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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 9 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bradley, Joseph Philo, 1813-1892 (search)
Bradley, Joseph Philo, 1813-1892 Jurist; born in Berne, N. Y., March 14, 1813; was graduated at Rutgers College in 1836; admitted to the bar in Newark, N. J., in 1839; appointed by President (Grant justice of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1870; became the fifth member of the Electoral Commission created by Congress in 1877, and by his concurrence in the judgment of the Republican members of the commission, Rutherford B. Hayes (q. v.) became President. He died in Washington, D. C., Jan. 22, 1892.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil rights bill, (search)
l was permitted to the Supreme Court. Charles Sumner, the distinguished Senator from Massachusetts, was exceedingly anxious to secure the adoption of an amendment to the original bill, which, among other things, should prevent common carriers, inn-keepers, theatre-managers, and officers or teachers of schools from distinguishing blacks from whites; should prevent the exclusion of negroes from juries; and should give federal courts exclusive cognizance of offences against it. In 1872 he offered a bill covering these grounds as an amendment to the amnesty act, but it failed of passage by a single vote. Later in the same year it was introduced in the House. On April 30, 1874, the measure was adopted in the Senate, but rejected in the House, and in February, 1875, it was adopted in both Houses, becoming a law March 1. On Oct. 25, 1883, the Supreme Court of the United States, through Justice Bradley, decided that the supplementary civil rights bill (Sumner's) was unconstitutional.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Electoral commission. (search)
iver P. Morton (Ind.), Frederick T. Frelinghuysen (N. J.), Thomas F. Bayard (Del.), and Allen G. Thurman (O.), and the House members, Henry B. Payne (O.), Eppa Hunton (Va.), Josiah G. Abbott (Mass.), James A. Garfield (O.), and George F. Hoar (Mass.). Senator Francis Kernan (N. Y.) was afterwards substituted for Senator Thurman, who had become ill. Judges Clifford, Miller, Field, and Strong, of the Supreme Court, were named in the bill, and these chose as the fifth member of associate justices Joseph P. Bradley. The Electoral Commission assembled in the hall of the House of Representatives, Feb. 1, 1877. The legality of returns from several States was questioned, and was passed upon and decided by the commission. The counting was completed on March 2, and the commission made the final decision in all cases. The president of the Senate then announced that Hayes and Wheeler were elected. The forty-fourth Congress finally adjourned on Saturday, March 3. March 4, prescribed as the d
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Shiras, George 1832- (search)
Shiras, George 1832- Jurist; born in Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 26, 1832; graduated at Yale College in 1853, and after studying at the Yale Law School was admitted to the bar of Pennsylvania in 1856. He was engaged in private practice in the courts of Pennsylvania till July, 1892, when he was appointed associate justice of the United States Supreme Court to succeed Joseph P. Bradley.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Supreme Court, United States (search)
7921873 Levi Woodbury, New Hampshire1845-51617891851 Robert C. Grier, Pennsylvania1846-702317941870 Benjamin R. Curtis, Massachusetts1851-57618091874 John A. Campbell, Alabama1853-61818111889 Nathan Clifford, Maine1858-812318031881 Noah H. Swayne, Ohio1861-812018041884 Samuel F. Miller, Iowa1862-902818161890 David Davis, Illinois1862-771518151886 Stephen J. Field, California1863-973418161899 Salmon P. Chase, Ohio1864-73918081873 William Strong, Pennsylvania1870-801018081895 Joseph P. Bradley, New Jersey1870-922218131892 Ward Hunt, New York1872-821018111886 Morrison R. Waite, Ohio1874-881418161888 John M. Harlan, Kentucky1877–....1833.... William B. Woods, Georgia1880-87718241887 Stanley Matthews, Ohio1881-89818241889 Horace Gray, Massachusetts1881–....1828.... Samuel Blatchford, New York1882-931118201893 Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Mississippi1888-93518251893 Melville W. Fuller, Illinois1888–....1833.... David J. Brewer, Kansas1889–....1837.... Henry B. Brown, Michigan