Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 9, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Soldier Boy or search for Soldier Boy in all documents.

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Religious Reading for the soldiers. --The Baptist Colportage Board has on hand a large assortment of Tracts, a portion of which have been written especially for the soldiers of the Confederate army. They have been pronounced by the religious press of the South to be excellent. We would especially call attention to the following:--"A Mother's Parcing Words to her Soldier Boy;" "Soldier's Great Want;" "I am a Soldier;" "Volunteers Wapted;" "Bathel." Besides the above, and many others designed for the soldier, we have a large supply of the best Tracts ever issued by the American Tract Society such as "Come to Jesus," "What it is to believe in Christ," &c. These have been reprinted in the South. We would also call attention to our "Hymns for the Camp." a little volume of rich, spiritual, old fashioned song. Within a few days we have sold hundreds of copies, and are receiving orders from various parts of the South. Resides the above we shall soon have a supply of large