Browsing named entities in William A. Crafts, Life of Ulysses S. Grant: His Boyhood, Campaigns, and Services, Military and Civil.. You can also browse the collection for Buckner or search for Buckner in all documents.

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ucky to prevent reinforcements being sent from Columbus to Buckner at Bowling Green. There was no engagement, but the objectccomplished, for the rebels did not send reinforcements to Buckner; and General Thomas defeated the enemy at Mill Spring, eas as many troops as they could crowd into two steamers; and Buckner, the third in rank, was left to perform the disagreeable duty of surrendering. Buckner sent a messenger to General Grant, proposing an armistice and the appointment of commissioners cepted. I propose to move immediately upon your works. Buckner styled the terms ungenerous and unchivalrous, but he was cing in proper magnanimity. He rode to the headquarters of Buckner, who was a cadet with him at West Point, and allowed honorable terms to the prisoners, as Buckner himself voluntarily declared to his own soldiers. But in doing this he yielded no re country, and received its gratitude. His prompt reply to Buckner gave to his initials the popular name of unconditional sur
sual animation. And that was a fair general statement of his style of campaign. Among those who early appreciated, if they did not do full justice to Grant's capacity, was Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, secretary of war, who thoroughly believed in Grant's strategy of seeking out the enemy and striking him. In a public announcement of the victory at Fort Donelson, he said that the true organization of victory and military combination to end this war was declared by General Grant's message to General Buckner: I propose to move immediately on your works. Possibly the implied rebuke to certain other commanders, contained in this, served to add to the prejudice of some against Grant. Mr. Stanton, however, never saw reason to change his estimate of Grant, and gave him the heartiest support through the war, till out of their official relations arose a cordial friendship. General Sherman was another who was not slow to appreciate Grant's merits. He was in command at Cairo when the battle o