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L. P. Brockett, The camp, the battlefield, and the hospital: or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion 40 6 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 23 19 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1 12 0 Browse Search
John Bell Hood., Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies 8 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: May 14, 1861., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 6 0 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 1. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 6 0 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource] 5 3 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 5 3 Browse Search
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ashing officers; but he supposed, notwithstanding all this, that we should have to do something for the Sergeant. He had rendered important service to the country by carrying the honored President of our Board in his arms, and but for the timely doses of catnip tea, administered by the Sergeant's mother, the gallant knight of the black horse and pepperand-salt colt would have been unknown. What do you say, gentlemen, to a second lieutenantcy for General Beatty's friend? I shall vote for it, replied Stanley. Recommend him for a first lieutenancy, I suggested; and they did. In the evening I had a long and very pleasant conversation with the Sergeant. He had fought under Bradley in the Patriot war at Point au Pelee; served five years in the regular army during the Florida war, and two years in the Mexican war. His name is Daniel Rodabaugh. He has been in the United States service as a soldier for nine years, and richly deserves the position for which we recommended him.
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, June, 1863. (search)
he Southern States. The Augusta powder-mills and arsenal were then commenced, and no less than 7,000 lbs. of powder are now made every day in the powder manufactory. The cost to the Government of making the powder is only four cents a pound. The saltpetre (nine-tenths of which runs the blockade from England) cost formerly seventy-five cents, but has latterly been more expensive. In the construction of the powder-mills, Colonel Rains told me he had been much indebted to a pamphlet by Major Bradley of Waltham Abbey. At the cannon foundry, one Napoleon 12-pounder is turned out every two days; but it is hoped very soon that one of these guns may be finished daily. The guns are made of a metal recently invented by the Austrians, and recommended to the Confederate Government by Mr. Mason. They are tested by a charge of ten pounds of powder, and by loading them to the muzzle with bolts. Two hundred excellent mechanics are exempted from the conscription, to be employed at the mill
fortifications on the north bank of the river, leaving the handful of cavalry (about sixty in number) to come out of a tight fix in the best manner they could. About this time, probably a half-hour after the first gun was fired, Colonel Faulkner was ordered to move his regiment, the Seventh Kentucky cavalry, over the river, and keep the enemy from obtaining possession of the town. The boys went in with a yell, and the battalions, severally commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Vimont, and Majors Bradley and Collier, succeeded in repulsing the enemy at every point, and for some three hours held the town against every odds brought to bear against it. After the enemy commenced sweeping the streets of the town with round shot and grape, the Seventh only retired to the north of Harpeth, after being repeatedly ordered to do so by the post commandant. Some of the most brilliant cavalry exploits it has ever been my lot to witness were performed by these gallant Kentuckians during this unequal
ger and Fort Hall emigrant road, is upward of seventy miles, pursuing a north-westerly course. Emigrants from the East via this road for the new mines, leaving the ferry, travel up the Snake River in nearly an easterly direction about seventy miles to a point nearly due north of Soda Springs along two sides of a triangle, either of which is seventy miles along, and a distance of one hundred and forty miles. The infantry, with the settlers, not having yet arrived, detachments under Lieutenants Bradley and Ustick were despatched north and south to explore the country, and find a route for a direct and practicable wagon-road to the settlement in Cache Valley, and to report on the character of the country explored. On the twentieth, company H, Third infantry, arrived, after a long and tedious trip, accompanied by their charge, the settlers for the new town. A suitable spot was selected on the north bank of the Bear River, near the Great Bend, and four miles east of where the Soda
seven of the enemy's guns and a large number of prisoners. General Davis's division fought on the right of Widow Glenn's house, against vastly superior numbers, maintaining the conflict gallantly until near nightfall, when it was relieved by Bradley's brigade of Sheridan's division, which was hastily thrown forward and gallantly drove the enemy from the open ground and across the Chattanooga and La Fayette road, after a sanguinary engagement, recapturing the Eighth Indiana battery, which haors for promotion. Brigadier-General Aug. Willich, commanding First brigade. Second division, and Colonel W. W. Berry, Fifth Kentucky volunteers, commanding Third brigade, are strongly recommended by General Johnson for promotion. Lieutenant-Colonel Bradley, Fifty-first Illinois volunteers, commanding Third brigade, Third division, and Colonel Laibold, Second Missouri volunteers, commanding Second brigade, Third division, are strongly recommended for promotion by General Sheridan. It af
t opened toward the Big Mound. This done, Major Bradley was ordered with two companies--Captains G the ravine, where Dr. Weiser was shot. Major Bradley's detachment became engaged along with thelain. After I recrossed the range I met Major Bradley, and united the seven companies. He, in c forty-five miles. My thanks are due to Major Bradley and the line-officers for steady coolness regiment on the right flank of the train. Major Bradley was with the left wing on the left, the rethe middle in the order of march. Leaving Major Bradley to protect the left flank, I deployed comp a howitzer. While I was thus occupied, Major Bradley, with the left wing, Captains Banks's and y, also protecting the rear to the left of Major Bradley. We thus formed a line from the left flantevens, and Gilfillan, were detailed under Major Bradley to form part of the force under Colonel Cr and private Miller of the Sixth regiment. Major Bradley, with the companies named, participated in[3 more...]
