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pril, I sent another, requesting permission to publish the first one, for the reasons set forth therein (copy sent herewith). On the second May, I telegraphed Colonel Bowers, Adjutant-General, to ascertain if these had been received, and he answered, they were received, the latter during General Grant's absence. Orders have been owing are copies of the letters herein referred to. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, G. K. Warren,, Major-General Volunteers. General Warren to Col. Bowers. Petersburg, April 22, 1865. To Colonel T. S. Bowers, A. G., Headquarters Armies of United States: Colonel: I beg leave to forward a copy of communicatiColonel T. S. Bowers, A. G., Headquarters Armies of United States: Colonel: I beg leave to forward a copy of communication addressed to Headquarters Armies United States, on the ninth instant, with the request to be allowed to publish the same. This will relieve me and my friends from an unpleasant relation to the public, will answer many letters daily received, and will prevent my silence being an injury to me. I can then patiently await the inve