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the part taken by the Third brigade in the actions of the nineteenth and twentieth instant, near the Chickamauga. My command consisted of the Second Minnesota, Colonel George; the Ninth Ohio, Colonel Kemmerling; the Thirty-fifth Ohio, Lieutenant-Colonel Boynton; the Eighty-seventh Indiana, Colonel Gleason; and Battery I, Fourth artillery, First Lieutenant F. G. Smith. Our effective strength on the morning of the nineteenth instant was one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight officers and m The attention of the General commanding the division is particularly called to the conduct of Colonel James George, commanding Second Minnesota; Colonel Gustavus Kemmerling, Ninth Ohio; Colonel N. Gleason, Eighty-seventh Indiana; Lieutenant-Colonel H. V. N. Boynton, commanding Thirty-fifth Ohio, and Lieutenant F. G. Smith, commanding battery I, Fourth artillery. These officers performed every duty required of them, with coolness and promptness, and by their energy and gallantry, contributed