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lust October 29--7 A. M. Jenkins attacked the enemy last night at Brown's ferry, and drove them back, but was finally compelled to retire himself beforhe column which had arrived in the afternoon from Bridgeport did not proceed to Brown's ferry, where the new pontoon bridge is laid, but stopped two miles short of itrain, and finally got in rear of the left wing. In the meantime the forces at Brown's ferry were put in motion, and were pressing down to the relief of their flyinnfusion. The order to withdraw was not given any too soon, for the forces from Brown's ferry were within three hundred yards of the only bridge over Lookout creek bhe road to-day along which the enemy's trains and artillery were moving towards Brown's ferry, and compelled their infantry forces to change their positions more tha 26th, when the enemy effected a landing and threw a bridge across the river at Brown's ferry. There was but one brigade of infantry (Law's) on picket at the time,
up to this time received any positive confirmation; but the desperate condition of want and privation to which the citizens have been reduced might warrant the truth of some disturbance at almost any moment. There are some lively movements going on in the vicinity of Chattanooga. The enemy have been driven from the ridge of mountains on the south side of the Tennessee river by a force of the 14th Ohio, under Col. Stanley, who crossed in pontoon boats which he floated down the stream to Brown's ferry. The enemy was thus flanked, and their withdrawal from Lookout Mountain rendered almost indispensable. The communication between Chattanooga and Bridgeport will now be opened immediately. The batteries of Gen. Gillmore on Morris Island — Gregg and Wagner — together with two monitors, opened fire on Forts Sumter and Johns on Monday, at 11 o'clock in the morning, and continued until dusk. The batteries threw in that time one hundred shots, and the monitors one hundred and sixty