon Mr. B. with a knife.
A servant of Mr. Bowe come toMr. Bowe come to the aid of his master, and the two again threw the refractory fellow, who continued to fight desperately with his knife until Mr. B. drew a pistol and shot him in the left leg, below the knee.
Mr. B.'s little son then came and thrust at the negro with a sword cane, and they finally succeeded in overpowering him. But for the aid
The Daily Dispatch: January 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], The National Crisis. (search)
County Court.
--Nothing of interest transpired in the County Court of Henrico yesterday.
The trial of Mr. N. F. Bowe's negro will take place to-day.
Joseph Bernard's examination, for the murder of John O. Taylor, is fixed for to-morrow.