Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4.. You can also browse the collection for David H. Brown or search for David H. Brown in all documents.

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1757Feb. 8, 1758In house of Dorothy Fowle. Esther (wife)    John (child) Bredin, Jacob    wife and 2 childrenMaiden, Nov. 24, 1770Tenant of Benj. Hall. Brewer, MosesWaltham, Feb. 16, 1773Apprentice to Ebenr. Hall, Jr. Brigden, TimothyAug. 31, 1797 Bright, JonathanCharlestown, Sept. 9, 1760In family of Samuel Wakefield. 3 months old. Brooks, Jonas     Anna (wife)Woburn (no date)In house of Abigail Brooks. Brothers, SarahReading, Sept., 1763Nov. 30, 1763Dau. Mrs. Thos. Richardson. Brown, AbigailBoston, Oct. 2, 1759Nov. 21, 1759Taken in by Phebe Tufts. Bucknam, EbenezerStoneham, abt. May 1, 1764Dec. 3, 1764     Mary (wife)    Sarah (child) Buckman, Edward(Bucknam)  Sarah (wife)    & negro VenusStoneham, May 4, 1763Tenant of Col. I. Royall. Bucknam, Jacob    Lyclia (wife)    & childBraintree, April, 1756Nov. 27, 1756 Bucknam James (child)Notice from Town of Boston, Aug. 27, 1803. Bucknam, JamesMaiden, Dec., 1764Mar. 1, 1765 Mary (wife)
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Chas. H. Loomis, Chairman. Helen T. Wild, David H. Brown, Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer, Geo. S. T. Fuller, RWeitz. Membership. Rosewell B. Lawrence, David H. Brown, Ellen M. Gill, Jessie M. Dinsmore, Geo. S. ller, E. D. brown. Papers and addresses. David H. Brown, Chairman. John Ward dean, Dr. R. J. P. Gley, Miss Hetty F. Wait, Miss Eliza M. Gill, David H. Brown, Gilbert Hodges, Fred'k H. Kidder. Heraloks, Shepherd. Life Members.Brooks, Peter C. Brown, David H. Brown, Mrs. Abby D. Brown, Mrs. HarrBrown, Mrs. Abby D. Brown, Mrs. Harriet W. Brown, Edward D. Brown, George E. Bruce, Mrs. F. P. Bullard, B. Frank. Burbank, Miss EllaBrown, Mrs. Harriet W. Brown, Edward D. Brown, George E. Bruce, Mrs. F. P. Bullard, B. Frank. Burbank, Miss Ella L. Burbank, Miss Ida E. Buss, Charles B. Buss, Herman L. Chany, Miss A. Clara. Chandler, Dr. N.Brown, Edward D. Brown, George E. Bruce, Mrs. F. P. Bullard, B. Frank. Burbank, Miss Ella L. Burbank, Miss Ida E. Buss, Charles B. Buss, Herman L. Chany, Miss A. Clara. Chandler, Dr. N. F. Chipman, Miss Bessie W. Clark, Miss Mary S. Clark, Miss Sarah L. Clark, Calvin. Cleaves, Dr.Brown, George E. Bruce, Mrs. F. P. Bullard, B. Frank. Burbank, Miss Ella L. Burbank, Miss Ida E. Buss, Charles B. Buss, Herman L. Chany, Miss A. Clara. Chandler, Dr. N. F. Chipman, Miss Bessie W. Clark, Miss Mary S. Clark, Miss Sarah L. Clark, Calvin. Cleaves, Dr. James E. Cleaves, Mrs. Emmie N. Coffin, Freeman C. Coburn, Charles F. Converse, M. M. Cordis, M
oves. This dress he wore on Sundays to church and when he went to Boston to get his quarterly dividends on his United States stock. Meetings of the Medford Historical Society, sixth year, 1901-1902. October 21.—Mrs. Jane Turell: Her Life and Work. Mrs. C. H. Morss, and Social Meeting. November 18.—The March of the Army under Arnold, from Cambridge to Quebec. Mr. E. H. Hines, of Danvers. December 16.—The Old Medford Turnpike, with Glimpses at the Brick Makers. Mr. John F. Ayer, President of Somerville Historical Society. January 20.—Grace Church of Medford. Mr. Benj. P. Hollis. February 17.—Physical Geography of Medford. Mr. W. S. Beekman. March 17.—The Annual Meeting. April 21.—The Lawyers of Medford. Mr. H. A. Weitz. May 19.—The Lawrence Light Guard of Medford. Miss Helen T. Wild. Committee on papers and addresses. David H. Brown, Chairman. John H. Hooper. John Ward dean. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin. Willi