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Thomas Seccomb's large brick house, on the north side the market-place, was the first copy of Col. Royal's. Rev. Mr. Turell's house, now owned by Jonathan Porter, Esq. is a good example of another style; also the one now owned and occupied by Gorham Brooks, Esq. The old dilapidated mansion of the late Dr. Simon Tufts, south-east corner of High and Forest Streets, is one of the oldest and best specimens of the second fashion which prevailed in New England. It has three stories in front, and thean to the south, to offer Dr. Simon Tuft's house, 1725. its back to the cold storms of the north. One enormous chimney in the centre of the building series every need, and keeps the house steady in high winds. The house so long occupied by Gov. Brooks, and in which died, is a newer specimen of the same model. The next fashion, introduced as an improvement upon these, was the broken or gambrel-roofed houses, many of which still remain. See a specimen at the end of this volume. These soon
Brooks1781. Aaron Hall1782. John Brooks1785. James Wyman1787. Thomas Brooks1788. Ebenezer Hall1789. Nathaniel Hall1800. Timothy Bigelow1808. Dudley Hall1813. Abner Bartlett1815. Turell Tufts1824. Thatcher Magoun1825. John B. Fitch1826. John Sparrell1831. Thomas R. Peck1833. Frederick A. Kendall1834. Timothy Cotting1834. John King1835. James O. Curtis1836. George W. Porter1837. Lewis Richardson1838. Leonard Bucknam1838. Alexander Gregg1840. Thatcher R. Raymond1843. Gorham Brooks1846. Joseph P. Hall1847. Thatcher R. Raymond1850. Joseph P. Hall1851. James M. Usher1852. Joseph P. Hall1853. Jonathan Oldham1854. Justices of the Peace in Medford. (from Massachusetts Records.) Thomas BrooksMar. 27, 1781. Benjamin HallMar. 27, 1781. Stephen Hall, 3dMar. 27, 1781. Edward BrooksMar. 27, 1781. Timothy FitchSept. 26, 1783. John BrooksJan. 28, 1785. John BrooksApril 26, 1787. Benjamin HallMar. 14, 1788. Stephen Hall, junMar. 14, 1788. Thomas Brook
iam Symmes1750 Edward Brooks1757 Samuel Angier1763 Simon Tufts1767 David Osgood1771 John Bishop1776 Ephraim Hall1776 Cotton Tufts1777 William Woodbridge1780 George H. Hall1781 Timothy Bigelow1786 Samuel Angier1787 John Brooks1787 Luther Stearns1791 Hall Tufts1794 Abner Bartlett1799 John Hosmer1800 Aaron Hall Putnam1800 John Pierpont1803 Daniel Swan1803 John Brooks1805 Joseph Hall1807 William C. Woodbridge1811 Edward Brooks1812 David Osgood1813 Andrew Bigelow1814 Gorham Brooks1814 Jonathan Porter1814 John P. Bigelow1815 Convers Francis1815 Charles Brooks1816 William Ward1816 Sidney Brooks1819 Thomas Savage Clay1819 William H. Furness1820 Edward B. Hall1820 George B. Osborn1820 John Angier1821 Ward C. Brooks1822 Caleb Stetson1822 Charles Angier1827 Elijah N. Train1827 John James Gilchrist1828 Joseph Angier1829 Charles V. Bemis1835 George Clisby1836 Thomas S. Harlow1836 Thompson Kidder1836 Andrew D. Blanchard1842 Horace D. Train1842 Benja
ng each winter. The amount paid by the town for support of the poor, from Feb. 15, 1854, to Feb. 15, 1855, was $3,571.86! Tornado. Medford bears its suffering testimony to the effects of the terrible tornado of Aug. 22, 1851. Such extensive destruction of property from such a cause has never before been witnessed in this State. At a meeting of citizens, Aug. 28, the following votes were passed:-- Voted that a committee of five be appointed to appraise damages. Voted that Gorham Brooks, Charles Caldwell, Franklin Patch, Albert Smith, and Jeremiah Gilson, constitute the committee. Voted that the committee be instructed to consider the circumstances of the sufferers, and report cases (if any) where charity is deemed necessary. Voted that the committee be authorized to communicate with similar committees from other towns, in relation to the publication of the results of their investigations. Voted that Rev. Charles Brooks be a committee to collect and arrange t
with names of the donors:— G,Treble,192 lbs.—Children of Margaret B. Buss. F,2,217 lbs.—Joseph K. Manning. F#,3,296 lbs.—Children's bell. E,4,371 lbs.—Mrs. Gorham Brooks and family. D,5,425 lbs.—Mrs. Dudley C. Hall. G,6,637 lbs.—Grace Church, Medford. B,7,725 lbs.—Dudley C. Hall. A,8,988 lbs.—Grace Church, Medford. G,Teo this church for more than 25 years. At rest, Aug. 12, 1877. The tribute of a grateful Parish. Second. A bronze tablet on the west wall to the memory of Mrs. Gorham Brooks, inscribed: Zzz Third. A stained glass window on the northerly side of the church, erected by Mr. and Mrs. James T. Adams as a memorial to their daugthe memory of Mrs. Ellen Shepherd Brooks, Mrs. Brooks was the daughter of R. D. Shepherd, of Virginia. She was born at New Orleans August 22, 1809, married Gorham Brooks, April 20, 1829, and died at West Medford, August 11, 1884. erected by her sons, Peter Chardon and Shepherd Brooks. This window, by John LaFarge, o
