Browsing named entities in George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard). You can also browse the collection for Edward Brooks or search for Edward Brooks in all documents.

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George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 7: (search)
ich finished I know not when, for I left it, wearied out, at two o'clock in the morning. On the 16th of September Mr. Ticknor joined Dr. Edward Reynolds, Mr. Edward Brooks of Boston, and Dr. Wagner of South Carolina, in an excursion to Mont Blanc, which occupied three days, and excited and delighted him intensely. His descriptau, and the tomb of Mad. de Stael; and what is more, from the country made classical by the traces their genius has everywhere left in it. Day after to-morrow, Brooks and I set forth for Venice and Cogswell. Dictated, 1854. One of the persons who was kindest to me in Geneva was M. de Bonstetten, of an old Bernese family macquaintance with Gray. Journal. September 22.—I left the city of Calvin, Bonnet, Rousseau, and Mad. de Stael this morning at eight o'clock, with my friend Brooks, who makes with me the tour of Italy in a post-chaise. Our route was the famous Route of the Simplon, which conducted us once more to the beautiful banks of the
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 26 (search)
. Boswell, Junior, 58. Botta, C. G. G., 164. Bottiger, K. A., 456, 457. Bowditch, Dr., Nathaniel, 316, 371, 379, 391, 405. Brandes, C. A., 178. Brassier, M., 501. Breme, Marquis de, 161, 164. Brisbane, Sir, Thomas, 419, 422. British Association for the Advancement of Science, Fifth Meeting of. 419-424. Broglie, Due de, 128, 139, 151, 155, 253, 257 note, 263, 312, 314. Broglie, Duchesse de, 128, 131-133, 137, 138, 151, 152, 257, 314; letter from, 311. Brookline, 385. Brooks, Edward, 154, 156, 158. Brosius, Dr., 11. Brougham, Henry, Lord, 266, 279. Brown, Dr., 280 and note. Bruen, Rev. M., 364 note. Bruess, Countess, 154. Brussels, visits, 450. Buckland, Dr., 404-406. Buck minster, Miss Eliza, 331, 377 note. Buckminster, Miss, Lucy, 9 and note, 10. Buckminster, Rev. Joseph S., 8, 9, 17; death of, 10; G. T. in charge of his papers, 10 note. Buller, Mrs., 411. Bulow, Baron Edouard von, 462, 474, 476, 479, 483, 489. Bunsen, Carl Josias, 177,