Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 19, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Soldier Boy or search for Soldier Boy in all documents.

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here I found two others in the same state of mind, and with these three inquirers I had a delightful season of prayer. Deep sobs and big tears of penitence arose from these anxious hearts as they kneeled before the God of Heaven to confess their guilt and implore mercy. For some days our prayer meetings had been increasing in deep and soul-subduing interest till yesterday; we ventured to suggest that all who desired to be especially remembered in our prayers should manifest it by rising from their seats Quite a number, from ten to fifteen, stood up, and since we have been assured that not less than twenty are seeking the Saviour. Never have I known religious reading to be so much in demand. They read and then go to their comrades to recommend what has been of so much service to themselves. One soldier bought eight Testaments; two others asked for that delightful tract, "A Mother's Parting Words to her Soldier Boy," stating that they desired to send it by mail to their mothers.