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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 6.. You can also browse the collection for David H. Brown or search for David H. Brown in all documents.
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Medford Historical Society.
Officers for the year ending March, 1904.
David H. Brown.
Rosewell B. Lawrence.
Charles H. Loomis.
William Cushing Wait.
Benjamin P. Hollis.
Benjamin F. Fen rian and Curator.
Miss Agnes W. Lincoln.
Standing Committees.
Miss Helen T. Wild, Chairman.
David H. Brown.
Henry M. Begien.
George S. T. Fuller.
H. A. Weitz.
Moses W. Mann.
Rosewell B. Lawrence, Chairm ring.
A. M. Stickney.
Mortimer E. Wilber.
Percy W. Richardson.
E. B. Dennison.
Papers and addresses.
David H. Brown, Chairman
Walter H. Cushing.
Charles H. Morss.
John H. Hooper.
William Cushing Wait.
Miss Agnes W. Lincoln.
Hist . Mann.
Frederick H. Kidder.
Geo. S. Delano, Chairman
Miss Ella S. Hinckley.
Miss Eliza M. Gill.
David H. Brown.
Miss Hetty F. Wait.
Gilbert Hodges.
Mrs. Emmie N. Cleaves.
Benjamin P. Hollis, Chairman.