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following is a list of the names of those who proceed to Port Royal as active participants in the operations of the society: Washington and Philadelphia. Walter R. Johnson,Miss Mary Donalson, Miss Susan Walker. New-York. N. R. Johnson,J. W. Brinkerhoff, Geo. B. Peck,Theodore Holt, Harvey Hyde,Edmund Price, John L. Lathrop,D. F. Cooper, Robert N. Smith,J. W. Macomber, F. H. Cowdeny,J. P. Greves, Albert Norton,J. T. Ashley, Geo. C. Fox,Jas. Hoy, Jas. D. Strong,David Fitch, John H. Brown,Lyman Knowlton, Albert Belamy,Miss Hannah Curtis, Mrs. M. O. Quoiff,Miss M. Albright, Mrs. Nicholson,Mrs. Jane Harlan, Miss Doxy,Miss R. Patton. Boston. E. W. Hooper,E. S. Philbrick, Wm. C. Gannett,Geo. H. Blake, J. E. Zachos,Dr. A. J. Wakefield, Jas. F. Sisson,Isaac W. Cole, J. W. R. Hill,Jas. H. Palmer, D. F. Thorpe,David Mack, T. Edwin Ruggles,J. M. F. Howard, F. E. Barnard,Dr. Jas. Waldock, Richard Soule, Jr.,Leonard Wesson, Dr. C. H. Brown,Wm. E. Peck, James E. Taylo
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., List of Massachusetts officers and soldiers killed in action. (search)
sburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863. Brown, Henry O., Corp.,11th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 2, 1863. Brown, James, 1st Sergt.,12th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 13, 1862. Brown, James L., Sergt.,11th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 13, 1864. Brown, James W.,17th Mass. Inf.,New Berne, N. C.,May 23, 1862. Brown, John,20th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Brown, John,7th Mass. Inf.,Marye's Heights, Va.,May 3, 1863. Brown, John,55th Mass. Inf.,Honey Hill, S. C.,Nov. 30, 1864. Brown, John H.,19th Mass. Inf.,Dodsville Farm, Va.,May 24, 1864. Brown, John P.,30th Mass. Inf.,Cedar Creek, Va.,Oct. 19, 1864. Brown, John W.,22d Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Brown, John W.,1st Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 14, 1862. Brown, Lorenzo L., 1st Sergt.,18th Mass. Inf.,Rappahannock Station, Va.,Nov. 7, 1863. Brown, Nathaniel,1st Mass. Cav.,St. Mary's Church, Va.,June 24, 1864. Brown, Samuel, Corp.,58th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 12, 1864. Brown, Seva,7th Mas
sburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863. Brown, Henry O., Corp.,11th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 2, 1863. Brown, James, 1st Sergt.,12th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 13, 1862. Brown, James L., Sergt.,11th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 13, 1864. Brown, James W.,17th Mass. Inf.,New Berne, N. C.,May 23, 1862. Brown, John,20th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Brown, John,7th Mass. Inf.,Marye's Heights, Va.,May 3, 1863. Brown, John,55th Mass. Inf.,Honey Hill, S. C.,Nov. 30, 1864. Brown, John H.,19th Mass. Inf.,Dodsville Farm, Va.,May 24, 1864. Brown, John P.,30th Mass. Inf.,Cedar Creek, Va.,Oct. 19, 1864. Brown, John W.,22d Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Brown, John W.,1st Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 14, 1862. Brown, Lorenzo L., 1st Sergt.,18th Mass. Inf.,Rappahannock Station, Va.,Nov. 7, 1863. Brown, Nathaniel,1st Mass. Cav.,St. Mary's Church, Va.,June 24, 1864. Brown, Samuel, Corp.,58th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 12, 1864. Brown, Seva,7th Mas
C. H., 26th Mass. Inf., 338 Brown, C. H., 56th Mass. Inf., 436 Brown, C. L., 444 Brown, Charles, 337 Brown, D. B., 444 Brown, David, 7th Mass. Inf., 338 Brown, David, 18th Mass. Inf., 502 Brown, E. T., 444 Brown, F. C., 338 Brown, F. D., 338 Brown, F. H., 338 Brown, G. A., 444 Brown, G. D., 338 Brown, G. F., 103, 338 Brown, G. H., 502 Brown, G. L., 444 Brown, G. M., 502 Brown, G. W., 19, 20, 23 Brown, George, 444 Brown, H. O., 338 Brown, H. Z., 444 Brown, J. A., 490 Brown, J. H., 338 Brown, J. L., 338 Brown, J. M., 65, 444 Brown, J. P., 338 Brown, James, 12th Mass. Inf., 338 Brown, James, 33d Mass. Inf., 149 Brown, James, 37th Mass. Inf., 444, 502 Brown, James W., 338 Brown, John, IX Brown, John, 7th Mass. Inf., 338 Brown, John, 11th Mass. Inf., 502 Brown, John, 20th Mass. Inf., 338 Brown, John, 25th Mass. Inf., 502 Brown, John, 55th Mass. Inf., 338 Brown, John, 57th Mass. Inf., 502 Brown, John W., 1st Mass. Inf., 338 Brown, John W., 22d Mass. I
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
