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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 17 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: September 25, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Raid of Forrest's cavalry on the Tennessee river in 1864. (search)
almers arriving about this time, with Rucker's brigade and a section of Rice's battery, Lieutenant W. H. Briggs commanding, the General took charge of the Chessman, and in company with him and staff C. Kelley's and Colonel T. H. Logwood's Tennessee cavalry regiments, and make a speedy attack. Briggs's section of James's Rifles (which had been captured at Eastport from the enemy by Colonel D. C. gunboat, coming down stream at the sound of the conflict, cast anchor one mile and a half above Briggs's section and opened a brisk shelling. Briggs's pieces being too far from the gunboat for execuBriggs's pieces being too far from the gunboat for execution were moved, by order of General Chalmers, to shorter range, supported by Chalmers's escort and a company of Alabama cadets as sharp-shooters. Selecting a suitable position, Briggs and the supporBriggs and the supports, after a spirited engagement, forced the gunboat to weigh anchor and withdraw up the river. The Undine, one of the largest of its class of gunboats, was a good deal shattered, a shot having pass
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Johnsonville. (search)
ented that two of the guns might be carried, while the other two should be left in the works prepared by Colonel Rucker. Briggs's section of Rice's battery was placed in the chambers dug out for these two guns. A detail was readily furnished from C her by jumping into the river, as she headed ashore. Now followed round after round from Thrall on the right, Brown and Briggs on the left and Zarring in the center. The troops joined in the din with their rifles, and in five minutes the enemy werm Brown's guns kindled it into a consuming fire that soon spread to vast heaps of bacon, flour and corn adjoining. Lieutenant Briggs discovered a large pile of barrels under tarpaulins nearly opposite his position. A few well-trained shots from hiin Lexington road, some two miles distant, where the train was established to feed our forces, and encamp for the night. Briggs's section, Rice's battery, Brown's section, and Morton's battery were left on the river, supported by Rucker's brigade, t
The life guard. --This company, from Richmond, went into the fight on the 17th with eleven men and two commissioned officers, and had seven men wounded. They are Corp'l Wells, in arm, slightly E. S. Gibbs. thigh, seriously, J. B. Rate, thigh, seriously leg will have to be amputated, J. W. S. Taylor, in ankle and foot J. E. Whitlock, slightly, in head; R. A. Williams, slightly, in foot; P. P. Winston, foot. The regiment — the 15th Virginia--carried in 114 men and 5 officers, and lost 70 W. H. Briggs, Sergeant Major of the regiment, had his leg taken off, and was wounded in three places.