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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. You can also browse the collection for James Buchanan or search for James Buchanan in all documents.

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ns of a lifetime. In Virginia alone was there any official exhibition of sympathy with South Carolina in her self-invoked peril; and she sent a commissioner Benjamin Watkins Leigh. to that State rather to indicate her fraternal regard than to proffer any substantial assistance. There was some windy talk of opposing by force the passage of a Federal army southward through the Old Dominion on an errand of subjugation; and her Governor, John Floyd, father of the late John B. Floyd, Mr. Buchanan's Secretary of War. in his annual Message, said something implying such a purpose. Ex-Governor Troup, of Georgia, and a few other doctrinaires of the extreme State Rights school, muttered some words of sympathy with the Nullifiers, about to be crushed under the iron heel of Federal power — some vague protest against Consolidation; but that was all. Had it become necessary to call for volunteers to assert and maintain the National authority on the soil of the perverse State, they would do
ected — Yeas 95, Nays 121. But, finally, a proposition that the petition and all motions regarding it be laid on the table was carried — Yeas 140; Nays 76. Mr. Buchanan January 11, 1836. presented a memorial of the Cain (Pennsylvania) quarterly meeting of Friends, asking for the same in substance as the above. Though opposedle obstacles to such a reference, he would move that the memorial be read, and that the prayer of the memorialists be rejected. The question being demanded on Mr. Buchanan's motion, it was carried by the decisive vote of 34 to 6. Mr. Morris, of Ohio, soon after presented similar memorials from his State; whereupon Mr. Calhoun Southern senators, Mr. Calhoun's motion to reject was defeated by a vote to receive the petition — Yeas 35, Nays 10, as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Benton, Brown, Buchanan, Clay, Clayton, Crittenden, Davis, Ewing of Illinois, Ewing of Ohio, Goldsborough, Grundy, Hendricks, Hill, Hubbard, Kent, King of Alabama, King of Georgia, Knig<
otiation as a means of effecting the end proposed: and this was carried by 27 Yeas, to 25 Nays — the Nays all Whigs. The measure, as thus amended, passed the Senate by Yeas 27--all the Democrats present and three Whigs, of whom two thereupon turned Democrats — to 25 Nays — all Whigs; On the final vote in the Senate, the Yeas--for the Proposition as amended — were as follows — the names in italics being those of Whigs: Messrs. Allen, Ashley, Atchison, Atherton, Bagby, Benton, Breese, Buchanan, Colquitt, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield, Hannegan, Haywood, Henderson, Huger, Johnson, Lewis, McDuffie, Merrick, Niles, Semple. Sevier, Sturgeon, Tappan, Walker, Woodbury--27. The Nays--against the proposed Annexation — were : Messrs. Archer, Barrow, Bates, Bayard, Berrien, Choate, Clayton, Crittenden, Dayton, Evans, Foster, Francis, huntington, Jarnagin, Mangum, Miller, Morehead, Pearce, Phelps, Porter, Rives, Simmons, Upham, White, Woodbridge--25. Yeas: From Free States, 13;
m Free States, with all the Democrats, and all but 8, as aforesaid, of the Whigs, from Slave States). As the Court was then constituted, there was little room for doubt that its award would have been favorable to Slavery Extension; hence this vote. Mr. Clayton's Compromise, thus defeated, was never revived. The Democratic National Convention for 1848 assembled at Baltimore on the 22d of May. Gen. Lewis Cass, of Michigan, received 125 votes for President on the first ballot, to 55 for James Buchanan, 53 for Levi Woodbury, 9 for John C. Calhoun, 6 for Gen. Worth, and 3 for Geo. M. Dallas. On the fourth ballot, Gen. Cass had 179 to 75 for all others, and was declared nominated. Gen. William O. Butler, of Kentucky, received 114 votes for Vice-President on the first ballot, and was unanimously nominated on the third. Two delegations from New York presenting themselves to this Convention — that of the Free Soilers, Radicals, or Barnburners, whose leader was Samuel Young, and that of th
presumed interests, of Human Slavery. In the Democratic National Convention, on the first ballot for a Presidential candidate, Gen. Cass received 117 votes, Mr. Buchanan 93, and there were 78 scattered among eight others, of whom Gov. Marcy and Mr. Douglas were foremost. On the third ballot, Gen. Cass received 119; but he thenen gradually, was 92; while Gen. Cass's had settled to 33. On the next ballot, Mr. Douglas for the first time fell off; the result announced being — Douglas 92; Buchanan 83; Cass 64; all others 53. On the thirty-third, Gen. Cass ran up again to 123; and on the thirty-fifth to 131, which was his highest--Mr. Douglas dropping to 6 up to 30 on the next; fell back to 29 on the following; and there stood till the forty-sixth, when he received 44; while Gov. Marcy received 97; Gen. Cass 78; Mr. Buchanan 28; and Mr. Douglas 32, with 8 scattering. On the forty-eighth, Gen. Pierce received 55, and on the next 232 votes-being all that were cast but six--and was d
for Presidential candidate were cast, for James Buchanan, 135; Pierce, 122; Douglas, 33; Cass, 5. Buchanan gained pretty steadily, and Pierce lost; so that, on the ninth ballot, the vote stood: BuchBuchanan, 147; Pierce, 87; Douglas, 56; Cass, 7. On the sixteenth, Mr. Buchanan had 168; Mr. Douglas, 1Mr. Buchanan had 168; Mr. Douglas, 121. And, on the seventeenth, Mr. Buchanan received the whole number, 296 votes, and was nominated. Mr. Buchanan received the whole number, 296 votes, and was nominated. On the first ballot for Vice-President, John A. Quitman, of Mississippi, received the highest vote-d by the Democrats, rendering the election of Buchanan and Breckinridge a moral certainty. In despi--giving Gen. Fremont 114 electoral votes. Mr. Buchanan carried Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Indiana, ,341,264; and Mr. Fillmore 874,534: so that Mr. Buchanan, though he had a very decided plurality, laecessarily attracted the early attention of Mr. Buchanan's Administration. John W. Geary — the thirnn Boyd, of Kentucky, was elected Speaker. Mr. Buchanan, in his Annual, as also in a Special Messag[2 more...]
