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, 1810, the following officers were chosen for the year ensuing:-- Fitch Hall, Moderator. Abner Bartlett, Town-clerk. Nathan Wait,Selectmen. Fitch Hall, Jonathan Brooks, Luther Stearns, Benjamin Tufts, Joseph Manning, Treasurer. Caleb Brooks,Assessors. Ephraim Bailey, Joseph Swan, Nathan Wait,Constables. Joseph Wyman, Jeduthan Richardson,Surveyors of Highways. Samuel Tufts, jun., Gersham Teel,Tything-men. James T. Floyd, Andrew Blanchard,Cullers of Hoops and Staves. William Bradbury, Benjamin Tufts,Fence-viewers. Jeduthan Richardson, Joseph Wyman, Jonathan Harrington,Surveyors of Lumber. Calvin Turner, Thatcher Magoon, Timothy Dexter, John Dixen, Darius Wait, Jonathan Harrington,Measurers of Wood. Timothy Dexter, John Burrage, Ephraim Bailey, Joseph Church, Jonathan Warner, David Willis, Clerk of the Market. Fitch Hall,Fire-wards. John Hosmer, Jeduthan Richardson, Andrew Blanchard, Abner Bartlett, Richard Hall,To audit the Treasurer's Accounts
Abigail Bishop. Samuel Swan. Ebenezer Thompson. Nathan Wait. Thomas Bradshaw, jun. Nathaniel Mead. Zachariah Shed. Leonard Bucknam. Spencer Bucknam. John Bacon. Abigail Brooks and Rufus Frost. John Brooks and Mary Patten. John Brooks. Jethro Townsend. Caleb Brooks, jun. Thomas Brooks. S. Buel and Augustus Hunt. Thomas Bradshaw. Andrew Blanchard. Timothy Newell. Hezekiah Blanchard, jun. Ruth Benford. Jonathan Brooks. William Bradbury. Francis Burns. Marah Billings. Hezekiah Blanchard. David Bucknam. John Chadwick. John Cutter. Miles S. Wilson. Jonathan Dunham. Aaron Crowell. William Earl. Deborah Francis. Sarah Fulton. Henry Fowle. Benjamin Floyd. Benjamin Floyd, jun. Isaac Floyd. John Fowl. Gardner Greenleaf. Isaac Greenleaf. Edmund T. Gates. Ebenezer Hall. Natll. Hall and Susan Patten. Willis Hall. Abigail Hadley. Samuel Hadley. Benjamin Hal
bree, 103, 334, 393, 483, 507, 508, 536. Alms-houses, 347. Andrews, 41. Angier family, 501. Angier, 36, 110, 213, 231. Apple, Baldwin, 19. Auld, 48. Authors, 310. Avey, 43. Baldwin, 19, 20. Ballard family, 501. Baptist Society, 271. Bellevue, 54. Berry, 36, 43. Betts, 37. Bigelow, 249, 308. Birdue family, 501. Bishop family, 501. Bishop, 36, 49, 54, 95, 110, 336. Blanchard family, 502. Blanchard, 36. Blaney, 44. Boylston, 506. Bradbury, 36. Bradshaw family, 504. Bradshaw, 36, 65, 103, 329, 335, 431, 478, 526. Bradstreet, 28, 37, 97, 103, 482, 504, 544, 558. Brickmaking, 355. Bridges, 59, 72. Brook, Whitmore's, Marble, &c., 9. Brooks family, 506. Brooks, 19, 29, 34, 36, 43, 49, 51, 53, 55, 65, 72, 106, 109, 112, 114, 126, 127, 161, 164, 185, 197, 225, 255, 265, 285, 307, 315, 411, 545, 563, 569, 570. Brown, 509. Brude, 87. Buel, 51. Bugbe, 36. Bunker, 43. Burden, 36. Burgess, 44
1864. Brackett, Edward A. First Lieutenant, Battalion Quartermaster, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Oct. 25, 1861. Resigned, March 6, 1862. Brackett, Levi Curtis. See Mass. Field Officers. Bradbury, George L. Private, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Oct. 26, 1861. Corporal, Apr., 1862. Sergeant, May 1, 1864. Sergeant Major, Sept. 5, 1864. Second Lieutenant, Oct. 7, 1864. First Lieutenant, Adjutant, Dec. 17, 1864. Captain, 5th Mass. Cavalry, June 17, 1865. Mustered out, Oct. 31, 1865. Bradbury, William. First Lieutenant, 43d Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Sept. 20, 1862. Mustered out, July 30, 1863. Braden, Henry S. Second Lieutenant, 29th Mass. Infantry, July 31, 1862. First Lieutenant, Jan. 27, 1863. Mustered out, May 26, 1864. Bradford, Ansel K. Second Lieutenant, 52d Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Oct. 11, 1862. First Lieutenant, Oct. 23, 1862. Mustered out, Aug. 14, 1863. Bradford, Pelham. Captain, 21st Mass. Infantry, Aug. 21,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, Index of names of persons. (search)
m, 248 Boyden, Anna L., 624 Boyden, J. W., 18 Boyden, Paul, 18 Boyer, C. G., 18 Boyle, H. P., 248 Boyle, J. C., 18 Boynton, David, 248 Boynton, H. V., 624 Boynton, H. Van N., 170, 402, 459, 508 Boynton, J. A., 18 Boynton, J. W., 18 Boynton, N., 580 Boynton, N., Mrs., 580 Boynton, W. P., 248 Brackett, A. G., 624 Brackett, E. A., 248 Brackett, F. E., 18 Brackett, L. C., 207, 248, 508 Bradbury, E. E., 18 Bradbury, G. H., 18 Bradbury, G. L., 248 Bradbury, George, 485 Bradbury, William, 248 Braden, H. S., 248 Bradford, A. K., 248 Bradford, Charlotte, 598 Bradford, Gamaliel, 598 Bradford, Lawrence, 18 Bradford, Pelham, 248 Bradford, R. F., 18 Bradish, A. H., 248 Bradish, H. F., 248 Bradlee, D. H., 248 Bradlee, S. J., 248 Bradley, A. J., 248 Bradley, J. S., 248, 508 Bradley, Jerome, 402, 459 Bradley, L. D., 18 Bradley, L. J., 249 Bradley, Leverett, 248 Bradstreet, J. P., 249 Bradt, J. G., 378 Brady, A. G., 402, 459, 509 Brady, Charles, 249 Brady,
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