cott, E. R. Tompkins, John T. Wellford, O. Williams, Geo. Willis, H. Wallace, Albert Drewry, J. E. Harrison, M. Howard, Chs. Jenkins, Wm. S. Jones, H. Houseman, Chs. Ella, Allen Luper, Berry Cooper. [76] Roll of Non-Commissioned officers and men in Clutter's Battery. R. B. Street, Ord. Sergeant. Jno. B. Monnfield, Sergeant. John L. Corbin, Sergeant. F. Adams, Corporal. V. C. Inmon, Corporal. Privates. J. Gallen, Mike Blake, one horse, John H. Brown, Peter Brown, J. G. Covington, A. N. Crafton, W. B. Chowning, John Chowning, J. C. Corbin, B. F. Diggs, Z. M. Evans, H. Enroughty, W. A. Edwards, W. A. Ford, L. Farmer, F. Farmer, J. Fackler, W. O. Garland, Jos. Heath, J. B. Holley, H. W. Inman, W. Johnson, Swift Johnson, one horse, Thos. Luster, T. H. Montague, W. A. Mills, Jno. H. Newbell, Jno. Newbell, B. Nowlin, S. M. Nowlin, W. Owen, J. E. Owins, Jno. Orender, G. W. Panit, L. Pitts, A. Rose, T
Some of the enemy's wounded. The following is a list of wounded Hessians received at the Centreville Hospital on the 22d of July: Thos R. Hughes, 69th Regiment, Company K, wounded in the side and arm; removed to Richmond; out of danger. Theo Thebin, 69th, Co. D. wounded in the leg slightly; removed to Richmond. John Moran, 69th, Company H, not dangerously; removed. John H. Brown, 69th, Company J, removed slightly. Sol. F. Walker, 4th Maine, Co. K, wounded through the chest; died on the 23d July; leaves a wife and child at Winterport.Me. Thos Fagan, 14th Reg't N. Y. S. M. Co. B. shot through the left arm; removed on the 5th August to Richmond; out of danger. Warren B Racer, 14th N. Y. S. M, Company C, removed, slightly. David Jones, 2d Wisconsin, Company A, removed, slightly. Simeon Halth, 2d New Haven, Company A, slightly, removed. John D. Goi, 2d Artillery, Company E, removed, slightly. Geo. W. Gray, 1st, Company H, remai
returned a verdict of guilty and accessed his term of confinement at three years in the Penitentiary. Sentence was immediately pronounced on the accused. John H. Brown was next tried for breaking into a room occupied by John H. Scribner and stealing $180 worth of clothing. The robbery was accomplished with the aid of Geo. Hoeli, who, after being put in the jail, engaged in several enterprises which insured him a several years' adjourn in the Penitentiary. Though jointly indicted with Brown, the prosecution against Hoppell for the abduction of Scribner's raiment was abandoned. The proof of Brown's complicity was deemed sufficiently plain by the jury the abduction of Scribner's raiment was abandoned. The proof of Brown's complicity was deemed sufficiently plain by the jury who found him guilty, and ascertained the term of his imprisonment in the Penitentiary at three years. Sentence was immediately passed, and he and Hoppell taken to their future abode by the City Sergeant.
The Daily Dispatch: July 30, 1863., [Electronic resource], Will the Western Powers of Europe permit the Union to be restored? (search)
Runaways-$210 reward. --Absconded from the defensive works around Richmond the following free negroes, impressed from Richmond.-- John H. Brown. John H. Campbell. Patrick Coleman. Nicholas Pleasants, Timothy Roper. Junius Thomas, George Drew, By the act of the Virginia Legislature, passed 12th February, 1863, to provide for the enrollment and employment of free repress in the public service, these negroes being to the rules and regulations of the articles of war, are deserter, and a reward of thirty dollars each will be paid for their apprehension and delivers to Capt. W. G Tiepin at Engineers' office, corner 19th, and Cary sts. W. H. Stevens. Col. Eng. jy 30--6t
Runaways --$210 Reward.--Absconded from the d works around Richmond the following free negroes, impressed from Richmond.-- John H. Brown. John. H. Campbell, Patrick Coleman Nicholas Pleasants, Timothy Roper. Junius E. Thomas, Hcljah Pittman, George Dixon, John Thaokee, Jos Tonouitt, Wm. George, Robert Clarke, William Harris, Alex Whiting, Reward gray. By the act of the Virginia Legislature, passed 12th February, 1852, to provide for the enrollment and employment of free negroes in the public service, these negroes being amenable to the rules and regulations of the articles of war, are deserters, and a reward of thirty dollars each will be paid for their apprehension and delivery to Capt W. G. Turpin, at Enginers'office, corner 19th and Cary sts. W. H. Stevens, Col. fing. jy 30--ts