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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
44Isaac Ames 1844April-Sept. 1844M. T. Gardner The easterly section of the town, whose early ambitions for a school-house had been so completely buried in 1805, began to show a revival of courage. A petition dated Feb. 3, 1823, signed by Nathaniel Jaquith, Elisha L. Tainter, and seven others, asked for a school in the east part of the town. This was referred at the March meeting to a committee of five persons to consider and report. These five were Andrew Blanchard, Galen James, William Bradbury, Turell Tufts, and Nathan Adams. April 7 they reported that they have ascertained the number of children living in that district to be of boys from 7 to 16, 56; boys from 5 to 7 and girls from 5 to 16, 80, about 136, and having considered all circumstances of their situation think it reasonable that they should be accommodated with a school house. That it may be placed on the front line of the burying place and that a house of brick with a small out house may be finished at an expense