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, 340; IV., 88. Booth, J. W.: VII., 203, 207; flight, capture and death of, VII., 205; VIII., 26, 363, 366; IX., 128, 338. Borodino, losses at, X., 140. Boston, R., IV., 86, 88. Boston Mountains, Ark., II., 326. Bottom's bridge, Va.: I., 286, 294; IV., 126. Botts, J. M.: opposition of, to secession, VII., 195; mansion of, in Culpeper Co., Va., VII., 195; and his family, VII., 197. Bounty-jumping, VIII., 280, 282. Bowditch, H. I., VII., 226. Bowen, J. S.: I., 360; II., 214; 334, X., 279. Bowers, T. S.: III., 81; VIII., 359; X., 49. Bowie, G. W., X., 195. Bowling Green, Ky., I., 182, 196, 211 Boxes for the soldiers, in 1865, VII., 321. Boxes ready for the boys at the front Vii., 322. Boy generals, VIII., 193, 196. Boy musicians, VIII., 189, 192, 237. Boy soldier, Confederate, VIII., 383. Boyd, Belle Viii., 289, 291. Boyd, D. F., I., 105. Boydton, Va., III., 344. Boy
paign, X., 88. Missouri: II., 330; militia, II., 344; VII., 30; response to call to defend the Union, VIII., 74; enlistment on both sides, VIII., 102. Missouri troops, Confederate: Cavalry: First, I., 358. Infantry: First, I., 358; Second, I., 358; Third, I., 358; Fourth, I., 358; Fifth, I., 358; Sixth, I., 358; losses at Vicksburg, Miss., and Corinth, Miss., X., 156; Seventh, X., 156. State Guards: First, I., 350, 358, Second I, 358; Third, I., 350; Fourth, I., 350; Fifth, I, 350; Bowen's, I., 358; Price's, I., 352; Rains', I., 350. Missouri troops, Union: Artillery: Second, Battery L. II., 330; Bulliss', I., 358. Artillery, Light: First, Totten's Battery, I.,348, 350, 353, 368; Company A, I., 352, 356; Battery D, II., 332; Battery L. II., 332, Battery M. II, 341, 344; Second, Battery B. I., 358: Battery E. II., 352; Battery F. I., 358; Battery H. III., 332. Caralry: First, I., 352, 354, 356, 358, 360; II., 344, 352; Second, I., 368; II., 320, 332, 348; III., 332; Th