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Blanchard, SamuelJan. 30, 1791
Blodget ElizabethBoston, Aug. 21, 1761May 14, 1762Maid-servant.
Age 17.
In service to Aaron Hall.
Bodge, HenryJan. 30, 1791Cooper.
Bond, JosephWatertown, May 12, 1773In house of Richard Creese.
Bond, Anna (wife) Joseph (child)
Date.Warned out.Remarks.
Boyd, JohnCharlestown, Mar. 9, 1765Feb. 24, 1766Age 4.
In family of William Faulkner
Brackett, MargaretBoston, Sept., 1759Nov 21. 1759Endorsed Not to be found
Jan. 9, 1760
Bradbury, WilliamJan. 30, 1791
Aug. 31, 1797
Bradford, MaryBoston, May, 1755Aug. 5 1755
Elizabeth Children Sarah Children Catherine Children Joseph Children
Brazier, Thomas, Jr.Charlestown, Nov. 9, 1757Feb. 8, 1758In house of Dorothy Fowle.
Esther (wife) John (child)
Bredin, Jacob wife and 2 childrenMaiden, Nov. 24, 1770Tenant of Benj. Hall.
Brewer, MosesWaltham, Feb. 16, 1773Apprentice to Ebenr.
Hall, Jr.
Brigden, TimothyAug. 31, 1797
Bright, Jonath