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or for the greater part of their lives, and who are now residents. Henry Richardson, b. June 26, 1818,. Sarah A. (Kimball) Lincoln, b. July 30, 1818. Mary W. (Todd) Roberts, b. May 15, 1819. Mary W. (Blanchard) Harlow, b. March 1, 1821. Elizabeth (Todd) Turner, b. April 18, 1821. William C. Sprague, b. June 13, 1823. Mary M. (Cushing) Weston, b. December 27, 1825. Frederick D. H. Thomas, b. May 8, 1826. James F. Fifield, b. September 15, 1826. Harriet W. (Joyce) Brown, b. October 29, 1826. Mary (White) Hartshorn, b. December 13, 1826. J. Everett Wellington, b. April 27, 1827. Mary (Gleason) Waterman, b. July 2, 1827. Susan R. (Hall) Turner, b. August 29, 1827. Lucy A. Peck, b. June 24, 1828. Ann C. (Drew) Jaquith, b. August 1, 1828. Sarah Jane Blanchard, b. January 13, 1829. Lucy B. (Butters) Conery, b. February 2, 1829. Susan E. (Withington) Howe, b. April 20, 1829. Henry F. Moore, b. June 25, 1829. Francis A. Wait, b. J
Bridge and Luther Farwell; while George Spaulding, the Traveller man, H. T. Wood and Horace A. Breed would come from their homes beyond the railroad. A little later the Brooks carriages would come down from the Elms or the stone house on the hill, or Mr. Usher, a tall and commanding personage in flowing cloak and tall silk hat, would stroll leisurely out from among the trees about his house. I had almost forgotten one who came a little later than myself, but still an early dweller then—David H. Brown, our worthy president. Samuel Teele, Sr., lived in his house on High street. Gilbert Lincoln and J. M. Brock were carpenters by trade as was also J. H. Norton, who employed a number of men. William Cheney and Samuel Teele were of the same trade. Captain Wyatt, one of the master mechanics of the canal, was a familiar figure upon the street, though bowed upon his long staff by the weight of ninety years. Albert Samson lived on Canal street and was bookkeeper for Foster & Co; and Thomas M
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 8., The two hundred seventy-fifth anniversary. (search)
ed here on his Memorable ride to Concord April 18-19, 1775 to Warn Captain Hall that the British soldiers were on the March. placed by the Massachusetts Society Sons of the Revolution June 14, 1905 June 15, the Opera House was the scene of a most inspiring service. An oration was delivered by Rev. Nehemiah Boynton of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Hon. William Everett, a descendant of the Brooks family of Medford, recited an original poem. The Tufts College Choir furnished the vocal music. Mr. David H. Brown, President of the Medford Historical Society, and Hon. M. F. Dwyer, Mayor, spoke appropriate words of welcome, Judge William Cushing Wait presiding. Thursday evening the armory presented a scene of beauty and festivity which will be long remembered by the five hundred men and women who were privileged to be present at the banquet which was given there. Patriotic exercises by the schools of the city were held on Friday, June 16. It is to be regretted that no hall was large enoug