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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., Two Medford buildings of the Fifties. (search)
on, as he said he had raised money by subscription for that expense. It appears from Mr. Caldwell's writing that Hon. Edward Brooks had become interested in the proposed building, and had suggested or offered to furnish plans for the same. These a selfish speculation, Conceived in iniquity and brought forth in sin. And so at last the house was begun. Historian Brooks tells of the corner-stone laying on the sixth of August. Let us trust that the prayer of the good Baptist clergyman helps close, the dedication exercises were held. This time the senior clergyman of the town, Dr. Ballou, made the prayer. Mr. Brooks mentions on each occasion original poems recited by pupils. Probably modesty forbade naming their author. The efforell if Principal Hobbs' idea of placing it in the corridor of the new Brooks school could have materialized. Historian Brooks said the locality was where pure air comes from the heavens, and pure water from the earth—and hereby hangs a tale, told
Medford local names. Every town rejoices in some euphonious local names. Medford has Sodom, Ram-head, Labor-in-Vain, No Man's Friend, Hardscrabble. Brooks' Historical Item, 1816. Ram-head hill is the site of the Lawrence tower; Sodom, or Sodom-yards, once the scene of brick making (West street), is now covered with dwellings; but Labor-in-Vain is as yet unoccupied, having always been a salt-marsh, but not always an island in the river of Misticke.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 20., Notes Epistolary and Horticultural. (search)
HE sources from which the facts were drawn for the statements herein embodied were the papers deposited by the late Horace D. Hall with the city clerk for safe keeping as the property of the Medford Historical Society, and the interleaved copy of Brooks' History of Medford, belonging to the late Caleb Swan. The former is a collection of at least three hundred papers, comprising deeds, copies of wills, bills, accounts, memoranda, letters of a business or social matter covering a period of moren Bowdoin square. Part of his estate is now the site of the Revere House. He had a very fine garden and is said to have had the first orchids in New England. He had several children, Kirk, Francis, William, Mrs. William Wells, Mrs. Lyman, Mrs. Edward Brooks, John Wright Boott. Francis was a physician and botanist of note who spent most of his time in England. His brother William was a botanist of local fame. The former, born in Boston, 1792, died in London, 1863. The latter, born in Bost
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22., History told by names of streets. (search)
s recently come to the Historical Society on which one reads, offensive trades prohibited by indenture. The noble elms bordering those streets were also of the proprietors' foresight. The names they gave remain today, save Lowell, which failed to displace the appropriate one of Canal, and there were Canal streets leading to the Middlesex canal in other towns also. Brooks street then extended from Irving to Woburn streets, but since to High and Winthrop. Doubtless it was named for Hon. Edward Brooks, as was the new schoolhouse erected beside it in 1851. Cottage, probably from the type of houses there erected; Mystic, because of its trend from Mystic mount (now Hastings heights), toward the river. Auburn, Allston, Irving and Prescott are sentimental, reflecting the cultivated and literary taste of Rev. John Pierpont and Charles Brooks. Woburn street was, of course, the old Oborne rode of the early days. Warren street extends through the old farm of Amos Warren, and the newer
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22., William Gray of Salem and Samuel Gray of Medford. (search)
p for one, as Mrs. Gray was the daughter of John Chipman and Elizabeth (Brown) Chipman of Marblehead, the latter's sister, Abigail Brown, being the wife of Rev. Edward Brooks of Medford. At that time our town was a small one, with a population of eleven hundred. There were not many houses on the Woburn road (our present High l Gray of Salem married first Anna Orne of Marblehead, by whom he had six children. He married a second time, at Medford, April 25, 1799, Mary, daughter of Rev. Edward Brooks and Abigail (Brown) Brooks. There were seven children by this marriage. It was natural, then, that he should finally settle in Medford. Before the erecBrooks. There were seven children by this marriage. It was natural, then, that he should finally settle in Medford. Before the erection of the Angier-Boynton house, about seventy-five years ago, the house next below Dr. Osgood's was that of Isaac Warren, on the site of the one now west of the Public Library. Isaac Warren was made deacon of the church, 1767. His son, also named Isaac, inherited the so-called mansion and lived there. A later tenant was Dr. L
