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Richmond with the humane treatment of rebel prisoners in Fort Warren. I am informed, from trustworthy sources, that our soldiers who are prisoners of war at Richmond are neither well fed nor well clothed, and they are subjected to the most rigid military surveillance, and occasionally exposed to the insulting language and demeanor of the populace of that city. Some of their number—among whom I may mention Colonel Lee and Major Revere, of the Massachusetts Twentieth Infantry, and Captains Bowman and Rockwood, of the Massachusetts Fifteenth (all of them gentlemen and soldiers, who have no superiors, in any sphere of human life, in all those qualities which ought to command respectful treatment)—are imprisoned in felon's cells, fed on felon's fare, in a common jail; huddled together in a space so narrow that there is not air enough for health or comfort; allowed, for exercise, to promenade half an hour each day on a narrow pathway surrounding their prison; and especially exposed
ion. The great rebellion was to be put down, and its promoters crushed beneath the ruins of their own ambition; and now, he says,— When the beauty of their Israel has been slain in our high places, and when her Lee and Revere, Rockwood and Bowman, lie in felon's cells, and hundreds of her sons wear out their hearts in sad captivity,—victims of their valor, and devotion to our Union,—one irrepressible impulse moves our people, and inspires our people in the field; one prayer to see the dayo the Committee on Federal Relations, that the Governor be requested to communicate with the President of the United States in regard to obtaining the release of Colonel Lee and Major Revere of the Twentieth Regiment, and of Captains Rockwood and Bowman of the Fifteenth Regiment, who are confined as hostages, in a felon's cell in Richmond, for captured rebel privateersmen. Jan. 8. In the Senate—Mr. Stockwell, of Suffolk, from the Committee on Printing, reported in favor of printing two thous
r, and sent forward to the front. Four new companies to complete the Thirty-second Regiment, and nine new regiments, had been filled to the maximum, and completely organized, and fully equipped; and eight of them had left the State, and entered upon active duty. The three companies for the Thirty-second Regiment left the State Aug. 20; the Thirty-third Regiment, Colonel Maggi, Aug. 11; the Thirty-fourth, Colonel Wells, Aug. 12; the Thirty-fifth, Colonel Wild, Aug. 22; The Thirty-sixth, Colonel Bowman, Aug. 31; the Thirty-seventh, Colonel Edwards, Sept. 5; the Thirty-eighth, Colonel Ingraham, Aug. 24; the Thirty-ninth, Colonel Davis, Sept. 6; the Fortieth, Lieutenant-Colonel Dalton, Sept. 8. All of these regiments were ordered to report to the Adjutant-General of the army, at Washington. The Forty-first Regiment, Colonel Chickering, left the State Nov. 5, and was ordered to report to Major-General Banks, at New York, who had superseded Major-General Butler in command of the Departm