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Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition 134 2 Browse Search
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Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 1: 1807-1827: to Aet. 20. (search)
ded him to seek the acquaintance of young Alexander Braun, an ardent student, and an especial loverBraun. This was, perhaps, the reason why Alexander Braun, afterward Director of the Botanical Gard a letter of Alexander Braun to his father. Braun to his father. Heidelberg, May 12, 1826. .s medicine besides. . . . A few lines from Braun to his mother, several weeks later, show that , anatomy, and zoology. . . . Next to Alexander Braun, Agassiz's most congenial companion at Heidelberg was Karl Schimper, a friend of Braun, and like him a young botanist of brilliant promise. ts from the correspondence between himself and Braun give some account of this interval spent at hoAll this is still unknown. . . . Agassiz to Braun. Orbe, June 10, 1827. . . . Last week I ma plants, and what do you make of it? . . . Braun to Agassiz. Carlsruhe, Whitsuntide, Monday, 1 instruction in botany. Botany owes to Alexander Braun and Karl Schimper the discovery of this l[13 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 2: 1827-1828: Aet. 20-21. (search)
n, and toward the end of October, 1827, he and Braun left Carlsruhe together for the University of s arm,—mine being Swiss, gathered last summer, Braun's from the Palatinate. We gave specimens to en to see them, bringing botanical specimens to Braun, or looking in upon Agassiz's breeding experimce or practical aid. The fact that Agassiz and Braun had their room in his house made intercourse wd their meetings. Not so happy as Agassiz and Braun in his later experience, the promise of his yolife, with the single exception that sometimes Braun and I pass an evening with some professor, disas well as the colored drawings made for me by Braun's sister when I was at Carlsruhe. My collectiur lectures are over we meet in the evening at Braun's room or mine, with three or four intimate acf natural history, or rather of pure zoology. Braun talks to us of botany, and another of our comp day, at Ratisbon, to visit some relations of Braun's, with whom we promised to spend several days[2 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 3: 1828-1829: Aet. 21-22. (search)
me a good day's journey, thinking to overtake Braun the first day on the pleasant banks of the Lakand was a member of our philomathic meetings. Braun had not set out alone either, and his two trav not have been allowed to pass. In ransacking Braun's bag, one of the officials found a shell suchwith cravats. Happily, I had two with me, and Braun tied his handkerchief around his neck. It astacts from the home letters of Agassiz's friend Braun, which are in place here, throw light on theirhis daughter, Madame Cecile Mettenius. Alexander Braun to his father. Munich, November 18, 1828 for the use of his artists and himself. Dr. Alex. Braun and Dr. Schimper lodged in the same houseaucasus, and the confines of the Caspian Sea. Braun, Schimper, and I have been proposed to him as irst took form in the minds of the friends. Braun to his father. Munich, February 15, 1829. aded Schimper and Michahelles to do the same. Braun wanted to be of the party, but afterward decid[4 more...]
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 4: 1829-1830: Aet. 22-23. (search)
d death of the kind old grandfather, under whose roof children and grandchildren had been wont to assemble. Agassiz to Braun. Orbe, December 3, 1829. . . . I will devote an hour of this last evening I am to pass in Orbe, to talking with you. them for his researches in science, and have done good to his fellow-creatures as much as possible. Some passages from Braun's letters complete the chapter of these years in Munich, so rich in purpose and in experience, the prelude, as it were, thad entered upon them together. These extracts show how seriously, not without a certain sadness, they near the end. Braun to his father. Munich, November 7, 1830. Were I to leave Munich now, I must separate myself from Agassiz and Schimperaught by descriptive zoology in those days. At about this time, however, I made the acquaintance of two young botanists, Braun and Schimper, both of whom have since become distinguished in the annals of science. Botany had in those days received a
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 5: 1830-1832: Aet. 23-25. (search)
tended my knowledge of geology sufficiently to join, without embarrassment at least, in conversation upon the more recent researches in that department. Moreover, Braun has been kind enough to give me a superb collection, selected by himself, to serve as basis and guide in my researches. I leave it at Carlsruhe, since I no longer need it. . . . I have also been able to avail myself of the Museum of Carlsruhe, and of the mineralogical collection of Braun's father. Beside the drawings made by Dinkel, I have added to my work one hundred and seventy-one pages of manuscript in French (I have just counted them), written between my excursions and in the midst once. Should business revive soon, however, I may yet have the pleasure of seeing all completed before I leave Paris. I think I forgot to mention the arrival of Braun six weeks after me. I had a double pleasure in his coming, for he brought with him his younger brother, a charming fellow, and a distinguished pupil of the polytec