44Isaac Ames 1844April-Sept. 1844M. T. Gardner The easterly section of the town, whose early ambitions for a school-house had been so completely buried in 1805, began to show a revival of courage. A petition dated Feb. 3, 1823, signed by Nathaniel Jaquith, Elisha L. Tainter, and seven others, asked for a school in the east part of the town. This was referred at the March meeting to a committee of five persons to consider and report. These five were Andrew Blanchard, Galen James, William Bradbury, Turell Tufts, and Nathan Adams. April 7 they reported that they have ascertained the number of children living in that district to be of boys from 7 to 16, 56; boys from 5 to 7 and girls from 5 to 16, 80, about 136, and having considered all circumstances of their situation think it reasonable that they should be accommodated with a school house. That it may be placed on the front line of the burying place and that a house of brick with a small out house may be finished at an expense
anchard. Blanchard, SamuelJan. 30, 1791 Blodget ElizabethBoston, Aug. 21, 1761May 14, 1762Maid-servant. Age 17. In service to Aaron Hall. Bodge, HenryJan. 30, 1791Cooper. Bond, JosephWatertown, May 12, 1773In house of Richard Creese. Bond, Anna (wife)    Joseph (child) Names.From. Date.Warned out.Remarks. Boyd, JohnCharlestown, Mar. 9, 1765Feb. 24, 1766Age 4. In family of William Faulkner Brackett, MargaretBoston, Sept., 1759Nov 21. 1759Endorsed Not to be found Jan. 9, 1760 Bradbury, WilliamJan. 30, 1791 Aug. 31, 1797 Bradford, MaryBoston, May, 1755Aug. 5 1755     Elizabeth Children    Sarah Children    Catherine Children    Joseph Children Brazier, Thomas, Jr.Charlestown, Nov. 9, 1757Feb. 8, 1758In house of Dorothy Fowle. Esther (wife)    John (child) Bredin, Jacob    wife and 2 childrenMaiden, Nov. 24, 1770Tenant of Benj. Hall. Brewer, MosesWaltham, Feb. 16, 1773Apprentice to Ebenr. Hall, Jr. Brigden, TimothyAug. 31, 1797 Bright, Jonath
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Reminiscences of an earlier Medford. (search)
ascible of men, who could never endure any allusion to the new church which the First Parish had built, because he had lost his pew in the old one. He never set his foot in the new edifice. His intimates liked to goad him by introducing the objectionable topic, for these old gentlemen were much addicted to guying each other. On such provocation Mr. Blanchard would leap from his chair and emphasize words of passionate protest with thumps of his cane upon the floor. Then there was old William Bradbury, who would never stay in church after twelve o'clock. As soon as the clock sounded its first note he jumped from his seat, seized his hat, opened the pew door, slammed it, and wrathfully stumped his way out of the church. All this reminds me of the fact that very many of the families of the town, formerly quite prominent in its business and social life, are no longer represented here. The Blanchards in the earlier day were very numerous. There were several families of them, all of
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 9., The Bradburys of Medford and their ancestry. (search)
the Salem Street Cemetery, is one whose site is marked by a plain slate stone set into the brick wall, bearing the inscription:— No. 16 Wymond Bradbury & William Bradbury family tomb 1816 They were father and son. The tomb has been sealed, for the last of the son's family has passed away, leaving no descendants, yet those es Brooks' History of Medford, on page 373, gives a list of occupiers of houses in 1798, taxed for more than $100, in which the names of Ebenezer Symonds and William Bradbury are included. The Simonds' land was on each side of Fulton street. Later the family was in Lexington again, where Mrs. Anna Simonds died July 12, 1820,dren of Ebenezer and Anna died in Lexington within recent years, several of them having been baptized in Medford before 1804. Charles, the second child of Captain Bradbury, was married to Sallie Blanchard of Malden by Dr. Osgood of Medford, May 14, 1794. Intention of marriage, April 3, 1794. He was taxed in Malden from 1789 t
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 9., The Bradburys of Medford and their ancestry. (search)
ame of Walnut street. On this last mentioned piece of land, William Bradbury built the house now standing at the corner of South and Walnutportunity of joking his friend on this experience. In 1814, William Bradbury was assessor; in 1823, he was on committee with Andrew Blanchaeir section. Previous to the sale of his father's property, William Bradbury had made over to him about twelve acres of woodlot in what is , who built up East Medford, the section now called Glenwood. Mr. Bradbury attended the First Parish Church, and it is noticeable that his She died July 14, 1854. I shall not notice the children of William Bradbury in order of age, for convenience in grouping together those bed's invaluable diary informs us: Nov. 9, 1810 attended funeral of Bradbury child. A gravestone bears the following inscription:— In memorly. Eliza, Susan, Caroline and Charlotte are the daughters of William Bradbury, best remembered by people of this city. They were attendants