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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 6: siege of Knoxville.--operations on the coasts of the Carolinas and Georgia. (search)
ance of Armstrong's. The man and dog, in front, are on the bastion where the principal assault was made. The stumps to which the wires mentioned in the text were attached, and some of the net-work, was yet there when the sketch was made. ground, in an entangling net-work that would trip and confuse a storming party. The armament of the fort consisted of four 20-pounder Parrott guns, forming the battery of Lieutenant Benjamin, Burnside's chief of artillery; four light 12-pounders, forming Buckley's battery, and two three-inch guns. All that was done by Longstreet on the night of the attack was to drive in the National advance, and seize and hold the rifle-pits. Just after six o'clock the next morning Nov. 29, 1863. he opened a furious cannonade from his batteries in advance of Armstrong's. This was answered by Roemer's battery, on College Hill, and was soon followed by a tremendous yell from the Confederates, as they rushed forward at the double-quick to storm the fort. The
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
han, in command of the Confederate frontier cavalry, had been flanked, but he moved on a parallel line to Marion, where Gillem fell upon and routed him Dec. 16. and chased him thirty miles into Wytheville. That place Gillem captured at dusk the same evening, with two hundred men, eight guns, and a valuable wagon-train. After destroying Wytheville, and stores there, and the railway for some distance, Gillem returned to Mount Airy, from which place Stoneman had sent out a brigade under Colonel Buckley, to destroy lead mines in that region, which that officer accomplished, after driving off Vaughan, who was there. Stoneman now started Dec. 17, 1864. to destroy the great salt-works already mentioned. On the way, Burbridge, in the advance, met and fought Breckinridge near Marion, nearly all one day. Gillem approached from another point to cut the foe off from the salt-works, when Breckinridge, taking counsel of prudence, withdrew and retired over the mountains into North Carolina. S
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Laughter in New Hampshire. (search)
nces of the droll Doctor, who is, we take it, like one of the old-fashioned quacks who, in other days, were wont to dispense mercury and merriment from a stage at country fairs. We give the Doctor this publicity because we cannot sufficiently admire his pluck in being jolly under circumstances which would have daunted Mark Tapley himself. We must add that we give him credit, too, for an exceeding ingenuity at discovering new materials for laughter in the nigger; for we really thought that Buckley and the rest of the lampblack boys had exhausted the fountain of sable farce. If any of our readers are laboring under that green-and-yellow complaint called melancholy, we cordially recommend them to send fifty cents, and a few locks of their hair, to the New Hampshire Paracelsus. He is death on gloom, as other accomplished quacks have been death on fits. He is a walking, grinning, giggling, cacchinating, tittering, smiling proof of the excellence of his own theory, and the infallibil
cCook's divisions were engaged later, but not less earnestly. Advancing across a ravine, McCook's right and center were immediately attacked in force; but the steady valor of Rousseau's brigade prevailed, and their assailants, recoiling, were pursued nearly a mile; when they were reenforced and rallied among the tents whence McClernand's left had been so hurriedly driven the previous morning. Two of his guns, being now turned against us by the enemy, were finally captured by a charge of Col. Buckley's 5th Kentucky ; while McClernand's headquarters were retaken by Rousseau, who, impetuously pursuing across a level field, opened too wide a gap between his right and Gen. Crittenden's division, which was filled by Col. Willich's regiment advancing, under a deadly fire of sell, shot, and musketry, to its support; rushing up for a bayonet-charge to within 200 yards of the enemy's line, when the latter gave way, and the regiment was deployed in line of battle to give them a hastening volley
hoburne, who had been ordered into the woods on the left, was now ordered down to the right, entering the open field with a loud shout. My entire force was now in position. On our right was the Seventh Indiana, Col. Gavin, Twenty-ninth Ohio, Col. Buckley, Seventh Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Creighton, Fifth Ohio, Col. Dunning, First Virginia, Col. Thoburne, with sections of Captains Clark's and Huntington's batteries. On our left, the key of the position, was a company of the Fifth and one of the Sixpinion, braver, more determined and willing men never entered a battle-field. Gen. Carroll distinguished himself by his coolness and dashing bravery. Upon him I relied, and was not disappointed. For heroic gallantry I will place Col. Gavin, Col. Buckley, Lieut.-Col. Creighton, Col. Dunning, Col. Thoburne, Col. Candy, and Lieut.-Col. Hayward beside the bravest men of the United States army. The line officers of the different regiments discharged their duty nobly, and deserve special mention b
