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Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 185 3 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 172 8 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 156 6 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 153 3 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 147 3 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 145 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 121 3 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 114 2 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 110 0 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 102 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for John C. Breckinridge or search for John C. Breckinridge in all documents.

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will be left at each bridge to destroy it after passage of cavalry. Detail to be in proportion to importance of bridge. Would it not be advisable for the main forces to start at the one h, and the rear guards at three h A. M.? No rockets must be fired to-night. Your obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard. George Wm. Brent, Acting Chief of Staff. headquarters Western Department, Corinth, May, 1862. (G.) To General B. Bragg and Major-Generals E. Van Dorn, L. Polk, W. J. Hardee, J. C. Breckinridge: Generals: The following modifications have been made in the order relative to the retrograde movement from this place: 1. At sundown the light batteries must be sent to about one mile from the intrenched lines, in order to avoid communicating to the enemy any information of the movement. These batteries must be so placed outside of the road as to follow their brigades at night without any difficulty. 2. At eight o'clock P. M., the heavy batteries of the lines must be removed
oved, to clear the road in Hindman's rear. Breckinridge's division, Hill's corps, was kept in positespectfully, Your obedient servant, John C. Breckinridge, Major-General A. C. S. Report of e immediately into the fight in the rear of Breckinridge, a part of whose division had fallen back, ill having reported Cleburne's division, on Breckinridge's left, routed, my reserve corps having fal's division was ordered on his right. Generals Breckinridge and Cheatham were in rear and on Generorders to move up and keep in line with General Breckinridge's division, which I did, dismounting alcommencing the move about nine o'clock; General Breckinridge having placed his line upon the prolongispositions had just been made, when Major-General Breckinridge reached us, and approved them. Camy. About four o'clock, by order of Major-General Breckinridge, the brigade was posted about three moments afterwards I was ordered by Major-General Breckinridge to bivouac near the main Chattanooga[29 more...]
The position was held by the pioneers until after nightfall, when they were relieved and formed in reserve. On the morning of Friday, the second part of the pioneers were engaged making road-crossings over the railroad, when the enemy opened a severe cannonade. Stokes' battery returned the fire, and the battalions advanced, supporting it under a fire of solid shot and shell, until the rebel battery was silenced, when the pioneers fell back to their position. In the afternoon, when Breckinridge made his attack upon Van Cleve's small division, which had been thrown across the river on our left, General Rosecrans, in person, ordered the pioneers to the left as reinforcements. Morton marched his command at double-quick, and arrived on the line occupying a gap in it, under the firing of a rebel battery, which was soon silenced by Stokes' battery, which was worked with great skill and vigor. General Negley's (Eighth) division was already tremendously engaged. The enemy had advan
his brigade, on the twenty-third, By the fourth of June the army had in addition to these been reinforced by the brigade of General Evans, the division of General Breckinridge, and the division of cavalry, numbering two thousand eight hundred men, commanded by Brigadier-General W. H. Jackson. Small as was this force — about twate assault. Major-General Loring occupying the right; Major-General Walker, the right of the centre; Major-General French, the left of the centre, and Major-General Breckinridge the left. The cavalry, under Brigadier-General Jackson, was ordered to observe and guard the fords of Pearl River above and below the town. The repoatteries near the Canton and South Clinton roads. The missiles reached all parts of the town. An assault, though not a vigorous one, was also made upon Major-General Breckinridge's line. It was quickly repelled, however — principally by the direct fire of Cobb's and Slocomb's batteries, and flank attack of the skirmishers of the
rganized an expedition under him for their attack. On the fifth instant Hanson's brigade, of Breckinridge's division, was moved forward on the road towards Hartsville, and halted at Baird's Mills, a pect, Your most obedient servant, John H. Morgan, Brigadier-General. Report of Major-General Breckinridge. headquarters Breckinridge's division, December 11, 1862. Major Thos. M. Jack, A.Breckinridge's division, December 11, 1862. Major Thos. M. Jack, A. A. General: Sir: I have the honor to forward a report from Colonel R. W. Hanson, commanding First brigade of my division, covering the report of Colonel Thos. H. Hunt, who commanded the Second andh, in fortitude and daring, has not been surpassed during the war. Very respectfully, John C. Breckinridge, Major-General, commanding. Report of Colonel R. W. Hanson. headquarters First t-General: Captain: I have the honor to report that the detachment from the First brigade, Breckinridge's division, consisting of the Second Kentucky regiment, Major James W. Hewitt, commanding, th
l Bragg above named, making an offer to co-operate with me. At this time General Breckinridge was operating on the Mississippi River, between Baton Rouge and Port Hudld not accept General Price's proposition. Upon the return, however, of General Breckinridge, I immediately addressed General Price, giving my views in full in regarpatches from General Bragg make it almost impossible for me to reinforce General Breckinridge. He says, very pointedly, that West Tennessee is now open to my army, iept under compulsion of the greatest necessity. To attempt to reinforce General Breckinridge would protract it indefinitely. The success of the campaign depends now under your command in that contingency. The very names of yourself and General Breckinridge would bring thousands to our ranks, and carry dismay to those of the enemy. You speak in your dispatch of the frightful amount of sickness in General Breckinridge's division. I fear that the sweltering heats of this latitude will soon b
manned the batteries, and with details from Breckinridge's division, guarded the approaches in front Orleans. To this end I gave orders to General Breckinridge to move upon Baton Rouge with a force oidemic disease, the land force under Major-General Breckinridge was reduced to less than three thous. I regret to state that the labors of General Breckinridge, in a distant field of operations, havemp on Comite River, August 10, 1862. Major-General Breckinridge: Sir: The following is a correct l I received an order in person from Major-General Breckinridge to post one company, as pickets, to , of this regiment. When ordered by Major-General Breckinridge to join the brigade to which my regiod order. Captain Buckner, by order of General Breckinridge, ordered my regiment to remain and suppntil relieved by one of the staff of Major-General Breckinridge, upon the withdrawal of the army. I A charge was immediately ordered by Major-General Breckinridge. We promptly replied to the command[6 more...]
bring on an. engagement: September 18, 1862. General Grant: One of my spies, in from Reardon's, on the Bay Spring road, tells of a continuous movement, since last Friday, of forces eastward. They say Van Dorn is to defend Vicksburg, Breckinridge to make his way to Kentucky, Price to attack Iuka, or go to Tennessee. If Price's forces are at Iuka, the plan I propose is, to move up as close as we can tonight and conceal our movements; Ord to advance from Burnsville, commence the attack,back, and I sent instructions there to have them stop for the nightwhere they thought they could safely hold. In the morning troops will advance from here at 4 1/2 A. M. An anonymous despatch, just received, states that Price, Magruder, and Breckinridge have a force of sixty thousand between luka and Tupelo. This, I have no doubt, is the understanding of citizens, but I very much doubt this information being correct. Your reconnoissances prove that there is but little force south of Corinth