d until his death in April, 1895.
Early in Mr. Keely's pastorate, Mr. and Mrs. Horace A. Breed came to West Medford, and immediately cast Mrs. Horace A. Breed came to West Medford, and immediately cast in their lot with this church.
Mr. Breed, strong in counsel and liberal in giving, Mrs. Breed, earnest and faithful in every good work, cheerMr. Breed, strong in counsel and liberal in giving, Mrs. Breed, earnest and faithful in every good work, cheered the hearts and strengthened the hands of pastor and fellow-workers, until Mrs. Breed, in March, 1873, and Mr. Breed, in October, 1878, cloMrs. Breed, earnest and faithful in every good work, cheered the hearts and strengthened the hands of pastor and fellow-workers, until Mrs. Breed, in March, 1873, and Mr. Breed, in October, 1878, closed their eyes on earthly scenes.
In the spring of 1858, Rev. George M. Preston supplied the pulpit, and after six months the church extendMrs. Breed, in March, 1873, and Mr. Breed, in October, 1878, closed their eyes on earthly scenes.
In the spring of 1858, Rev. George M. Preston supplied the pulpit, and after six months the church extended to him a call to become its pastor.
Fostered by his sweet and gentle spirit, the church enjoyed a season of remarkable fellowship and unanMr. Breed, in October, 1878, closed their eyes on earthly scenes.
In the spring of 1858, Rev. George M. Preston supplied the pulpit, and after six months the church extended to him a call to become its pastor.
Fostered by his sweet and gentle spirit, the church enjoyed a season of remarkable fellowship and unanimity, resumed its original name of the First Baptist Church, and, during this pastorate a society debt of several years' standing was removelliam Stetson presided.
Mr. Wm. H. Breed, the worthy son of Horace A. Breed, and a former superintendent of the Sunday-school, who had giv