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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 4: country life at Groton. (1833-1836.) (search)
xertion of will, inspired by the most generous sentiment. Brutus nerved his soul to break those ties most sacred to one likng something to please her father, she is still harping on Brutus. The first composition ever published by her, so far as Ime to write a little piece in answer to Mr. B.'s attack on Brutus in the North American Review, which he published in the D 1834, XXXIX. 413. and contained a very low estimate of Brutus. For some reason, although this number of the review was ly though respectfully, but disputed his view in regard to Brutus, and showed a good deal of care in consulting original aufilling five lines. Upon these grounds the writer defends Brutus successively from the charges of sycophancy, time-serving,e of his own juvenile effusions:-- Was it for this that Brutus left a name Bright with the beams of freedom's holiest flas, the heavier ordnance was certainly with the defender of Brutus. But it was quite a triumph to be gravely answered; and t
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Bibliographical Appendix: works of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. (search)
II. At Home and Abroad. [Including Summer on the Lakes; Tribune Letters from Europe; Letters to Friends from Europe; Accounts of the Homeward Voyage; and Memorials.] III. Art, Literature, and the Drama. [Including Papers on Literature and Art, reprinted; and a translation of Goethe's Tasso.] IV. Life Without and Life Within. [Including essays, reviews, and poems, nearly all hitherto unpublished in book form.] Contributions to periodicals. Boston Daily Advertiser. Defense of Brutus. November 27, 1834. Western Messenger. Review of Lives of Crabbe and More. i. 20. Western Messenger. Review of Bulwer's Works. i. 101. Western Messenger. Review of Philip van Artevelde. i. 398. Western Messenger. Review of Korner. i. 306, 369. Western Messenger. Review of Letters from Palmyra. v. 24. Dial. Vol. I. No. 1. Essay on Critics; Allston Exhibition; Richter (poem); A Sketch (poem); A Sketch (poem) [?]. No. 2. Record of the Months (part). No. 3. Klopstock
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Index. (search)
lgiojoso, Princess, 236. Baranger, J. P. de, 230. Birthplace of Madame Ossoli, 20. Bolivar, Simon, 15. Bonaparte, Napoleon, 13, 15. Bracebridge, Mr. and Mrs., 224. Bradford, George P., 144. Brentano, Bettina. See Arnis Briggs, Miss, 225. Brook Farm, 173. Brown, Charles Brockden, 132. Brown, Samuel, 226. Brown's Philosophy studied, 24. Browne, M. A., 39. Browning, Elizabeth (Barrett), 220, 314. Browning, Robert, 19, 69, 220, 229. Brownson, 0. A., 142-144, 147, 148. Brutus, defense of, 47-50. Bryant, William Cullen, 131. Buckingham, J. T., 77. Bull, Ole, 211. Burges, Tristam, 87. Burleigh, Charles, 176. Burns, Robert, 226. C. Cabot, J. E., 159. Cambridge, Mass., between 1810 and 1830, 32. Campbell, Thomas, 290. Carlyle-Emerson Correspondence, 4, 135, 145, 151, 164, 170. Carlyle, Thomas, 45 69 102 135,145, 164, 175, 190, 220, 222, 22. Cass, Lewis, Jr., 241; letter to, 266; letter from, 234. Chalmers, Thomas, 229. Chambers, Robert, 22