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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 9., The Bradburys of Medford and their ancestry. (search)
the Salem Street Cemetery, is one whose site is marked by a plain slate stone set into the brick wall, bearing the inscription:— No. 16 Wymond Bradbury & William Bradbury family tomb 1816 They were father and son. The tomb has been sealed, for the last of the son's family has passed away, leaving no descendants, yet those es Brooks' History of Medford, on page 373, gives a list of occupiers of houses in 1798, taxed for more than $100, in which the names of Ebenezer Symonds and William Bradbury are included. The Simonds' land was on each side of Fulton street. Later the family was in Lexington again, where Mrs. Anna Simonds died July 12, 1820,dren of Ebenezer and Anna died in Lexington within recent years, several of them having been baptized in Medford before 1804. Charles, the second child of Captain Bradbury, was married to Sallie Blanchard of Malden by Dr. Osgood of Medford, May 14, 1794. Intention of marriage, April 3, 1794. He was taxed in Malden from 1789 t
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 9., The Bradburys of Medford and their ancestry. (search)
ame of Walnut street. On this last mentioned piece of land, William Bradbury built the house now standing at the corner of South and Walnutportunity of joking his friend on this experience. In 1814, William Bradbury was assessor; in 1823, he was on committee with Andrew Blanchaeir section. Previous to the sale of his father's property, William Bradbury had made over to him about twelve acres of woodlot in what is , who built up East Medford, the section now called Glenwood. Mr. Bradbury attended the First Parish Church, and it is noticeable that his She died July 14, 1854. I shall not notice the children of William Bradbury in order of age, for convenience in grouping together those bed's invaluable diary informs us: Nov. 9, 1810 attended funeral of Bradbury child. A gravestone bears the following inscription:— In memorly. Eliza, Susan, Caroline and Charlotte are the daughters of William Bradbury, best remembered by people of this city. They were attendants