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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, Index of names of persons. (search)
0 Brigham, F. W., 18 Brigham, G. H., 20 Brigham, H. A., 402 Brigham, H. O., 402 Brigham, J. L., 250, 403, 509 Brigham, L. S., 20 Brigham, W. F., 250 Bright, J. B., 580 Bright, W. E., 580 Brightman, P. O., 20 Brimmer, Martin, Mrs., 594 Brisco, J. A., 20 Bristol, G. V., 250 Britten, H. B., 571 Britton, Isaac, 250 Broad, G., 577 Broad, Ira, 580 Brock, O. S., 20 Brodhead, J. A., 403, 509 Bronson, David, 250 Brookhouse, Robert, 580 Brooks, A. O., 250 Brooks, E. W., 20 Brooks, Edward, 403, 509 Brooks, F. D., 250 Brooks, G. H., 20 Brooks, G. H., 580 Brooks, Horace, 20 Brooks, Horace, 171, 403, 510 Brooks, John, Jr., 250 Brooks, S. A., 20 Brotherson, J. C., 250 Brow, W. H., 20 Brown, A. B., 485 Brown, Benjamin, 580 Brown, B. H., 250 Brown, C. A., 20 Brown, C. E., 160 Brown, C. H., 20 Brown, C. H., 20 Brown, C. H. C., 485, 510 Brown, D. F., 250 Brown, D. L., 250 Brown, D. L., 250 Brown, D. R., 20 Brown, E. A., 250, 403, 510 Brown, E. Y., 485 Br
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford in the War of the Revolution. (search)
men and boys could not restrain themselves. They followed on, and the women waited. Abigail Brooks, the wife of Rev. Edward Brooks, bade her husband good-by as with gun on his shoulder he rode off toward Lexington. Outstripping those on foot, heev. John Cotton, serving these battle-stained men, makes a picture which Medford people cannot afford to forget. Rev. Edward Brooks, the dignified clergyman, Henry Putnam, the veteran of Louisburg, and his grandson, the drummer boy, represent all ent at Winter Hill made the condition of the Continentals at Valley Forge almost unendurable. In February, 1778, Rev. Edward Brooks came home from captivity at Halifax. He had been chaplain of the frigate Hancock, built at Newburyport by order ofember, 1775. She had been taken by the British man-of-war Rainbow renamed the Iris, and attached to the British fleet. Mr. Brooks was exchanged for Parson Lewis, a British chaplain, and left Halifax on the Favorite, Jan. 29, 1778. While in Nova Sco
Notes Names of those whose graves were marked by the Historical Society, April 19, 1898: John Blanchard, Thomas Bradshaw, Thomas Binford, Capt. Caleb Brooks, Lt.-Col. John Brooks (received title General after close of war), Rev. Edward Brooks (Chaplain), Hezekiah Blanchard, Hezekiah Blanchard, Jr., Jonas Dickson, Benjamin Francis, Benjamin Floyd, Benjamin Floyd, John Le Bosquet, Rev. David Osgood (Chaplain), John Oakes, Lt. Jonathan Porter, James Richardson, John Stimson, Johnes Symmes, Thomas Savels or Sables, Maj. Samuel Swan (received title after close of war), Benjamin Tufts, Samuel Tufts, Samuel Tufts, 3d, Corp. James Tufts, Jr., Samuel Teal, Ebenezer Tufts, Jonathan Tufts, David Vinton. Unknown soldiers, probably from New Hampshire or Maine, who died in Medford during siege of Boston. Mr. John H. Hooper, whose portrait appears in this number of the Register, and whose article on the bridg
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., The Royall House loan exhibition. (search)
rd meeting-house was in the hall. Beside it was a chair which was blown out of a house in West Medford during the tornado of 1815. A chair which belonged to Governor Brooks was exhibited, which was bought for a trifle from a woman who was using it for a wash-bench. The good governor's effects went under the hammer, hence the ignoble fate of this piece of mahogany. Four chairs had belonged to Rev. Edward Brooks, an ancestor of Phillips Brooks. On April 19, 1775, the Patriot Preacher shouldered his musket and went, a volunteer, to Concord fight, and later was chaplain of the frigate Hancock. His warrant, signed by John Hancock, hung in a conspicuous plac William Dawes, who rode through Roxbury to alarm the country, April, 1775. Among Revolutionary relics was the kettle in which Mrs. Abigail Brooks, wife of Rev. Edward Brooks, made chocolate for returning minute-men. Descendants of the Russell family loaned pewter plates which had been buried in Menotomy woods to save them from
aphet Sherman held a superior place. His trim-looking house, just below the corner of Pleasant street, was his residence from the time he built it, fifty-two years. He came from Marshfield, born there in 1818. In 1834 he apprenticed himself to Oakman Joyce, to learn carpentering and joinering, which trade he followed through life. His thoroughness and skill still speak in the fine work on the interiors of the houses of Gen. Samuel C. Lawrence, James W. Tufts, George L. Stearns, and Hon. Edward Brooks. He was a member of Volunteer Fire Department of General Washington, No. 3, and was instrumental in detecting the incendiaries who made the year 1855 one of terror. On his advocacy the cemetery was constituted a separate department of town government. He served six years on the first Board of Trustees. His zest for nature was keen. He knew every rare plant, and where in our woods it grew. His knowledge of shade and fruit trees was sought, and he shared his secrets with his neighb
