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hich Blackstone street now extends. As the enterprise had the confidence of the business community, money for prosecuting the work had been procured with comparative ease. Such representative men as Oliver Wendell, John Adams, of Quincy, Peter C. Brooks, Andrew Craigie, Ebenezer and Dudley Hall, James Sullivan, and John Hancock were stockholders. The stock had steadily advanced from $25 a share in the autumn of 1794 to $473 in 1803, the year the canal was opened, touching $500 in 1804. Thal for a breath of air and a glimpse of the open country, through the Royal estate in Medford, by the stone bridge on the Brooks estate, the most picturesque surviving relic of canal days, past the substantial, old-fashioned mansion house of Peter C. Brooks, as far, perhaps, as the Baldwin estate and the birthplace of Count Rumford, in Woburn. I love that old tow-path, said Uncle Joe. 'Twas there I courted my wife; and every time the boat went by she came tripping out to walk a piece with me!
He carried out the first part of the programme, but on the way to the house he met the soldiers, who seized the wood. When his wife heard the story she flung on a shawl and went in pursuit. Overtaking the party, she took the oxen by the horns and turned them round. The men threatened to shoot her, but she shouted defiantly as she started her team, Shoot away! Astonishment, admiration, and amusement were too much for the regulars, and they unconditionally surrendered. Soon after Major Brooks, later our honored Governor, was given despatches by General Washington which must be delivered inside the enemy's lines. Late one night he came to John Fulton, knowing his patriotism and his intimate knowledge of Boston, and asked him to undertake the trust. He was not able to go, but his wife volunteered. Her offer was accepted. A long, lonely, and dangerous walk it was to the water-side in Charlestown, but she reached there in safety, and finding a boat rowed across the river. C
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Literal copy of Births, deaths, and Marriages in Medford from earliest records. (search)
1700 December 27 1700 hester hall daughter of stephen hall & Grace his wife was Born 15th aprill 170: hannah Brooks Daughter of Ebenezer Brooks and abigall Brooks was borne the day and yeare aforesd. Nat:ll Peirce and lidya ffrancis marred June the 2d: 1701 Dudley Bradstreet Son of John Bradstreet And mercy his wife Band Lydia his wife dyed march 23d: 1702 Hannah Peirce daughter of Natll: peirce and lydia his wife born the 27th aprill 1702 Sarah Brooks daughter of Samll: Brooks and Sarah his wife borne aprill 17th: 1702 Mathew Grover Son of Mathew and Neomi grover Borne July the 9th 1702: Sarah Tufts daughter of Peter Tufts and merdue and Ann Soloman, marred octobr. the 17: 1704 Francis Peirce Son of nat:ll Peirce and Lydia Peirce born Septr. ye 24: 1704 Mary Brooks Daughter of Ebenr. Brooks and Abigale his wife, died Septembr. ye. 3d, 1704 Dorothy Tuft Daughter of capt Peter Tuft and Mrs Mercy his wife borne: Decem: ye 14 1704 Elizabeth Wier Da
ks was to Rockhill, on the land of Mr. Hastings, to see the sun set. Another, and perhaps the best, was up the banks of the canal, and through the grounds of Mr. P. C. Brooks, to the parting of the ponds —the spot where the dam of the Mystic Water Works now stands. As the canal boats came along, as they constantly did, they were s carried at great additional expense through Winter and Walnut hills and away from the centre of the town. When the road was opened, in the spring of 1835, Mr. P. C. Brooks, desirous of giving his townsmen the novelty of riding for the first time on a railroad, arranged with the managers to have the train stop one morning at Wese to say a few words of some of my old Medford friends who have passed away—some of whom I hope may still be kindly remembered by some of you. Let me mention Mr. P. C. Brooks, then probably the richest man in New England, Rev. Caleb Stetson, well esteemed even among those who differed most widely from his religious views, the elde