Xviii. The Dred Scott case. Views of President Buchanan Chief Justice Taney Judge Wayne Judge Nelson Judge Grier Judge Daniel Judge Campbell Judge Catron Col. Benton Wm. L. Yancey Daniel Webster Judge McLean Judge Curtis. Dred Scott, a negro, was, previously to 1834, held as a slave in Missouri by Dr. Emd, either by nature or attainments, for judicial eminence. The decision and opinions of this Court, in the case of Dred Scott, had not been made public when Mr. Buchanan was inaugurated; March 4th, 1857. but that gentleman had undoubtedly been favored with a private intimation of their scope and bearing: hence the following f Popular Sovereignty; and it was to this complexion it had come at last; and it was of this judgment, just about to be proclaimed to an astounded people, that Mr. Buchanan, in his Inaugural aforesaid, says: The whole territorial question being thus settled upon the principle of Popular Sovereignty — a principle as ancient as
William Walker and the regeneration of Central America Mr. Buchanan on Cuba Democratic National resolve of 1860 respectingte, Dated Washington, August 16, 1854. directed Messrs. James Buchanan, John Y. Mason, and Pierre Soule, our Embassadors followers, bringing him to New-York as a prisoner. President Buchanan, by Special Message to Congress, January 7, 1858.th, the Democratic National Convention, which nominated Mr. Buchanan at Cincinnati, unanimously adopted the following: MaHon. Albert G. Brown, Senator from Mississippi, visited Mr. Buchanan at Lancaster soon after his nomination for President inaccount of his interview, mainly devoted to a report of Mr. Buchanan's sayings on that occasion. Of these, the material por After thus speaking of Kansas and the Slavery issue, Mr. Buchanan passed to our foreign policy. He approved, in general eloved country. After the formal interview was over, Mr. Buchanan said playfully, but in the presence of the whole audien
from Baltimore and Washington, announcing the outbreak, at Harper's Ferry, of a conspiracy of Abolitionists and negroes, having for its object the devastation and ruin of the South, and the massacre of her white inhabitants. A report that President Buchanan had been proclaimed Emperor and Autocrat of the North American continent, and had quietly arrested and imprisoned all the members of Congress and Judges of the Supreme Court, by way of strengthening his usurpation, would not have seemed mor the Territory to prevent his raising a hue-and-cry for rescue. A furious excitement throughout Western Missouri inevitably followed. The Governor offered a reward of three thousand dollars for the arrest of Brown, on his part; to which President Buchanan added two hundred and fifty dollars. It was reported that the slave population of the two adjacent Missouri counties was diminished from five hundred to fifty within a few weeks, mainly by removal for sale. The more moderate Free-State men
esentatives the already invincible strength of the Democracy. The Opposition was utterly power-less against this surge; but what they dare hardly undertake, Mr. Buchanan was able to effect. By his utterly indefensible attempt to enforce the Lecompton Constitution upon Kansas, in glaring contradiction to his smooth and voluble ,000 Democratic votes were scattered and lost, in obedience to directions from Washington--Mr. Douglas's apprehended return being exceedingly distasteful to President Buchanan. The Elections of 1859 were not especially significant, save that, in New York, what remained of the American party, instead of nominating a State tickivocation and no doubt in the popular mind as to what our principles are. Mr. Payne, on the other side, quoted at length from the Cincinnati platform, from Mr. Buchanan's letter of acceptance, and from speeches of Howell Cobb, John C. Breckinridge, James L. Orr, A. H. Stephens, Judah P. Benjamin, James A. Bayard, James M. Maso