nd twenty-two wide. Sometimes, Mr. Blanchard records, lectures were given in the church on secular subjects. Under date of Oct. 11, 1833, he writes: Lecture in vestry by M. Fowle on rocks, shark's jaws, mountains &c. In Mr. Blanchard's day people manufactured their own ink, and Mr. Blanchard, who was a fine penman, made his very carefully by the following receipt: 2 oz. nut gall, 1 do. Copperas, 1/2 do. gum arabic to 1 qt. Rain Water. Among Mr. Blanchard's friends and patrons were Governor Brooks, John Bishop, Benjamin and Dudley Hall, Dr. Daniel Swan and his brother Joseph, Rev. Charles Brooks, Major John Wade, Turrell Tufts, and others. In 1815 Mr. John Bishop, Richard Hall, Major Wade, and Samuel Kidder still wore small clothes. In 1820 Major Wade was charged for seating and repairing small clothes 37 It is said that Major Wade was the last man in Medford to wear the ruffled shirt, small clothes, and shoe buckles of the colonial period. Mr. Blanchard's price for making a s
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., The passing of a Medford estate. (search)
s the Mystic Valley Parkway has bordered the lake, and the Mystic hickories that were sizable trees when Paul Revere rode by, overlook its winding way. In the years before the Revolution the home of another Thomas Brooks, the marrying justice, was at the right of Grove street. The spot is marked by the old slave wall, and the great black-walnut tree stood before it. It was demolished in 1865, after the building of the stone house on the hill top. Just across the road was the home of Rev. Edward Brooks, who rode away in his full bottomed wig, and gun in hand followed the British troops on the eventful morning of the first Patriots' Day. This has also gone, probably after his son Peter C., built the present mansion. In improving his estate he erected, in 1820, a granite arch spanning the canal, at a cost of a thousand dollars. Its architect was George Rumford Baldwin, who had just attained his majority, and this was one of his earliest works. The name of the builder is unknown, b
ubtless at its erection the finest house in this quarter, and a curved driveway extended from the street, past the end of the house, and joined the street again. Beside the street and between the ends of the drive was this brick wall constructed, and bordered with a row of lilacs. Tradition has it that Pomp made the bricks, as well as built the wall, and it is doubtless true. Some fifty years ago there was a story current that the bricks were brought from England—incorrect however. Mr. Edward Brooks in 1875 told the present writer that the bricks were made from clay dug on the estate, and was much amused at such a story finding credence. This house of Samuel, Thomas, and lastly of Gorham Brooks, is shown in the history of Medford (Brooks', '55) with the great black walnut trees before it, and also the brick wall, granite post and lilac bushes. In this picture the house is shown with a massive chimney. A wide and latticed veranda extended around two sides, while along the ed
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., A first citizen named first-rate town. (search)
some one is said to have remarked that the government might be conducted on a high plane. Mr. Brooks was son of Rev. Edward Brooks, who gave him the name of his college classmate at Harvard, Peter Chardon. The classmate's father was Pierre Chardte of present Bowdoin Square Baptist Church, and the street adjoining still bears his name. It was characteristic of Mr. Brooks that in naming the new town he should have modestly deferred the family name and given to succeeding time that of his fld us by men now living and of nearly fourscore years. One, when a boy of four, was told you can get some peaches at Mr. Brooks' house, so taking his basket he started from the old Canal tavern (his father was lock-tender), up the tow-path, a quarn Ohio, has a city government. Just here it is well to remember something of the development of the West. Medford was one hundred and eighty-one years old, and had less than five thousand people when Mr. Brooks gave that site and named that town.
usion has been made in a former issue to the passing of the Brooks estate at West Medford. Near the site of the great barns, modern dwellings have been erected and are in occupancy. As a memory of the past, the Register presents a view of the buildings destroyed by incendiary fire in the early morning hours of July 13, 1910. These replaced others of equal size destroyed by a lightning fire July 12, 1888, one of which was erected by Gilbert Lincoln after the destruction by incendiaries of one on August Io, 1855. This, erected during the absence of Mr. Edward Brooks in Europe, was on a massive basement of Medford granite that withstood both conflagrations, but is now entirely removed. At the erection of those last built there was an old-fashioned raising (of which photographs were made), and refreshments served to the company. Ham & Hopkins were the builders and made record time in their excellent work, that the season's hay could be housed and the business of the farm continue.
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