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00 men in killed and wounded, while we only lost five on our side. Our loss was from the Nottoway Cavalry alone, whose horses, it seemed, mired in attempting to pass from the attack of an overwhelming force to the rear of McGruder's redoubt. The object of the Federal forces seems to have been to fall upon the force at Yorktown, and in their route were compelled to pass McGruder's lines. The battle lasted several hours, and the discharges of cannon were heard at this place very distinctly. Our brave boys were following up their victory when dispatches were sent out. We have pretty much the same report from two sources--one direct from the scene of action by a perfectly reliable party — and both tally so nearly that their truth, with some slight modifications, may be received with perfect confidence. You may expect to hear of more fighting in a day or two, as the battle fought to-day was not more than 12 miles from their stronghold at Fortress Monroe. Soldier Boy.