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tes despair. The Republicans are now putting forth great efforts to carry the State. A bet was made yesterday of $2,000 to $3,000 that Lincoln would carry California, and another of $3,000 against $3,000 that Lincoln will get more votes than Breckinridge. Senator Baker, from Oregon, has been greeted with immense crowds since entering upon campaign duty in this State. A new canvass of the probable condition of the next Legislature elicits the fact that seventeen Senators hold over from last year, and will be members of the next Senate. Of these, eleven support Douglas, four Breckinridge and two Lincoln. It is thought impossible for Senator Gwin to secure enough new members to the Legislature, under these circumstances, to gain even a reasonable chance of re-election. Lieut. Col. B. L. Hall, of the First Dragoons, U. S. A., has arrived in San Francisco, and has assumed command of the California division in place of Gen. Clark, deceased. There was quite an extensiv
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. the election. Harrisonburg, Va., 4 o'clock P. M., November 6, 1860. The election is passing off quietly. The vote, at the polls in this place, this evening, stands — for Douglas 400; Bell 250; Breckinridge 65. The county will go for Douglas, I presume, by a large majority. Penn,
The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1860., [Electronic resource], Servants' Clothing--Servants' Clothing. (search)
outh. Virginia.Halifax. Brooklyn — Breckinridge 53; Bell 45; Douglas 7. Mt. Carmel-- Breckinridge 145; Douglas 47. Smith's — Bell 27; Breckinridge 2. Beaver — Bell 31; Breckinridge 14; Douglas 5. Court-House — Bell 235; Breckinridge 85; Douglas 43. Ringold — Bell 71; Breckinridge 85; Douridge 95; Bell 46; Douglas 1. Court-House — Breckinridge has 14 majority. King William. Lanesville — Bell 57; Breckinridge 50; Douglas 2. Court-House — Breckinridge 79; Bell 22; Douglas 4. Breckinridge 79; Bell 22; Douglas 4. Prince Edward. This county gives Breckinridge 47 majority over Bell. It gave Letcher 45. cept one small precinct, sum up as follows: Breckinridge, 360; Bell, 330, Douglas, 154. Culpepe Nov. 7.--The county gives 2 majority for Breckinridge-- an opposition loss of 20. Madison. county gave Letcher 312. Ritchie. Breckinridge's majority 300--a Democratic gain of 15. as 107. Prince Edward--(official.) Breckinridge's majority is 50--a Democratic gain of 5.
, Nov. 7. --In 149 towns, exclusive of this city, Lincoln has 47,575 majority over Douglas, and 34,000 over both Breckinridge and Douglas. His plurality in the State will probably be 70,000. The Legislature is largely Republican. Bosyet doubtful. Delaware. Wilmington, Dri., Nov. 7 --P. M.--The Electoral vote of Delaware will be cast for Breckinridge. Fisher, Rep., is thought to be elected to Congress by 100 majority. Maryland. Baltimore, Nov. 7. --Queen Annes county is reported to give Bell 32 majority; Kent 208; Caroline 150. Talbot gives Breckinridge 105; Dorchester is conceded to Bell by 40 majority. Vermont. Montpelier, Nov. 7. --This State has gone for Lincoln by 25,000 or 3This State has gone for Lincoln by 25,000 or 30,000 votes. Georgia. Savannah, Nov. 7. --Only a few counties are heard from, but it is probable Breckinridge has carried the State. Missouri. In ten towns Douglas leads Bell 104.