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with his 180 Virginians and a howitzer, was stationed in the works on the hill, on the extreme right, beyond the creek. Bridgers' company, of the First North Carolina, was posted in the dense woods on the left of the road, and three companies of Monek. This was detected, and Stuart was directed to withdraw across the swamp. At that critical moment Hill recalled Captain Bridgers from the swamp and ordered him to reoccupy the nearest advanced work; Captain Ross was also ordered to the support o gallant manner. In the meantime Stuart withdrew, and Ross was detained near Randolph's main battery at the church, but Bridgers crossed over, drove the New York Zouaves out of the advanced howitzer redoubt and reoccupied it. This daring movement turned the combat in favor of the Confederates. Magruder followed it up by ordering Stuart back to Bridgers' support. He promptly crossed the creek in the face of a largely superior foe and resumed his former position in the intrenchments. A fresh
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memorial address (search)
egiment of volunteers. The officers of these companies were all leading and influential citizens, and the rank and file were among the first young men in the State in intelligence, wealth and social position. The service of six months proved a training-school for that splendid body of volunteers, that ultimately placed them at the head of companies, regiments, brigades and divisions. Among its originial officers were Major-General Hoke, Brigadier-Generals Lane and Lewis, Colonels Avery, Bridgers, Hardy, W. W. McDowell, J. C. S. McDowell, Starr, Pemberton, Fuller, and a score of others, while a number from the rank and file fell at the head of both companies and regiments at later stages of the struggle. In the outset of this discussion of the career of D. H. Hill as a Confederate soldier, I lay down and propose to maintain the proposition that from the time when he fought the first fight of the war with North Carolina soldiers on Virginia soil till the day he led the last attack
ned on the hill on the extreme right beyond the creek, and company G of my Regiment was also thrown over the stream to protect the howitzer under Capt. Brown. Capt. Bridgers, of company A, 1st N. C. Regiment, took post in the dense wood beyond and to the left of the bridge. Maj. Montague, with three companies of his battalion, wad. He was accordingly directed to fall back, and the whole of our advanced troops were withdrawn. At this critical moment I directed Lieut. Col. Lee to call Capt. Bridgers out of the swamp and order him to occupy the nearest advanced work, and I ordered Captain Ross, Company C, 1st Regiment N. C. Volunteers, to the support of Li under a most heavy fire, in the most gallant manner. As Lieut. Col. Stewart had withdrawn, Captain Ross was detained at the church near Randolph's Battery. Capt. Bridgers, however, crossed over and drove the Zouaves out of the advanced Howitzer Battery and re- occupied it. It is impossible to over-estimate this service. It dec
, Arrington of N. C., and Rawis of Ala. Parents.--Messrs. Bell of Missouri, Lander of North Carolina, Read of Kentucky, Chilton of Alabama, Staples of Virginia, Marshall of Louisiana, Hilton of Florida, Strickland of Georgia, and Wright of Texas. Claims.--Messrs. Smith of Virginia, Clopten of Alabama, Burnett of Kentucky, Villere of Louisiana, Clapp of Mississippi, McLane of North Carolina, Munnerlyn of Georgia, Farrow of South Carolina, and Gardenhire of Tennessee. Accounts.--Messrs. McQueen of South Carolina, Foster of Alabama, Kenan, of North Carolina, Strickland of Georgia, and Hanley of Arkansas. Rules and Officers of House.--Messrs. Jones of Tenn., Perkins of La., Boteler of Va., Lewis of Ga., and Smith of N. C. Pay and Mileage.--Messrs Burnett of Ky., Singleton of Miss., and Bridgers of N. C. Enrolled Bills.--Messrs. Elliott of Ky., Chambers of Miss., and Tibbs of Tenn. Flag and Seal.--Messrs. Boteler of Va., Smith of Ala., and Gray of Texas.
