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suddenly stopped. That its proposed course through Medford may be changed, and the whole road then completed, is probable. The streets in Medford are, in most places, furnished with sidewalks and ornamented with elm-trees. It is cheering to see the spaces at the meeting of some roads occupied with trees. The delta of four hundred feet at the meeting of Grove and High Streets, in West Medford, was the first example. The trees were planted, and the fences made and maintained, by Hon. Peter C. Brooks. The town granted him permission, Nov. 22, 1822. A legacy of five hundred dollars from Turell Tufts, Esq., was expended, according to his directions, in planting ornamental trees on the roadsides. May this growing charity of a good friend of Medford be imitated by many hereafter! Others, from motives of taste and profit, have adorned our highways with forest-trees, whose summer shade will soon shelter the fashionable lady in her morning promenade, and the weary animals in their no
drivers and Hog-reeves. Joseph Blodgett, Joseph Church, Joseph Wyman, Ebenezer Symonds, Gershom Tufts, Daniel Tufts, Andrew Blanchard,To sell the right of taking Fish. Samuel Buel, Fitch Hall, Joseph Bucknam, Pound-keeper. The Hon. Peter C. Brooks offered a clock as a gift to the town, expressing in his letter a true and deep feeling of attachment to the inhabitants. The town accepted the generous donation, and in their letter express their gratitude and their sense of high respeisfaction, confirm; and shall be amply rewarded, should it be considered an ornament to the town in which many of my days have been happily spent, and a convenience to its inhabitants, for whom I entertain a very sincere regard. I am, &c., P. C. Brooks. Abner Bartlett, Esq. A new bridge across Charles River, from Charlestown to Boston, is proposed; and Nov. 1, 1824, the town voted to petition the Legislature in favor of its erection. They proposed to call it Warren Bridge. The bridge
n217.  Samuel E. Sewall64. Nov. 8, 1852.Francis B. Fay200.  George Hood192.  John B. Alley64.  George Osborn62. Nov. 13, 1854.Nathaniel P. Banks470.  Luther V. Bell136. Councillors and Senators. John Brooks, Councillor1812. P. C. Brooks, Councillor1818. Timothy Bigelow, Councillor1820. James M. Usher, Senator,1851. Sanford B. Perry, Senator,1852. E. C. Baker, Senator,1855. Representatives of Medford in the General Court. Peter Tuftschosen1689. Peter Tufts1690eb. 7, 1823. William WardJan. 7, 1824. Nathan AdamsFeb. 8, 1825. Nathaniel HallJuly 7, 1826, Abner BartlettJan. 4, 1827. Turell TuftsJune 5, 1828. Jonathan PorterFeb. 21, 1829. Dudley HallOct. 19, 1829. Jonathan BrooksJan. 30, 1830. Peter C. BrooksDec. 20, 1831. Nathan AdamsJan. 25, 1832. Nathaniel HallMay 18, 1833. Abner BartlettDec. 18, 1833. Turell TuftsMar. 28, 1835. Jonathan PorterJan. 27, 1836. Dudley HallAug. 30, 1836. John SparrellNov. 24, 1836. Thatcher MagounDec. 6, 1
of being performed after sermon, as heretofore the practice has been. July 27, 1823: The Hon. Peter C. Brooks presented to the church two silver flagons; for which thanks were voted. Sept. 3, 18thus promptly made. The committee chosen to build the house were Messrs. Abner Bartlett, Peter C. Brooks, and Jonathan Brooks, Esqs. It was built immediately, at the cost of $3,824.05, and was acre instructed to procure a new organ; and they say that the donation of $1,000, by the Hon. Peter C. Brooks, has helped them to secure a first-rate instrument, at the price of $1,650. The cost of the814. Two silver cups,--gift of Mr. William Wyman, 1815. Two silver flagons,--gift of Hon. P. C. Brooks, 1823. One silver dish,--gift of Mr. David Bucknam, 1824. One antique silver cup; dor of 1842; being kindly assisted by some of their fellow-citizens, among whom were the late Peter C. Brooks, Esq., and others, and also by friends of adjoining towns. On the 14th day of September,
dward B. Hall1820 George B. Osborn1820 John Angier1821 Ward C. Brooks1822 Caleb Stetson1822 Charles Angier1827 Elijah N. Train1827 John James Gilchrist1828 Joseph Angier1829 Charles V. Bemis1835 George Clisby1836 Thomas S. Harlow1836 Thompson Kidder1836 Andrew D. Blanchard1842 Horace D. Train1842 Benjamin L. Swan1844 Hosea Ballou, 2d1844 Timothy Bigelow1845 Sanford B. Perry1845 James A. Hervey1849 Albert F. Sawyer1849 Thomas Meriam Stetson1849 George D. Porter1851 Peter C. Brooks1852 Gorham Train1852 Samuel C. Lawrence1855 Medford once had eight under-graduates, at the same time, in Harvard College. Physicians. For many years the inhabitants of Medford employed the physicians of the neighboring towns; and there was small need of medicine where all had simple diet, fresh air, and moderate labor. As early as 1720, two doctors appear in the town records,--Dr. Oliver Noyce and Dr. Ebenezer Nutting. The first died in 1721; and the second is not found i
