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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23.,
Medford turnpike
Corporation. (search)
first meeting of the proprietors of the Medford Turnpike Corporation was held on the eleventh day of April, 1803, at the house of Hezekiah Blanchard, Jr. Benjamin Hall was chosen moderator and Luther Stearns clerk. May 5, 1803. Voted that General Brooks, Luther Stearns and Capt. Andrew Hall be a committee to draw up a subscription, and that the number of shares shall be 100. The following is a list of the proprietors of the Medford turnpike road, with the number of shares which they hold0, 31, 32. Oliver Hartshorn5 shares, Nos. 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. Fitch Hall5 shares, Nos. 39, 40, 41, 42, 43. Joseph P. Hall3 shares, Nos. 59, 60, 61. Timothy Dexter1 shares, Nos. 64. Benjamin Hall Jr & son5 shares, Nos. 65, 66, 67,68,69. Peter C. Brooks7 shares, Nos. 19, 20, 77, 78, 79, 80,81. Josiah Bradlee2 shares, Nos. 82, 83. William V. Hutchins5 shares, Nos. 33, 74, 84, 85, 86. Samuel Gray4 shares, Nos. 87, 88, 89, 90. Dudley Hall1 shares, Nos. 75. Richard Hall1 shares, Nos. 76
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23., The mills on the Medford turnpike. (search)
ed any water power from Two-penny brook; it was more likely that his action was in the interest of his brick yards near by. But in 1813, in July, signed by Peter C. Brooks, president (and the seal of the corporation), on the part of the turnpike proprietors, and Samuel Dexter (and a seal) was the following contract: The Medfon on his part. It may be noticed that the above contains nothing of a mill either already built, or to be built, but probably business men of the ability of Mr. Brooks and his associates knew what they were doing. With the incoming of the salt-water tide twice a day to flood the mash, as many called it, assisted by the fresh 1, 1872. Mill building on Mystic Ave., supposed to be by incendiary. The building was a total loss. This account is written at some length, because neither Mr. Brooks nor Mr. Usher made any mention of this mill in their History of Medford. Mr. Hooper, in the scant space allotted him, made brief note of it, but the register,
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23., Medford Saltmarsh Corporation. (search)
ine, the marsh and upland joined. Just now a glance at Walling's map of Medford (1855) is interesting. It shows the names of some twenty owners of marsh land below Labor-in-vain, among which are a few of those corporators of fifty years before. A look from the windows of the Fellsway car as it rapidly passes the spot today is equally so, revealing the remains of the dyke—the fence is long since gone—and the stump marsh or pine swamp, unique in character and unlike any other. Historian Brooks records that Medford's tax upon this corporation in 1822 was $156.27. We have been curious to know why in 1855 he made selection of 1822 to note, also why he listed this business concern among fraternal societies. At this juncture, we turn to papers in the Historical Society's possession: First A request signed by six corporators in 1821, requesting Abner Bartlett, Justice of the Peace, to issue his warrant to one of their number, directing him to call a meeting of the corporation at the
he favorable action of the town about gristmills in two places, and added of the first: This was not successful, nor was the following,. . . We ask, was Mr. Brooks correct in these statements? and reply that he was regarding one just below Wear bridge, and wish he had told more of the occupation of '55. On what he based forever pray &c Medford May 30 1698. In the name of & by the order of the selectmen Stephen Willis Towne Clerk By examination of Medford records we find Mr. Brooks' quotation practically correct, under date of May 30, 1698. At a meeting of the frehders and other inhabitents of Medford legally convened put to vote whetthat might have been appropriately called Mistick bridge, and the suitable place where a mill may be erected would lie a little above it, and tally exactly with Mr. Brooks' short distance below Wear bridge (or rather the location of Wear bridge), to which travel was diverted ten years after the petition for this mill was made.
t Mistick which was launched this day and called The Blessing of the Bay. We do not deny but that there was a tradition current relative to early ship building on the north side of the river. In fact, we think there may have been, and that Mr. Brooks, who wrote as above in 1855, at the age of sixty, had it from his forbears, who were men of mature age, when Thatcher Magoun established his shipyard on the north side of the Mistick, and when later other ship-builders found the remains of old ways and timbers farther down beside the river. So Mr. Brooks transfers Winthrop's ship-building from Charlestown to Medford, by saying, the record concerning it is as follows, and quotes: July 4, 1631. The governor's bark, etc., etc. Now as we look at it, the governor's bark (the Blessing) was built just where the governor wrote that it was, at Mistick, the Ten Hills Farm in Charlestown (present Somerville), and not in Medford at all. Neither had Governor Winthrop any possessions whatever
ions asked in the article, and perhaps to criticize some of the statements and conclusions of the author. I agree with Mr. Brooks that in all probability the Wade mill was the first erected within Medford limits. The senior Mr. Wade purchased land Cutter owned the other part of the acre and three-fourths of marsh land that Joseph Prout sold to Jonathan Dunster. Mr. Brooks says, in writing of a mill a short distance below Wear bridge, the place is yet occupied. If we are to be guided by Mothere was not any building there in 1822, but the conveyance of mill rights shows that a mill stood there at one time. Mr. Brooks' statement that the place is yet occupied probably had reference to the remains recently discovered. In regard to thhave been on Main street where the author of the article assumes it to be, unless it was as far away from Moore square as Brooks park, and then he would have been obliged to ignore the Middlesex canal, Branch canal and locks, also the Turnpike with t
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23., The Touro house and its owner. (search)
have alluded elsewhere in this issue to a Touro—Lafayette episode, and now quote from page 493, Brooks' History of Medford. 1825.—Medford has not been a resort for Jews; but it had one who is remnst that operation, he firmly answered thus: No! I will never go into heaven with one leg. Mr. Brooks made brief mention of his wealth and legacies. We can but wonder what he would think could heon under oath to be filed in court, but is, however, in writing and interleaved in his copy of Mr. Brooks' history at page 493, on which page is written 1824 beside the printed 1825. Mr. Swan evidentl military friend with whom Mr. Touro made the temporary exchange of horses, was undoubtedly Governor Brooks; and the occasion of this inspection and review may have been his last, certainly one of hi he best enjoyed his home in Medford, where he could have the society also of his neighbor, Governor Brooks. His will and the papers which refer to his estate, evidence concerning his business and h