Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Brannan or search for Brannan in all documents.

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d, maintained its ground. As night approached the battle ceased, and the combatants rested on their arms. The attack was furiously renewed on the morning of the twentieth, against our left and centre. Division after division was pushed forward to resist the attacking masses of the enemy, when, according to General Rosecrans's report, General Wood, overlooking the direction to close upon Reynolds, supposed he was to support him, by withdrawing from the line, and passing in the rear of General Brannan. By this unfortunate mistake, a gap was opened in the line of battle, of which the enemy took instant advantage, and, striking Davis in the flank and rear, threw his whole division into confusion. General Wood claims that the orders he received were of such a character as to leave him no option but to obey them in the manner he did. Pouring in through this break in our line, the enemy cut off our right and right centre, and attacked Sheridan's division, which was advancing to t
s, and rode into Chattanooga on the fifteenth. I then learned the post assigned me in the coming drama, was supplied with the necessary maps and information, and rode, during the sixteenth, in company with Generals Grant, Thomas, W. F. Smith, Brannan, and others, to the position on the west bank of the Tennessee, from which could be seen the camps of the enemy, compassing Chattanooga and the line of Missionary Hills with its terminus on Chickamauga Creek, the point that I was expected to tak relief of Knoxville. To enable me to dislodge the enemy from the threatening position he had assumed in our front, guns of a heavier calibre than those with the army were needed; also additional means for crossing the Tennessee River. Brigadier-General Brannan, Chief of Artillery, was directed to send for the necessary number of guns and ammunition, and, after consulting with Brigadier-General W. F. Smith, Chief-Engineer, to prepare the batteries for the guns on their arrival. While awaiting
crans referred to statements made by Brigadier-Generals Brannan and Wood as the reasons for his unfas before the Court show conclusively that Generals Brannan and Wood, officers junior to me in rank a Whether or not the motives which induced Generals Brannan and Wood to disregard the rules of the arion of the Court and of the world. Why General Brannan should pause in his poetic description ofmands some attention in these remarks. General Brannan attaches much importance to a pledge he sut a proper representation of muskets. General Brannan further states, that so far from holding (perhaps I might use a stronger term,) if General Brannan had a brigade unoccupied, why he should a losing three fourths of its strength. General Brannan commanded in this battle the largest diviGeneral Thomas's staff. On the way I met General Brannan, who urgently requested a regiment. I oras hopeless. None could be expected from General Brannan, as he had just applied for and received [1 more...]