Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for George Brown or search for George Brown in all documents.

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ts from Harper's Ferry, Md., fell in with the same party a few miles south of Charlestown, and after a running fight of several miles recaptured the men and horses, and captured Lieutenant Baylor, two of his men, and several horses.--General Kelly's Despatch. A skirmish took place to-day in the vicinity of Bolivar, Tenn., between a detachment of National cavalry and a body of rebels, in which four of the latter were killed, five taken prisoners, and a number wounded. The rebels also lost several of their horses. The Union party had none killed or wounded.--Chicago Tribune. To-night the United States gunboat Indianola, under the command of Captain Brown, successfully passed the rebel batteries before Vicksburgh. Twenty heavy guns were fired at her, but she escaped without being hit.--The steamer Douglass ran out of Charleston, S. C., with James B. Clay, of Kentucky, on board, as a passenger, for Liverpool. She successfully passed the blockading fleet.--Charleston Mercury.
of their number prisoners, beside killing eight horses and capturing four. The rest of the rebel party retreated.--Nashville Union. A fight took place at Arkadelphia, Ark., between a small party of Unionists under the command of Captain----Brown, which lasted from sunrise until noon, when the rebels were routed, with a loss of fourteen killed and twelve wounded. Captain Brown lost two killed and twelve wounded.--General Hooker issued an order to the army of the Potomac, announcing that t-Nashville Union. A fight took place at Arkadelphia, Ark., between a small party of Unionists under the command of Captain----Brown, which lasted from sunrise until noon, when the rebels were routed, with a loss of fourteen killed and twelve wounded. Captain Brown lost two killed and twelve wounded.--General Hooker issued an order to the army of the Potomac, announcing that the order of the War Department authorizing the enlistment of volunteers into the regular service had been rescinded.
tion. A large amount of government property was destroyed at Paris, in order to prevent it from falling into the hands of the rebels. They were pursued by a detachment of National troops, under the command of Colonel B. P. Runkle, but the rebels, though superior in numbers to the Union force, preferred the business of robbing to that of fighting, and continued to retreat from place to place, until they finally got away with a large amount of property, and a great number of horses. Governor Brown, of Georgia, issued an order compelling all the militia officers of that State, except those already tendered and accepted by General Beauregard, to repair forthwith, without hesitation or delay, to the city of Savannah, and report to General Beauregard, to be organized under his direction into companies, for duty in the defence of that city. The steamer Belle, of Memphis, while lying at Cottonwood Landing, Tenn., was boarded by a party of rebel guerrillas who attempted to capture h
February 24. The United States steamer Indianola, under the command of Lieutenant George Brown, was this day captured in the Mississippi River, near Grand Gulf, after an engagement lasting one hour and a half, by the rebel iron-clad steamers Queen of the West and William H. Webb, and the armed steamers Doctor Batey and Grand Duke.--(Doc. 124.) The steamer Hetty Gilmore, was captured and destroyed by the rebels under the command of W. C. P. Breckenridge, at Woodbury, Tenn.--The Savannah News of this date said: There seems to be now a great rage for investing in confederate bonds. Every body is buying bonds — that is, every body who has treasury notes wherewith to buy. How great the contrast! Here our people are seeking confederate government paper. In Lincolndom every body is avoiding government paper, and paying enormous prices for every article which will enable them to get rid of Yankee promises to pay! This is one of the best signs of the times. At Richmond, Va
k, and, after a brief contest, they routed and drove them for a distance of five or six miles, killing and wounding great numbers of them. In their flight the rebels abandoned the whole of the plunder captured in Brentwood a few hours previous.--(Doc. 147.) The citizens of Savannah, Ga., were suffering greatly for the want of an adequate supply of provisions. Even corn-meal could be had only in small quantities. The railroads were forbidden to carry any food out of the town. Governor Brown, of Georgia, sent a message to the Legislature of that State, recommending the passage of an act restricting the planting of cotton to a quarter of an acre to each hand, under a heavy penalty. He also recommended that further restrictions should be put upon the distillation of spirits, so as to prevent the use of potatoes, peas, and dried peaches for that purpose. He was in favor of giving a cordial support to the rebel government. The Union fleet of iron-clad monitors and gunboat