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The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1861., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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f Caravajal's cavalry. Several skirmishes, brought on by sallies of the besieged, or assaults of the besiegers, took place on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Referring to Saturday, the Flag says: It was either on this day or the day before, that the Rojos captured our friend, John Treanor, a Scotchman, but a naturalized American, and put him in prison, because, as they said, he had taken too active a part in favor of Garcia and the Crinolinos. On Friday, we omitted to state, Mr. Etienne Bres, a French citizen, was accidentally killed. On Monday Garcia's cavalry drove back the besiegers. We quote the Flag again: It was on Monday, also, that Mons. Bruzon the Consul of France, under whose flag many Confederate citizens had sought protection, solicited from our authorities that an attempt should be made to compromise the differences, or else to procure a truce, that foreigners might save themselves and property.--Col. Buchel immediately dispatched Captain P. L.