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 6: 1832: Aet. 25. (search)
e of the state into which your letter has thrown me . . . . Soon after this event Agassiz made a short excursion with Braun and Dinkel to the coast of Normandy; worth noting, because he now saw the sea for the first time. He wrote home: For fithe cholera. Some of these young men had been their fellow-students at the university, and at their request Agassiz and Braun resumed the practice of giving private lectures on zoology and botany, the whole being conducted in the most informal manay (28th of May) his usual audience prepared for him a very pleasant surprise. Returning from a walk after dusk he found Braun in his room. Continuing his stroll within four walls, he and his friend paced the floor together in earnest talk, when, at a signal, Braun suddenly drew him to the window, threw it open, and on the pavement below stood their companions, singing a part song, composed in honor of Agassiz. Deeply moved, he withdrew from the window in time to receive them as they troope
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 7: 1832-1834: Aet. 25-27. (search)
he Bichir and the Lepidosteus. Remember always that your letters give me the greatest pleasure . . . . [P. S.] Look carefully at the new number of Poggendorf, in which you will find beautiful discoveries of Ehrenberg (microscopical) on the difference of structure between the brain and the nerves of motion, also upon the crystals forming the silvered portion of the peritoneum of Esox lucius. In October, 1833, Agassiz's marriage to Cecile Braun, the sister of his life-long friend, Alexander Braun, took place. He brought his wife home to a small apartment in Neuchatel, where they began their housekeeping after the simplest fashion, with such economy as their very limited means enforced. Her rare artistic talent, hitherto devoted to her brother's botanical pursuits, now found a new field. Trained to accuracy in drawing objects of Natural History, she had an artist's eye for form and color. Some of the best drawings in the Fossil Fishes and the Fresh-Water Fishes are from her h
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 12: 1843-1846: Aet. 36-39. (search)
taking a final leave of his cabin among the rocks and ice. Affairs connected with the welfare of the institution in Neuchatel, with which he had been so long connected, still detained him for a part of the winter, and he did not leave for Paris until the first week in March, 1846. His wife and daughters had already preceded him to Germany, where he was to join them again on his way to Paris, and where they were to pass the period of his absence, under the care of his brother-in-law, Mr. Alexander Braun, then living at Carlsruhe. His son was to remain at school at Neuchatel. It was two o'clock at night when he left his home of so many years. There had been a general sadness at the thought of his departure, and every testimony of affection and respect accompanied him. The students came in procession with torchlights to give him a parting serenade, and many of his friends and colleagues were also present to bid him farewell. M. Louis Favre says in his Memoir, Great was the emotio
Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 21: 1865-1868: Aet. 58-61. (search)
short report of your principal results? It would then be printed in the report of our meetings, which, as the forerunner of other publications, could hardly fail to be agreeable to you. You no doubt see our friend Asa Gray occasionally. Remember me cordially to him, and tell him I look eagerly for an answer to my last letter. The year ‘sixty-six has taken from us many eminent botanists, Gusone, Mettenius, Von Schlechtendal, and Fresenius. I hear but rarely from our excellent friend Alexander Braun. He does not resist the approach of old age so well as you, my dear friend. You are still the active naturalist, fresh and well preserved, to judge by your photograph. Thank you for it; I send mine in return. My wife still holds in warm remembrance the days when you, a bright, pleasant young fellow, used to come and see us,—what a long stretch of time lies between. Much is changed about me. Of former friends only Kobell and Vogel remain; Zuccarini, Wagner, Oken, Schelling, Sieber,
adoption by a Genevese gentleman, 17, 18; goes to Heidelberg, 19; student life, 22; described in Braun's letters, 25, 27; at Carlsruhe, 30, 33; illness, 32; at Munich, 46; description of Museum at Stal theory, 449, 450. Boston Harbor, 648. Botany, questions in, 40. Bowditch, 438. Braun, Alexander, 24, 25, 31, 67, 89, 94, 143, 179, 397, 643. Brazil, visit to, 625; freshwater fauna of, 6pils, 532. to Elie de Beaumont, 446. to Bonaparte, Prince of Ca-nino, 356, 362, 377, 378. to A. Braun, 33, 36, 41, 118. to Dr. Buckland, 234. to T. G. Cary, 582. to James D. Dana, 451, 493, 509,gassiz to Louis Agassiz, 60, 113, 129, 134, 171. A. D. Bache to Louis Agassiz, 480, 482. Alexander Braun to Louis Agassiz, 35, 39, 43. Leopold von Buch to Agassiz, 272. Dr. Buckland to Agassilliman to Agassiz, 252 Charles Sumner to Agassiz, 634. Tiedemann to Agassiz, 211. Alexander Braun to his father, 25, 89, 102, 143. to his mother, 27. Charles Darwin to Dr. Tritten, 342.