In 1851, it was thought best by the proprietors to surrender the charter, wind up the concern, sell the property, and divide the proceeds. In 1852, it was sold at auction, in sections; and they who owned land upon its borders were, in most cases, the purchasers. The process of filling it up commenced so soon, and has been prosecuted so diligently, that all traces of this full artery have, in many sections, wholly disappeared; but we truly hope that the solid stone bridge, built by the Hon. Peter C. Brooks, to span it, and which has been for a quarter of a century a most picturesque object in the distance, will be allowed to remain in memoriam,--a gravestone to mark where the highway of waters lies buried. Two single locks were found necessary in Medford,--one on the north bank of Mystic River, almost contiguous to the Lowell Railroad track, in West Medford; and the other near the entrance of Medford Turnpike. This last was a side lock, used for transferring ship-timber from the ca
extend the burial-ground to the line of said street, and build thereon a suitable iron fence, with stone basement. The next movement for another burying-ground was March 6, 1837, when the town passed the following: Voted that the article relative to purchasing land for a burial-ground, in the easterly part of the town, be indefinitely postponed. For many years, the eastern wall of the old burying-ground was broken and insufficient. The writer of this directed the attention of the Hon. Peter C. Brooks to the subject in 1846: the consequence was an offer of five hundred dollars from that gentleman to the town, for the purpose of building a granite wall, reaching from the Baptist meeting-house through the whole eastern front of the ground. The town accepted the offer, and voted thanks, Nov. 8, 1847. There was a strip of land, twenty feet or more, added here to the old limits; and the new granite wall encloses it. This strip was laid out in lots, and sold at auction Aug. 3, 1848.
een heated by a stove was Dec. 18, 1820. 1822.--The delta of trees, within the triangular fence, which is in the public road, at the junction of High and Grove Streets, near the Lowell Railroad Station, in West Medford, was planted by the Hon. Peter C. Brooks in 1822; and the fence was built at his expense. 1825.--Medford has not been a resort for Jews; but it had one who is remembered with interest,--Abraham Touro, eminent for his social and generous qualities. When General Lafayette rear, be authorized to deliver the portrait to Mr. Armstrong. It is now in the possession of Mrs. S. T. Armstrong, widow, in Boston. 1854.--In the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, of October, is a biographical notice of Hon. Peter C. Brooks, written by Hon. Edward Everett, doing justice to the character of our distinguished townsman. 1854.--Captain Duncan Ingraham married the widow of Dr. Simon Tufts, as his second wife, and resided in Medford. By his first wife, he had a
Sept. 3, 1704.  20Rebecca, b. July 24, 1706; m. Samuel Pratt, Dec. 2, 1725. 3--12Samuel Brooks m. Sarah Boylston (sister of his brother's wife), and lived in Medford, nearly opposite the site of the house since occupied by his descendant, Peter C. Brooks. He died July 3, 1733. His wife died Oct. 16, 1736, aged 56. Their children were--  12-21Samuel, b. Sept. 3, 1700.  22Sarah, b. Apr. 17, 1702; m. Rev. Shearjashub Brown, of Scituate, Feb. 12, 1736. 11-13CALEB Brooks, m., 2d, Ruth Albre Mar. 18, 1847. His wife d. Mar. 31, 1826, aged 58. Their children were--  38-55Samuel Reeves, b. Feb. 1, 1793; m. Frances Olney, 1842.  56Charles, b. Oct. 30, 1795.  57Elizabeth.  58Alfred, m. Lydia Warren, 1833.  59Lucy Ann. 31-52Peter Chardon Brooks m. Nancy Gorham, and had--  52-60Edward, b. Dec. 22, 1792.  61Gorham, b. Feb. 10, 1795; d. Sept. 10, 1855.  62Peter C., b. July 4, 1796; d. 1798.  63Ann G., b. Feb. 19, 1797.  64Peter C., b. Aug. 26, 1798.  65Sidney, b. Oct. 7
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., The passing of a Medford estate. (search)
The passing of a Medford estate. For two hundred and fifty years the name of Brooks has been associated with Medford, as Thomas Brooks bought part of the Cradock farm in 1660. His son Caleb lived in the mansion house of Golden Moore, mentioned by Edward Collins in his deed. Since Caleb (the first resident of the Brooks name), successive generations have there had their homes until the recent sale of the estate (including the mansion built by Peter C. Brooks in 1802) to a real estate trust. During the century gradual disposals have been made, but the latest will produce the change most marked. In 1803 the Middlesex canal, and in 1835 the Lowell railroad, were opened for travel through it. Early in the fifties the southern portion came into the possession of Thomas P. Smith. Oak Grove Cemetery is in the northern border, and also enlarged from this estate. Next, the Playstead took a portion along Whitmore brook, and the residential section near the Gleason school followed. I