Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 25, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. N. Brown or search for J. N. Brown in all documents.

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erian Church. Rules of order. Mr. Ore, of South Carolina, from the committee to prepare rules for the government of the Senate, presented a report, which, after being read, was adopted and ordered to be printed. Tax on cotton. Mr. Brown, of Miss. presented a bill to levy a war tax on cotton produced during the year 1862, which was read and placed upon the calendar. Mr. Brown gave notice that he would press an early consideration of the bill. The following is a copy of the bMr. Brown gave notice that he would press an early consideration of the bill. The following is a copy of the bill: 1. Be it enacted, &c., That it shall be lawful for each head of a family in the Confederate States of America, in the year 1862, to produce free of tax, three bales of cotton, clear of seed, weighing four hundred pounds each, and, in addition, one bale of four hundred pounds for every hand actually employed in the cultivation, and gathering of cotton, and for every additional bale of four hundred pounds, or less, produced and gathered by any head of a family, there shall be assessed
out a piloting board, I concluded to wait for both of the boats to come up. Joined by them, we proceeded up the river. Lieut. Com. Gwen had destroyed some of the trestle work of the end of the bridge, burning with them lots of camp equipage. J. N. Brown, formerly a Lieutenant in the navy, now signing himself C. S. N., had fled with such precipitation as to leave his papers behind. These Lieut. Com. Gwen brought away, and I send them to you, as they give an official history of the reallocating preparations on the Mississippi, Cumberland, and Tennessee. Lieut. Brown had charge of the construction of gunboats. At night, on the 7th, we arrived at a landing in Hardin county, Tennessee, known as Cerro Gordo, where we found the steamer Eastport being converted into a gunboat. Armed boat crews were immediately sent on board, and search made for means of destruction that might have been devised. She had been scuttled and the suction pipes broken. These leaks were soon stopped. A nu
as fallen upon the Presidential mansion, and all who were personally acquainted with the family of the President share in the deep tried occasioned by the death of little Willie Lincoln. He was a boy of such promise that all who became acquainted with him had predicted for him a career of no ordinary character. Young as he was, he impressed every, one who came in contact with him as a youth who was destined to become a man of rank. The body of Willie Lincoln was embalmed to-day by Drs. Brown and Alexander, assisted by Dr. Wood, in the presence of the attending physicians, Doctors Stone and Hall, Senator Brownig and Isaac Newton. The method of Sagnet, of Paris, was used, and the result was entirely satisfactory to the attending friends of the family. Thaddeus, the youngest son of the President is still dangerously ill. Fears are entertained that his disease will assume the type which proved fatal to his brother. Capture of Clarksville — a Ridiculous rumor about Governm