ilar results. The terrible effect of the rains on the passage of our troops may be inferred from the single fact that General Crittenden required four days of incessant labor to advance the distance of twenty-one miles. While the troops were thus moving into position, General Thomas sent Steadman's brigade of Brannan's division,two regiments of Reynolds's division, and two regiments of Negley's division, on separate roads, to reconnoitre the enemy's position, while General Sheridan sent Bradley's brigade of his own division on another for the same purpose. These reconnoissances all returned and reported having found the enemy in force on all roads except the one leading to Estill Springs. Scouts all confirmed this, with the fact that it was the general belief that Bragg would fight us in his intrenchments at Tullahoma. Wilder returned from his expedition, reporting that he found the enemy at Elk Bridge, with a brigade of infantry and a battery, which prevented him from destro
just at this juncture that Thomas's troops, whose attention had been called to the extreme danger of our centre, began to return. Reynolds immediately sent the heroic Wilder to the assistance of Davis, and the celebrated brigade of mounted infantry at first scattered the enemy in terror before them. But the persevering rebels rallying again, and charging in fresh numbers, even Wilder began to fall slowly back. General Sheridan, who had been following after Davis, now came up, and led Colonel Bradley's brigade into the fight. It held its own nobly, until the rebels, in large force, getting possession of a piece of timber near its flank, opened upon it an enfilading fire, which compelled it to give way. But now new actors appear upon the scene. Wood and Negley, who had gallantly repelled the assaults of the enemy at Owen's Ford, (assaults intended as a feint to conceal the design of the enemy upon our left,) came up to the rescue. Their troops went to work with a will. The pro
e battery, together with a detachment of company A, Ninth regiment infantry as pioneers, under Lieutenant Jones; the whole under my command, was ordered to proceed to the place where I had been the day before, with directions to destroy the transportation left by the Indians, and to find the body of Lieutenant Beever and that of private Miller, if dead, and engage the savages if the opportunity presented. Lieutenant-Colonel Jennison of the Tenth infantry, Major McLaren of the Sixth, and Major Bradley of the Seventh, commanded the detachments of the respective regiments. All the objects contemplated were fully accomplished. It was apparent that Lieutenant Beever, on his way back with my despatch, became embarrassed by the many trails left by an alarmed and conquered enemy, lost his way, and after bravely confronting a large party of savages and dealing death into their ranks, had fallen pierced by arrows and bullets, his favorite horse lying dead near him. He was buried in the tre
ttention to the terrible list of casualties, amounting to nearly twenty-eight per cent of my entire command. The tabular statement herewith inclosed will show how small a portion of this percentage is missing or unaccounted for. For a more detailed account of the operations of my command in this campaign, I refer you to the able reports of division, brigade, and regimental commanders. I also inclose the report of Major Mendenhall, of the operations of the artillery of his corps. Captain Bradley, Sixth Ohio battery, acted with great energy and effect in repelling the advance of the enemy on Saturday, and Captain Swallow, with his battery, and Lieutenant Cushing, with his, acted with great coolness and decision, saving nearly all their pieces on the ridge Sunday, while the enemy was among them. Of the artillery commanders in the Second division, Captains Standart and Cockerill, Lieutenant Russell and Lieutenant Cushing, I refer to Major-General Palmer's very honorable mention o