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stance by private subscription, to perfect the organization of the requisite number, With regard to the sum of $2,500 necessary for the more thorough arming of these companies, should the amount be raised in the county, the Committee recommend that application be made to the State authorities for reimbursement of such expense. The report was approved, and an order was passed inviting the people of the county to meet at the Court-House on Wednesday next, to consider the subject of memorializing the Legislature to authorize the Court to levy on the people such amount as may be necessary to put the county in an efficient state of defence, and also authorizing the President of the Court to convene the same immediately, to lay such levy. After the reading of the foregoing report, patriotic Southern speeches were made by Col. J. Lucius Davis, Col. Sherwin McRae, N. F. Bowe, Esq., Capt. John Wilder Atkinson, Col. John B. Young, Robt. A. Mayo, Garland Hanes, and Wm. Boulware, Esqs.