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rtain the facts connected with this fearful and bloody transaction, and the hope that the investigation would lead to prompt and decisive measures on the part of the government. Your Committee would mention more particularly the names of General Mason Brayman, Military Commandant at Cairo; Captain J. H. Odlin, his Chief of Staff; Captain Alexander M. Pennock, United States navy, Fleet Captain of Mississippi squadron; Captain James W. Shirk, United States navy, commanding Seventh district Missire indebted for assistance and attention. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. F. Wade, D. W. Gooch. Adopted by the committee as their report. B. F. Wade, Chairman. testimony. Cairo, Illinois, April 22, 1864. Brigadier-General Mason Brayman sworn and examined by the Chairman. Question. What is your rank and position in the service? Answer. Brigadier-General of volunteers; have been in command of the district of Cairo since March nineteenth, 1864. Question. What
. Cairo, March 27, 1865. Last Friday night, information reached us that Forrest had made his appearance at Paducah at two P. M., with two thousand men, and had begun an attack on that city. Colonel Hicks, commander of the post, withdrew all his men, some eight hundred, into the fort, and sent the citizens across the river to the Illinois side. The telegraph operator at Mound City said he could see a great light in the direction of Paducah, and supposed the city was in flames. General Brayman, being notified of this, sent up the Twenty-fifth Wisconsin to reinforce the garrison. Saturday morning, the steamer Iatan came down, having passed Paducah at five o'clock, at which time the buildings occupied as headquarters, quartermaster's and commissary's offices, and ammunition depot, had been destroyed; also, many other houses, and the steamer Arizona, which was on the ways. The enemy appeared to have possession of the town, and the Fort and three gunboats had been shelling them
., Mar. 13, 1865. Banning, H. B., Mar. 13, 1865. Barnes, James, Mar. 13, 1865. Barney, Lewis T., Mar. 13, 1865. Barnum, H. A., Mar. 13, 1865. Barry, H. W., Mar. 13, 1865. Bartlett, Jos. J., Aug. 1, 1864. Bartlett, Wm. F., Mar. 13, 1865. Baxter, Henry, April 1, 1865. Beal, Geo. L., Mar. 13, 1865. Beatty, Samuel, Mar. 13, 1865. Belknap, Wm. W., Mar. 13, 1865. Benton, Wm. P., Mar. 26, 1865. Birge, H. W., Feb. 25, 1865. Birney, Wm., Mar. 13, 1865. Bowen, James, Mar. 13, 1865. Brayman, Mason, Mar. 13, 1865. Brisbin, James, Mar. 13, 1865. Brooke, John R., Aug. 1, 1864. Buckland, R. P., Mar. 13, 1864. Bussey, Cyrus, Mar. 13, 1865. Byrne, James J., Mar. 13, 1865. Caldwell, John C., Aug. 19, 1865. Cameron, R. A., Mar. 13, 1865. Capehart, Henry, June 17, 1865. Carr, Joseph B., Mar. 13, 1865. Carter, Samuel P., Mar. 13, 1865. Catlin, Isaac S., Mar. 13, 1865. Chamberlain, J. L., Mar. 29, 1865. Chapin, Daniel, Aug. 17, 1864. Chapman, G. H., Mar. 13, 1865. Chetlain, A.