ps showing Medford's area as a whole or in part. The latest Medford map thus alluded to was that of 1855, by H. F. Walling, and to this is a half page devoted in Brooks' history of the same year, which says, The map is accompanied by eleven other maps or sections, on a scale of two hundred feet to an inch, on sheets of twenty-six recorded in Middlesex (South) Registry between 1827 and 1855. One of these (August, 1850) in Plan Book 5, p. 8, he styles very interesting. It is called Land of Brooks, at West Medford. See Register, Vol. I, p. 126.. It shows the entire tract between High street, the B. & L. R. R. and the river, with the Middlesex canal and ands. In the closing of the canal's affairs this strip with a portion beyond the river, was sold to J. M. Usher Of those park names Gorham was a family name (of Brooks), while Lake was appropriate, as a miniature lake or pond was shown therein. Conditions favored the same, as the writer has seen the springy ground there covered
Medford's town farm. This title does not refer to the present City home, nor yet to the tract invaded by the pioneer railroad of 1835, but refers to a broader domain of a thousand acres which Medford obtained in province days when we were under the king. The more recent and present town farms have been for the housing and use of the town's poor, within the town limits; this one was gotten for the purpose of enabling the ancient Medfordites to maintain the ministry and school master. Mr. Brooks, in his history, makes brief mention of its grant, and says, It was not of great value, and It was sold soon after. He also located it on the Piscataqua river, which stream is one of the principal rivers of New Hampshire, reaching the ocean at Portsmouth. What is the story of this Medford Town farm ? In the Archives at the State House may be found a plan of the same, made by a Medford man, with his accompanying description and certificate, as follows:-- By virtue of a Grant made b
We have no idea it was a silent ride. He doubtless shouted, Wake up, turn out, the regulars are coming! as he rode hastily along. Soon the lights twinkled in the windows and the guns were taken down (all probably in readiness) and the village was astir behind him. Another quarter mile and he had passed over Whitmore brook, and a little further, a place where we stop, look and listen now. He did not, nor did people, need to there till sixty years later. Another quarter and he passed Rev. Edward Brooks', and still another made three miles and a half through Medford; then over Wear bridge into Charlestown again. Another half-mile (about a quarter of it in Menotomy) brought him to the Cooper tavern. There, he turned to the right toward Lexington, into the course he deflected from at the top of Winter hill, but still ahead in the game. The time we have referred to (1775) was midway between Medford's settling and today. Its population the following year was nine hundred and sixty-s
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., The Medford Indian monument (search)
r. Brooks replaced their plain wooden bridge with one of dressed stone, a beautiful elliptic arch of Chelmsford granite, which was in keeping with his well-kept grounds that were a place of beauty. Through these passed the leisurely travel and traffic of a century ago, when people had not the feverish haste of the locomotive engine. In 1852 the canal ceased operation. Its location was either purchased by or reverted to the former owners, and in some places it was obliterated. But Mr. Edward Brooks was in no hurry to remove the graceful arch. Perhaps he respected the wish of his kinsman, the historian, who in 1855 wrote: we truly hope that this picturesque object may be allowed to remain in memoriam, —a gravestone to mark where the highway of the waters lies buried. He was succeeded by his son Francis as owner in 1878. The Medford historian (Rev. Charles Brooks) also wrote that no Indian necropolis has as yet been discovered, though one probably exists on the borders of our
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26., William J. Bennett Memorial (search)
of the Indian village to those of the colonial town and until the Republic was founded, the citizen soldier here established the tradition of service and sacrifice, to which this soldier of our time was true in his day. By this spot, on the night of the nineteenth of April, 1775, rode Paul Revere. By this corner trooped the Minute Men of Medford on their way to Lexington. Near the old slave wall on Grove street, in the midst of fertile fields and woodlands, stood the house of the Reverend Edward Brooks. He, too, went over to Lexngton on that morning and by this corner in full bottomed wig rode on horseback, his gun on his shoulder. From the garret window of his house his son, Peter, who later set out these trees which shade us, at the age of eight heard the guns of the British at Menotomy and saw them glisten in the sunshine of that spring morning as the Redcoats marched toward Lexington. Here in the afternoon of that day, as the Minute Men came back down the road from Lexing
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