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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 1 (search)
ernment depended for arms, for the war then imminent, mainly upon those found in the arsenals at Fayetteville, Charleston, Augusta, Mount Vernon, and Baton Rouge; United States muskets and rifles of discarded pattern, the number supposed to be about seventy-five thousand; above forty thousand muskets belonging to the State of Virginia in course of rapid conversion from flint to percussion lock by Governor Letcher's orders; and twenty thousand lately procured for the State of Georgia, by Governor Brown. I reached Harper's Ferry soon after noon of the 23d of May, accompanied by Colonel E. Kirby Smith, Afterward lieutenant-general. acting adjutant-general, Major W. H. C. Whiting, Who fell at Fort Fisher, a major-general. of the Engineer Corps, Major E. McLean, of the Quartermaster's Department, and Captain T. L. Preston, assistant adjutant-general. Within an hour the commanding officer, Colonel Jackson, Who became so celebrated as lieutenant-general. visited me; learned the objec
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 9 (search)
p full supplies of forage. This continued until near the end of January, when the management of the railroad had been greatly improved by the intervention of Governor Brown, and a better system introduced in the manner of forwarding military supplies. This scarcity of food made it necessary to send almost half of the artillers and Baldwin's brigades, the last two sent from Mississippi, returned to that department in obedience to orders from the Secretary of War. At the same time Governor Brown transferred two regiments of State troops to the army. They were placed as guards for the protection of the railroad-bridges between Dalton and Atlanta. Intt skillfully: Clayton's and Reynold's brigades on a detached hill near the base of the mountain and in the intermediate pass, and Stevenson's three other brigades (Brown's, Pettus's, and Cummings's) on the opposite height to the east. The skirmishers soon became engaged on both sides of the valley, and the enemy halted. The skirm
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
battle of Kenesaw. army crosses the Chattahoochee. visit of General Brown. relieved from command of the army of Tennessee. explain my pivision of the Fourth Corps, were quickly and handsomely repulsed. Brown's brigade was then moved from Stevenson's right to the crest of theth another assault was made upon the troops at the angle, including Brown's brigade as well as Pettus's, and much more vigorous than that of as met, however, with the firmness always displayed where Pettus or Brown commanded, and their troops fought; and the enemy was driven back w to hold his ground. For this object his cavalry was reenforced by Brown's brigade. These instructions were executed, and the enemy delayedhe enemy was driven beyond the battery by the well-directed fire of Brown's and Reynolds's brigades, but found shelter in a ravine not far frheld by the enemy. A division of State militia organized by Governor Brown, under Major-General G. W. Smith, and transferred to the army,
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 14 (search)
public property as he had the means of removing. To attempt to strike a blow upon at least two corps, General Grant's report. with two brigades, would have been gross folly. We were not inactive See pages 191-203. during the siege of Vicksburg, nor were my forces adequate to cut through Grant's lines. General Pemberton, as much interested as any one could be in bold measures for the relief of Vicksburg, thought forty thousand men a minimum for the attempt. Governor Pettus, Honorables A. G. Brown, D. F. Kenner, E. Barksdale, and W. P. Harris, See their dispatch, pages 212, 213. thought thirty thousand more troops necessary, they being on the spot. For the causes of Confederate disasters in Mississippi, the reader is referred to pages 204-211. The assertions concerning the little siege of Jackson are contradicted by the very correspondence See it as published by Confederate Congress, and in Appendix, pages referred to, and in pages 207 and 208. On the first day, July 9
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
hel Church, ten miles from Port Gibson, at three o'clock on the morning of the 29th, and that they were still landing at Bruinsburg. Brigadier-General Tracey, of Stevenson's division, had reached Grand Gulf with his brigade on the 30th. Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, of the Twentieth Mississippi, with fifty mounted men of his regiment, left Jackson for the same place on the 29th; and Major J. D. Bradford, a good artillery-officer, was sent to replace the lamented Colonel Wade as chief of artillery. 5th. On the 13th the following dispatch was sent to General Johnston: General Forney reports, from Vicksburg this morning, four transports loaded with troops, arrived at Young's Point this morning. Five regiments and a battery passed down by Brown and Johnson's. Wagon-trains continue to pass back and forth. My reinforcements will be very small, and arrive very slowly. If possible, Port Hudson should be reenforced. I have been forced to draw largely from there. I have no major-general t
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Memoranda of the operations of my corps, while under the command of General J. E. Johnston, in the Dalton and Atlanta, and North Carolina campaigns. (search)
some slight skirmishing at the latter place. On the morning of the 24th the march was resumed in the direction of Dallas, and, on the morning of the 25th, with my entire command, I arrived at New Hope Church, four miles east of Dallas. About mid-day the enemy was reported advancing, when my line was forward, Hindman on the left, Stewart in the centre, and Stevenson on the right. At five o'clock P. M. a very determined attack was made upon Stewart, extending along a very small portion of Brown's brigade of Stevenson's division. The engagement continued actively until night closed in, the enemy being repeatedly and handsomely repulsed at all points. Then Hooker's entire corps was driven back by three brigades of Stewart's division; prisoners taken were of that corps. Too much praise cannot be accorded to the artillery under the immediate direction of Colonel Beckham, which did great execution in the enemy's ranks, and added much to their discomfiture. On the morning of the 2