for his apples. He was somewhat of a sportsman and fond of rabbits, and always ready to purchase them from the boys. He hung them up on nails by their tails in his office until they became seasoned and gamy, and would drop from the nail, and would often strut up the street to his home with two or three rabbits well seasoned, for his table. Many are the tales told of the old Squire, as he was remembered in his later days. He was a good scholar, and could quote his Latin with anyone. Brooks writes: Among the inhabitants of Medford, there has not probably been a man who has served the town in so many and responsible offices as this gentleman. He was not made for a leader; he had not that kind of force, but left the race to those who coveted laurels. He was a faithful member of the church, and all but revelled in spiritual disquisitions. As a neighbor he was most friendly, as a critic most caustic, and as a wit most ready. He was a member of the House of Representatives fr
ght from England—incorrect however. Mr. Edward Brooks in 1875 told the present writer that the bricks were made from clay dug on the estate, and was much amused at such a story finding credence. This house of Samuel, Thomas, and lastly of Gorham Brooks, is shown in the history of Medford (Brooks', '55) with the great black walnut trees before it, and also the brick wall, granite post and lilac bushes. In this picture the house is shown with a massive chimney. A wide and latticed verandaBrooks', '55) with the great black walnut trees before it, and also the brick wall, granite post and lilac bushes. In this picture the house is shown with a massive chimney. A wide and latticed veranda extended around two sides, while along the edge of the lawn was a fence of two rails with a chain suspended from the post tops. In the distance the cars with the big stacked engine are seen on the railroad; these latter were a comparative novelty then. Today but one of the trees remains—one, but a lion, a magnificent and rare specimen of its kind. The writer can remember when there were two. It has been feared that this last might succumb, and the ground beneath and around it has been enr
in him. St. John VI, 5-6. No. 5. 425 pounds. D. Holy Baptism bell. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Galatians III, 27. Presented by Mrs. Dudley Hall. Peace to the past, joy to the present, welcome to the future. No. 6. 371 pounds. E. children's bell. Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God. St. Mark x, 14. No. 7. 296 pounds. F. Burial bell. Presented by Mrs. Gorham Brooks and family. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Revelation XIV, 13. No. 8. 217 pounds. F sharp. Christmas bell. In Memoriam. Presented by Joseph K. Manning. Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace, good will toward men. St. Luke II, 14. No. 9. 192 pounds. G. Easter bell. In Memoriam. Presented by the children of Margaret B. Buss. Those who sleep in Jesus shall God bring with him. I Thessalonians IV, 14. Just beneath the belfry is the r
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17., Medford Smelt and Smelt Brooks. (search)
Bushels were taken today in the brook in your meadow. And on April 10, 1856, Dr. Swan wrote to his brother Caleb— Timothy Swan caught a good mess of smelts last night; he says they have come quite plenty. Mr. Caleb Swan, living in New York, made note thus, January 3, 1863:— Some very small smelts are now brought to market in New York; they are sold to French restaurants. I had a pound of them counted this morning by James, my fishman, and there were 55 smelts. Historian Brooks also modestly mentions another Medford boy who caught smelts in these same brooks, in the same primitive fashion first named. Those fifty-five-to-a-pound smelts of the New York market were doubtless degenerate in Mr. Swan's estimation, as the brother doctor's letters from Medford stirred the memories of boyhood days. Though smelts have in recent years been seen in Whitmore brook, it is unlikely that they have come up stream since the building of the Cradock dam. Since the denuding of
sion is the storied steeple of the Unitarian church, while among the numerous trees can be seen the old Bigelow house, where is now the Tufts residence and Grace Church. The English cottage, later the Boynton house, can also be seen on the shaded hill slope. This view is also delineator Rawson's primary work; but the sculptor was J. W. Watts, a resident of West Medford, and noted for his excellent work in steel engraving. The views of the so-called Cradock house and the residence of Gorham Brooks give us the oldest and most realistic portrayal; the latter is made more so by the slave-wall in front and the distant view of the old wood-burner engine and cars on the railroad, then not very old. The Edward Brooks (Peter Chardon Brooks, 1802) residence is another. Of this fine estate scarce a vestige now remains, but the view is an excellent one. The view of Walnut-tree hill was also by Rawson and made from Broadway in Somerville. But two buildings, Ballou hall and Packard hall,