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ine, and Stockard were wounded, but set the valuable example of maintaining their posts. Such, also, was the conduct of Sergeants Scott of Company C, and Hollingsworth of Company A, of private Malone of Company F, and of others whose names have not been reported to me. In addition to the officers already commended in this report, I would mention as deserving of especial consideration for their gallantry and general good conduct, Lieutenants Calhoun and Dill and Arthur and Harrison and Brown and Hughes. It may be proper for me to notice the fact that, early in the action, Colonel Bowles, of Indiana, with a small party from his regiment, which he stated was all of his men that he could rally, joined us, and expressed a wish to serve with my command. He remained with us throughout the day, and displayed much personal gallantry. Referring for casualties in my regiment to the list which has been furnished, I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servan
Chapter 27: in the Thirtieth Congress, 1847-48. Mr. Davis had not long to wait for the most signal expressions of gratitude and homage which his State could offer him. Governor A. G. Brown, within less than two months after his return home, appointed him to fill the vacancy in the United States Senate occasioned by the death of Senator Jesse Speight. His appointment was unanimously ratified by the Legislature. Through all avenues of public opinion, in popular meetings, and by the press, the people of the State enthusiastically endorsed the Governor's choice. Thus early Mississippi put on record her trust in Mr. Davis. It was a trust which was to abide in him so long as he lived, and to be accorded most generously whenever he most needed it. Pale and emaciated from the nervous pain consequent upon his wound, and supported by two crutches, Mr. Davis took his seat at the first session of the Thirtieth Congress. Perhaps no legislative body was ever more suspiciously regar