ived from and returned the enemy a most galling fire. I annex a report of the casualties of the day, showing the total loss of my brigade. In conclusion I would say that, so far as I am at present informed, my officers, commissioned and non-commissioned, nobly performed their duties; and it might, therefore, be invidious to particularize. Still, in justice to the gallant dead, who have devoted their lives to their country, I must record the names of Capt. Brewster, of the First, and Capt. Buckley, of the Third; also, Second Lieut. Howell, of the Third, all officers of distinguished merit. These officers fought under my eye. As regards the conduct of the Second and Fourth regiments' officers, I am told that it was all that could be desired. But these regiments having been taken from me, I did not see them during the action. It is eminently due to my staff-officers to say that they carried out my orders intelligently and promptly, and did not hesitate, and were often exposed
ay, not in confusion, but in steady line, delivering their fire as they fell back, step by step, to the shelter of the batteries. Quick as lightning our guns now belched forth from the summits of the hills above. Shell and shrapnel, canister and case, whichever came readiest to hand in the ammunition-chests, were hurled at the serried ranks of the rebels. Our gunners could distinctly see the swathes which their missiles cut in those regiments advancing in solid mass. Benjamin, Roemer, Buckley, Gettings, Henshaw, all had full play upon the foe with their pet guns. As might be expected, the rebels gave way under this severe fire, but in admirable order, and, falling back again to the cover of the timber, which, in addition, was beyond ordinary range, made their disposition for the renewal of the attack. Heretofore they had fought without artillery. They now brought three batteries into position, and opened from the tops of the knolls, while the infantry deployed upon our flan
s but few parallels in the annals of warfare. Balaklava was scarcely more terrible. Stunned for a moment by the torrent of canister and lead poured upon them by Buckley's First Rhode Island battery and our line of musketry, on they came. Again and again, the deadly missiles shattered their torn and mangled columns. Their march ead outnumbered us, for not more than three hundred of our force participated in the defence of Fort Sanders. Benjamin, of the Third United States artillery, and Buckley, of the First Rhode battery, were foremost in acts of daring and gallantry. General Ferrero, who has never left the fort since Longstreet's appearance before it,l, to cover the road leading to Knoxville, to arrest and detain all stragglers from their commands; and another, of eighteen men, to assist in working the guns of Buckley's battery. I had thus under one hundred men available for fighting duty, should my command have been called into active contact with the enemy. Here I remained
f the Sixty-ninth, most ably and daringly supporting his Colonel, fell severely wounded, but I trust and pray not fatally; for never was there a truer heart, never was there a bolder arm, never was there a brighter or sounder brain. It is impossible, however, for me to enumerate, in the terms of affectionate appreciation I desire, and which they deserve, the losses which the brigade has incurred. Hereafter, should an opportunity be afforded me, I shall write and speak of such men as Lieutenants Buckley and Birmingham-men who on that day, at Fredericksburgh, most worthily supplied the place of the officers who fell on the battlefields before Richmond, and in the great repulse of the rebels at Antietam. Looking along the ranks of the Eighty-eighth New-York volunteers, as I did with a mournful pride, the day after the assault, I missed, besides Major William Horgan, Lieut. Thomas Murphy, Adjutant John R. Young, and Lieut. McCarthy; and the only consolation to me in the contemplation
Doc. 64.-fight near Lebanon, Tennessee. Report of Colonel Charles Anderson. headquarters Ninety-Third regiment O. V. I., Dec. 6. Captain William Morgan, A. A.G., Fourth Brigade, Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, Department of Cumberland: sir: In obedience to the order of Col. Buckley, commanding Fourteenth brigade, delivered this afternoon, and devolving upon me the defence of the forage-train, I halted my command at about three o'clock, parallel and close to the rear. Whilst waiting in this position for the train to move on, upon the top of a hill, a little west of the Franklin and Lebanon road, south-west from the house of Mr.----, and above that of Mr.----, I saw a number of the enemy on foot, led by three horsemen, rushing down the valley, which lies to the north of my position, in a westerly direction. They made great clamor by shouting, and their purpose evidently was to intercept the train in its march homeward, upon the slope of the hill, and at the bend o