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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 8 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brush, Charles Francis, 1849- (search)
Brush, Charles Francis, 1849- Inventor; born in Euclid, O., March 17, 1849; was graduated at the University of Michigan in 1869. He was one of the earliest workers in the field of electric lighting, and invented the are electric light. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a life-member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. In 1881 the French government decorated him for his achievements in electrical science, and in March. 1900, he received the Rumford medal from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hull, William 1753-1825 (search)
his proclamation, and the presence of a considerable army, caused many Canadian militia to desert their standard. To the Americans the conquest of Canada appeared like an easy task. Hull's army then lay almost inactive between Sandwich and Fort Malden. The young officers became exceedingly impatient, and almost mutinous, because Hull continually restrained them, and was unwilling to send out detachments on offensive expeditions. He had given Van Horne so few men wherewith to escort Captain Brush, with his cattle and provisions, that when the army heard of the disaster to the troops there was plain and Map of the scene of some of Hull's operations. loud talk at headquarters that startled the general. Send 500 men at once, said McArthur and Cass, to escort Brush to headquarters. I cannot spare more than 100, replied Hull. The mutinous spirit was then so threatening that Hull called a council of officers, when it was agreed to march immediately upon Fort Malden. The troops w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Maguaga, battle of. (search)
Maguaga, battle of. After the evacuation of Canada in 1812, General Hull sent 600 men, under Lieutenant-Colonel Miller, to repair the misfortunes of Van Horne and afford a competent escort for Captain Brush and the army supplies under his charge at the Raisin River. Maguaga battle-ground. When the troops were placed in marching order, Lieutenant-Colonel Miller said to the Ohio militia: Soldiers, we are now going to meet the enemy and beat them. The reverses of the 5th must be repaired. The blood of our brethren, spilt by the savages, must be avenged. I shall lead you. You shall not disgrace yourselves nor me. Every man who shall leave the ranks or fall back, without orders, shall be instantly put to death. I charge the officers to execute this order. Turning to the veterans of the 4th Regiment of Regulars, he said: My brave soldiers, you will add another victory to that of Tippecanoe—another laurel to that gained on the Wabash last fall. If there is now any man in the r
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Van Horne, Thomas B. (search)
Van Horne, Thomas B. Military officer; conspicuous in the War of 1812-15. In August, 1812, Governor Meigs sent Captain Brush with men, cattle, provisions, and a mail for Hull's army. At the Raisin River, Brush sent word to Hull that he had information that a body of Indians under Tecumseh was lying in wait for him near Brownstown, at the mouth of the Huron River, 25 miles below Detroit, and he asked the general to send down a detachment of soldiers as an escort. Hull ordered Major Van Home, of Colonel Findlay's regiment, with 200 men, to join Brush, and escort him and his treasures to headquarters. The major crossed the Detroit from Hull's forces in Canada, Aug. 4. On the morning of the Thomas B. Van Horne. 5th, while the detachment was moving cautiously, Van Horne was told by a Frenchman that several hundred Indians lay in ambush near Brownstown. Accustomed to alarmists, he did not believe the story, and pushed forward his men in two columns, when they were fired upon f