f January, 1863. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. The House then, in Committee of the Whole, (Mr. Curry in the chair,) resumed the consideration of the special order — the bill to raise revenue. Mr. Bridgers of N. C. occupied the floor in opposition to the bill. Whilst it professed to impose taxes for the support of the Government, it could not be concealed that it was a measure to enforce a loan. There might be authority in the Constitution for the Government. The effect of the adoption of such a measure would have an injurious effect abroad. It would be at once declared that the people had no confidence in the financial condition of the country. Mr. McRae, of Miss., followed Mr. Bridgers, in support of the bill, maintaining its constitutionality. Mr. Clapp, of Miss., addressed the House at length in opposition to the bill. The question was then called upon the motion of Mr. Carnett, of Va, to strike out the enacting
The Daily Dispatch: November 6, 1863., [Electronic resource], The Troops Mustered in by the Yankees. (search)
s majority over Arrington in Wake and Orange counties 1,445. Turner's election thought certain.--In the 3d district Leach leads McRae in Johnson county about 300, and, including the army vote, is but little behind him in Wayne. Result doubtful. Fuller is thought to be elected over Strange and Meares in the 4th district. Not enough returns received from other districts to indicate the result.--It is thought here that Christian is elected over Ashe in the 7th district. [Second Dispatch.] Raleigh, Nov. 5. --Ramsay leads Lander about 700 in the 8th district, with Union, Cleaved, and Catawba counties to hear from. Ramsay is probably elected. Wilmington, Nov. 5.--Smith is probably elected in the first district; Bridgers in the second; the third is doubtful; Fuller probably in the fourth; the fifth is very doubtful; in the sixth Gilmer is probably elected; in the seventh too little is known to judge; in the eighth Lander is elected; the ninth and tenth not heard from.
The election in North Carolina. The North Carolina Congressional election as far as we are able to gather from the Raleigh papers, have resulted in the choice of Messrs. W. N. H. Smith, Bridgers, Fuller, Gilmer, Lander, and Gaither, who are not "Conservatives," and Messrs. Leach, Turner, Christian, and Logan, who are. The election of Mr. Leach is still doubtful.
Confederate States Congress. The House, Saturday, was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Moore. The following Special Committees were announced:--Committee on the Currency and Taration, Messrs. Boyce of S. C., Conrad of La., Jones of Tenn., Baldwin and Lyons of Va, Bridgers of N. C., and Gray of Texas. Committee on Illegal Seizures, &c., Messrs. Foote of Tenn., Clopton of Ala., Hartridge of Ga., Ashe of N. C. and Funsten, of Va. Mr. Dargan, of Ala., presented a bill amendatory of the act in relation to Confederate Treasury Notes, which was appropriately referred. The following resolution was submitted by Mr. Simpson, of S. C.: Resolved, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into the expediency of requiring all appointments in the various departments — where the duties are not of an active character in the field — to be made from the following classes, to wit: from disabled soldiers, from persons within the conscript age not physical
it be laid upon the table; but withdrew the motion in favor of. Mr. Leach, who made a speech, in which he charged members of the House with impeaching the loyalty of North Carolina. Mr. Hilton, of Fla., replied that on no occasion, either in open or secret session, had he heard North Carolina's loyalty impeached on this floor, or her people disparaged. After further debate, the motion to lay on the table was renewed and carried. Mr. Chambers, of Miss., from the Military Committee, reported back Senate bill to provide transportation for members of Congress, with an amendment by way of substitute. The bill, as amended, passed. Mr. Chambers, of Miss., introduced a bill to amend the act to establish a Nitre and Mining Bureau, which was referred. Mr. Bridgers, member elect from North Carolina appeared and was sworn in. On motion of Mr. Conrad, of La., the House went into secret session for the purpose of considering the subject of exchange of prisoners.
ted from the Judiciary Committee a bill to increase the salary of Judge Halyburton to $10,000. Mr. Chilton, of Alabama, reported from the Judiciary Committee the Supreme Court bill, which was ordered to be printed and made a continuing special order. Mr. Russell moved to go into secret session. Mr. Orr said, to test the matter, he would call the yeas and nays, which were ordered, and resulted as follows: Yeas--Messrs. Anderson, Atkins, Baylor, Blandford, Bradley, Branch, Bridgers, E. M. Bruce, H. W. Bruce, Chambers, Chilton, Clark, Cluskey, Colyar, Conrow, Darden, Dejarnette, Dickinson, Dupre, Ewing, Foote, Gholson, Hartridge, Hatcher, Herbert, Holliday, Johnston, Keeble, Kenner, Lyon, Machen, McCallum, McMullen, Montague, Norton, Perkins, Read, Rives, Russell, Sexton, Triplett, Vest, Welsh, Wilkes, Mr. Speaker--45. Nays--Messrs. Akin, Ayer, Baldwin, Bell, Boyee, Clopton, Farrow, Foster, Fuller, Gaither, Garland, Gilmer, Hanly, Hilton, Holder, Lamkin, J. M. Lea